Change the legal grounds of permanent residency for doctoral students and other researchers in Sweden




Ignacio Cuevas (Uppsala, 2021-09-07)


It's hard to meet the requirements they are demanding. 18 months contract at the time they evaluate the application when the application may take up to two years to be reviewed? Very hard!

Viviane Forsberg (Sundsvall, 2021-09-07)


I sign because I feel doctoral student should be eligible for PR after 4 years of their studies. This new rule will discourage foreign researchers coming to Sweden.

Suraj Neelakantan (Örebro, 2021-09-07)


MV needs to fix their own issues before taking on more. Putting new laws into effect should have some transitional provisions and they fail to even do that. Also, congratulations on creating a brain drain with this new law.

JM Vasquez (Göteborg, 2021-09-07)


Vi ska göra det lättare för forskare att komma o verka i Sverige

Lars Humla (Järfälla, 2021-09-07)


Doctoral students carry out a significant part of both the teaching and research done at Swedish universities. Therefore, the new Aliens Act will have a negative impact not only on the quality of non-EU/EEA doctoral students’ academic work but also on the whole Swedish research environment. Note that the UK is no longer part of the EU/EEA.

Tove Dalenius (Leicester, 2021-09-07)


Make exceptions for doctoral students, please don’t put extra stress on them.

Haoran Yu (Lund, 2021-09-07)


I totally agree that this law will cause a drain of highly qualified people. This will affect the impulse towards facing the new research challenges for our society, and it only reflects that Sweden is closing itself to the world.

Joseph Adhemar Araoz Ramos (Stockholm, 2021-09-07)


I am signing this as I am a doktorand student who is affected by these new government measures.

Richard Deyhle Jr (Lund, 2021-09-08)


Doktorander är en mycket viktig del för vetenskapen och lusten att forska. Att försvåra för dem kan få stora konsekvenser i framtiden.

Ann Melin (Stockholm, 2021-09-08)


Nika Gvazava

Nika Gvazava (Malmö, 2021-09-08)


solidarity with my fellow PhD collegues

Angeliki Dimaki-Adolfsen (Oslo, 2021-09-08)


Jag vill behålla mina duktiga kollegor!

Karin Johansson (Hindås, 2021-09-08)


Jag ser att villkoren för doktorander behöver väsentligt förbättras. Detta är en punkt.

Jens Martin Svendsen (SEGELTORP, 2021-09-08)


I moved to Sweden for my doctoral studies and I would like to stay permanently

Victor Hugo González (Göteborg, 2021-09-08)


Doktorander och forskarutbildade är väldigt viktiga för svensk industri och svensk forskning och utbildning.

Daniel Svensson (Göteborg, 2021-09-08)


eftersom lagen är orättviss

nava rezaii (göteborg, 2021-09-08)


I am a PhD student from the USA studying in Sweden. I would like to stay in Sweden after my doctoral studies.

Henry Hansen (Karlstad, 2021-09-08)


The international researchers don't get enough time to find a job without worrying about their residence status under the new judgement. Especially with Sweden's employment system, where people are only given a probation contract in the beginning, this makes it very difficult for the researchers.

Akshi Singla (Göteborg, 2021-09-08)


It feels like a betrayal of changing the rules while we are in the middle/end of our studies. Many of non-European PhD students/researchers have decided to come to Sweden due to the long-term stability can be provided by the PR. We could have accepted other offers from different countries!

Esraa Mohamedin (42138, 2021-09-08)


Since I found it unfair and it causes a lot of stress on non EU PhD students, especially during the time they have to focus on their thesis and PhD defence.

Navid Amani (Gothenburg, 2021-09-08)


Sverige är ett litet land och vi är i starkt behov av internationell uppkoppling och utbyte

Jenny Elfsberg (Västerås, 2021-09-08)


This is unfair. There is no reason to punish PhD students.

Sanjay Kumar Sukumar (Gothenburg, 2021-09-08)


Vi behöver kompetenta doktorander och ett konkurrenskraftigt och humant system för att kunna bedriva högkvalitativ forskning

Christoffer Vannas (Göteborg, 2021-09-08)