Change the legal grounds of permanent residency for doctoral students and other researchers in Sweden



Vi har gjort det omöjligt för människor att arbeta för gemensamma mål. Både när det gäller utbildning, forskning och livet.

Christina Lindsjö (Lund, 2021-09-30)


Det är helt vansinnigt att försvåra för högkvalificerad arbetskraft att etablera sig i Sverige.

Martin Karp (Stockholm, 2021-09-30)


Det är mina kollegor det gäller.

Sara Falkensjö (Göteborg, 2021-09-30)


An international working place has been absolutely invaluable for my development as a Swedish researcher. Throwing people out this way is beside being a tragic circumstance for the individual also ungrateful, wasteful and a terrible mistake for Swedish research.

Carin Fröjd (Örebro, 2021-09-30)


the doctoral students, and the researchers, due to short-term contracts in academia, do not have a chance to meet the requirements of the Swedish Migration Agency. If Sweden wants to strive for high quality research, and be visible on the academic arena worldwide, the new rule for permanent residence permit needs to be adjusted for the international researchers in academia.

Monika Malak (Göteborg, 2021-10-01)


Värna utländska doktoranders rättigheter och möjligheten att doktorera i Sverige. Det gynnar den svenska forskningen på alla sätt.

Desirée Ödén (Stockholm, 2021-10-01)


I sign because I think that international students in academia are being discriminated and not treated fair.

Philipp Pottmeier (Uppsala, 2021-10-01)


Viktigt att Sverige går internationell kompetens.

Ulla Frisk Hobro (Lund, 2021-10-01)


Jag tror att det är viktigt att man kan bor och arbeta i Sverige efter utbildning. Det är bra för båda Sverige och student.

JOAN GIKONYO (Växjö, 2021-10-01)


Vi behöver spetskompetensen

Samwel Munga (Växjö, 2021-10-01)


Låt utbildade människor få stanna i Sverige.
Och allra helst om de även har hunnit att få nära relationer.

Rose-Marie Karlsson (Stockholm, 2021-10-02)


I am signing this petition because I believe in the right of people from all over the world to contribute to science and research.

Natali Papanicolaou (Stockholm, 2021-10-02)


Detta är en superviktig fråga!

Simon Hellgren (Luleå, 2021-10-03)


Jag skriver under för att det är rätt sak att göra! Jag är emot att begränsa människors rörlighet generellt men dehär går längre. Det är ett försök att lösa ett upplevt samhällsproblem med en lösning som får långtgående konsekvenser vida utanför det initiala problemets område.

Jonas Ravelid (Lund, 2021-10-03)


I sign this petition because it is a matter of grave concern for all PhD students and early-career researchers who came to Sweden for a better life, who sacrifice each day and work towards the betterment of society.

Shahid Sattar (Kalmar, 2021-10-03)


Hoping and wishing for these unreasonable restrictions/laws and the demand of 18 months contract (from an undefined point in the future) to be withdrawn/canceled. It makes absolutely no sense and it creates conditions of stress and insecurity under which people can not thrive and contribute as otherwise.

Camilla Emilie Thomsen (Copenhagen, 2021-10-03)


I know migrationsverket decisions are inhuman mostly. They like cheater and ruined hard worker.

Bilal Ahmed (Malmö, 2021-10-03)


I sign because I have started my PhD studies in 2020. I am a non EU citizen and I wish to settle down in Sweden with my family. The change in immigration law on July 2021 leaves my future in uncertainty and creates more anxiety.

Karthikeyan Thalavai Pandian (Trollhättan, 2021-10-04)


I am an American doctoral student in Sweden, and would love to continue researching in Sweden after I graduate. This law will make that substantially more difficult and stressful.

John Hader (Solna, 2021-10-04)


I am a non-European PhD candidate at the Department of Economics.

Shayan Meskinimood (Lund, 2021-10-04)


It is a lot of taxpayers money that will be wasted when the PhD gone and don't have a chance to contribute to the countries economy.

