Utvisa inte öppet homosexuella Patrick till Uganda!
He's probably going to be f*cking killed in his OWN country, for being gay, for being HIMSELF, for simply liking the same sex.No one, absolutely NO ONE should be killed or threatened because of their race, skin color or sexuality.
Have some sympathy, for f*cks sake.
(buriram, 2018-08-31)
Dette er jo uakseptabelt! Han kommer til å bli myrdet hvis dere sender ham tilbake. Vis litt menneskekjærlighet, vær så snill!(Wakefield, 2018-08-31)
please stop murdering gay people(Dallas, 2018-08-31)
Patrick riskerar att bli antingen trakasserad, skadad eller även mördad om han återvänder till Uganda. Han förtjänar att leva ett säkert liv.(Göteborg, 2018-08-31)
Ingen ska skickas till sin död(Umeå, 2018-08-31)
Dude. They'll murder him. Idk what he did, but if you send him away you're sentencing him to death. That's*****ed up. Look, I know y'all hate black people but that is*****ed up.(Ohio, 2018-08-31)
Love from your LGBT friends in the US!!!(Weston, 2018-08-31)
Ingen förtjänar att ha sitt liv i fara på grund av de människor de älskar. Lycka, säkerhet och kärleksfrihet bör vara en mänsklig rättighet för alla människor.Nobody deserves to have their life in danger because of the people they love.Happiness, safety and loving freedom should be a human right for all people.
(Querétaro, 2018-08-31)
Ska jag verkligen behöva motivera medmänsklighet?(Stockholm, 2018-08-31)
HBTQ-personer på flykt från öppet och våldsamt homofoba länder ska få asyl. Punkt.(Uppsala, 2018-08-31)
Sluta skicka HBTQ+ personer till förtryck, tortyr och död.(Göteborg, 2018-08-31)
If I can safe one life with my sign I will do it, especially if it's the life of one of my fellow LGBT+ community members who doesn't deserve to die of homophobia.(Neubeckum, 2018-08-31)
Please let him stay in Sweden! He will not be safe in Uganda!(Virginia, 2018-08-31)
No one should be forced to be sent to somewhere that will kill them. That goes for all people even my fellow LGBT people.(Scott, 2018-08-31)
Save his life!!!(Pennsylvania, 2018-08-31)
No one should be at risk of death due to their sexuality.(Strasburg, 2018-08-31)
Jeg er en homo(Hamilton South, 2018-08-31)
I don't want him to die(Freeport, 2018-08-31)