Change the legal grounds of permanent residency for doctoral students and other researchers in Sweden
I am affected by it; also indirectly by loosing my colleagues from for example Pakistan/China/Ecuador who are brilliant researchers and with whom we have great collaboration with. Even though I did not invest in housing, my colleagues from non-EU did make that commitment and I find it very unfair and embarrassing that they were marginalized when this decision was taken. This law needs correction.Alexander Dürr (Lund, 2021-09-06)
Det är uppenbart att de som har utvärderat detta förslag ifrån migrationsverket inte har tagit sig tiden att se över hur det fungerar ute i verkligheten utan endast valt att genomföra en regel som hjälper de att ta snabba beslut. För att minska på deras oändligt långa väntetid genom att ha lättare för att neka folk.Linus Wikström (Borås, 2021-09-06)
In case if the contract of 18 months takes effect, then it is nothing than a joke to mention providing permanent residence to doctoral students. Doctoral studies in Sweden would go for 5 years usually and after that you might be offered many varying positions such as one year post-docs. This rule does not make any sense and to my knowledge it is just disturbing all the professional doctoral students and researchers!Alireza Mahmoudi Kamelabad (Stockholm, 2021-09-06)
I am a PhD student highly and negatively affected by the changes in the policyElizaveta Kopacheva (Växjö, 2021-09-06)
I sign because I am a researcher in Sweden and my topic of study is predominantly carried out in Sweden.Anders Johnson (Kalmar, 2021-09-06)
Alla människor bör ha rätt till fri rörlighet.Hampus Åström (Lund, 2021-09-06)
It has affected my life in different aspects. I don't know if I can stay in Sweden or not. I wanted to buy a house and have a stable life. Now I stopped having any plan. It also affected my personal relationship since I have no idea where I will end up in the future. It is not a good treat with scientists! society should appreciate us, not threatening us to be kicked out if we can not have a permanent contract after Ph.D! Who can have it? I have not seen even a swidish person around me to be able to have a permanent contract immediately after finishing Ph.D!shiva emami (Lund, 2021-09-06)
I am a researcher, and I plan to stay in Sweden and contribute to Sweden if I can get the permmanent residence permit after stay 4 years later.Zhixue Du (stockholm, 2021-09-06)
People who made the change does not understand the situation of employment in the academic field. Many position only get 12-month contract, not because the position will only last for one year, but the budget of funding is planned yearly.Ke Zhang (Uppsala, 2021-09-06)
Jag känner mig diskriminerad när jag var doktorand och betalade skatt och bidrog så mycket till samhälle och ändå kunde inte ha en permanent uppehållstillstånd. Det gjorde att jag kunde inte resa hemma och besöka min familjen och inte hellre resa till akademin konferenser eller till fält arbetet. Detta för att Migrationsverket tog jätte lång tid att bevilja varje gång min visa så att jag var många gånger utan visum.Ana Maria Vargas (Malmö, 2021-09-06)
Jag har några kompisar som är phd studenter och påverkar av den här regelnRaheleh Masoumi (Täby, 2021-09-06)
I am affected.Sami Rahman (uppsala, 2021-09-06)
I am a foreign phd student in theoretical physics. I choose to study in Sweden because Sweden has has a very attractive international academic reputation. The new law will affect my future plan together with many other foreign colleagues.Di AN (Uppsala, 2021-09-06)
The new law affects my stay in Sweden after I finish my PhD studies. It is almost impossible to get an 18 months contract even before I finish my PhD. This may lead me to look for better opportunities in other countries that are very welcoming towards people with PhD degrees.Shahriar Hasan (Västerås, 2021-09-07)
De rättsliga grunderna bör förändrasMaria Owiredu (Killeberg, 2021-09-07)
Solidaritet och anti-rasism.Christoffer Smitz (Stockholm, 2021-09-07)
Utbildade forskare kan vara med och driva utvecklingen av Sverige framåt, det ligger i vårt intresse att se till så att dessa människor kan stanna kvar och verka här.Karolina Larsson (Falkenberg, 2021-09-07)
Sverige behöver göra allt för att behålla högutbildad arbetskraft här. MiV har genom sin tolkning bidragit till att, i ett slag, drastiskt minska Sveriges attraktionskraft som internationell kunskaps- och forskarnation.Åsa Thormählen (Lund, 2021-09-07)
This reform seriously compromises Sweden's capacity to produce valuable scientific knowledge.Alvar Gonzalez (Göteborg, 2021-09-07)
The requirements are not compatible with doctoral studies, advanced temporary positions in academia, industry or culture. Hindering the most competent and neccessary knowledge providers in cuttting-edge research, etc. to meet the new requirements is not only short-sighted populism, it is directly counterproductiveJonatan Habib Engqvist (Stockholm, 2021-09-07)
Stödja en god sak, politikerna verkar inte förstå att de gräver en egen snubbelgrop..Ida Andersson (Skellefteå, 2021-09-07)
I benefit from my international colleagues and would hate to lose themLinnea Luckhaus (Stockholm, 2021-09-07)