Maxim Galkin (Uppsala, 2021-10-04)


En mycket märklig förändring!
Jag vill att vi uppmuntrar forskare att stanna i Sverige och bidra med vår utveckling!

Helena Sköld (Jönköping, 2021-10-04)


I choose Sweden to do my PhD because of permanant residenceship. But now I am feeling like they just cheat with this new policy. This is not fare.

Israt Jahan Mukti (LUND, 2021-10-04)


The new law affects the doctoral students and researchers too bad. While other employees in industry, can get into permanent residence due to their type of contract, the doctoral students and researchers are pushed into a loop of temperory residence permit extensions which makes the doctoral students and researchers unnecessarily stressed out. Given the current processing times for visas, they will be unable to predict anything in future but hold their life plans yearly until new temperory residence permit cards are granted each year. Who will inturn try to bear this stress and continue in academia, mental stability and unstressed mindset is a key for anyone wishing a research career. So this creates the environment for PhD students in their last stages to leave academia without completing their PhDs into industry, licentiate graduates to look into industrial positions without looking into PhD, post-doc researchers to leave academia and get into industry positions and also new competitively top skilled candidate researchers/PhD students who are aware of this change not to start their careers in Sweden but look for elsewhere. We should understand how the global standards of academia contracts behave too before unnecessarily harmful/unintented laws are brought upon.

Also, it is very important understand the importance of academia for research work. It plays the most vital role in inventing the cutting edge solutions. Not only that, the industry in Sweden is heavily relied on academia research. One main reason for increased colloboration within academia and industry is due to this. We should understand that both academic and industrial research are equally important and mutually benifited pillars. If one is suppressed, the other too eventually will get hurt.

The current doctoral students and researchers have accepted the job offers under different conditions for permanent residence, it is a main factor that almost all third country high skilled research labour takes into account.
Also mainly, it highly impacts the attractiveness of Sweden as a research nation. Sweden been the 2nd most innovative country in the world, has also come up with the enomorous contributions of these researchers, their patents, innovations etc...
This new law interpretation as 18 months disregards how the academia funding and contracts work not only in Sweden, but in the whole global standards. Also, the definitiion brought upon as 18 months at the time of examination of application is heavily uncertain to predict since the processing times can be way too higher, changes case by case and is not standard/common framework for all applicants.

If it is suggested that this is to create more stable long term employment for researchers, it cant be accepted since no other support for the employers, legislation were brought into the parliament with respect to those. If the intention was such, that should have been the first move. Just changing the migration law does not make it achievable, but just stresses out the long partnered reasearch community in Sweden.

Infact, it is quite obvious that these harmful repercussions were not predicted and are unitended when the law was brought upon. Therefore its utterly needed to make changes to the legislation to correct these/make suitable exemption provisions for these affected categories.
*The above is an opinion, and is open to be argued. Apologies if any incorrect/half correct wordings/interpretations were wrote. And all those corrections are highly appreciated and accepted on top of the opinion.

Charitha Madapatha (Gothenburg, 2021-10-05)


Jag vill stötta mina doktorandkollegor som drabbas av detta beslut och hoppas på en ändring.

Katarina Karlsson (Karlstad, 2021-10-05)


Thank you for your efforts in protecting non-EU doctoral students like myself. I hope to stay in Sweden and give back to Swedish society with the knowledge I will have gained at Swedish university (6 years worth of it, by the time I complete my PhD!).

Emma Shachat (Malmö, 2021-10-05)


I think this change in the rule is unfair and will have long term consequences for Swedish Scientific society.

Ashish Kawale (Gothenburg, 2021-10-05)


Att sparka ut forskare, som vi betalat utbildning för i fyra till fem år, är inte bara en tragedi för doktoranderna utan för hela samhället. Det är ett vårdslöst slöseri med offentliga medel. Inom arbetsrätten finns undantag för akademin, och det borde gå att hitta motsvarande undantag inom migrationsrätten.

Thomas Vakili (Stockholm, 2021-10-06)