Undervisning i antikens kultur och klassisk arkeologi bör fortsätta i Helsingfors!
This - unique - lectureship is crucial to the academic integrity of the University(Cambridge, 2018-06-08)
Finland has been a leader in the study of the ancient Mediterranean for over a century. It would be a disgrace to lose this position and impact the status of the study of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. Even the Kalevala is modeled on an ancient Greek epic poem.(Cincinnati, 2018-06-08)
I support this petition, as a duty of respect towards the late Prof Patrick Magnus Bruun, a graduate of Helsinki University and later lecturer in Numismatics (1956-1972), and having myself been a Scholar at British School at Rome (1968-1970), where I enjoyed fruitful contact with Finnish Institute.(CAMBRIDGE, 2018-06-08)
Finland has an amazing tradition of study of the Classical world, including a wonderful institute in Rome. This is a key post to ensure the continuity of this lively tradition.(Cambridge, 2018-06-08)
The study of Classical Archaeology is already an important tradition and a vital link with the whole European present and future of Finland. It would be a great loss and misdeed to abolish it.(Athens, 2018-06-08)
I am signing because of the very important reasons mentioned in the petition but also because I feel strongly that universities need to coordinate their expense-cutting measures in order to secure the presence of an important field (however small) at least in one of the country's universities. If Oulu cut archaeology four years ago, Helsinki should absolutely not cut the last remaining representative of this field.(Providence, 2018-06-08)
Varsin kummallista puuhastelua, Euroopan unionissa ja Euroopassa yleensäkin arvostetaan laaja-alaista tietämystä (lue: antiikin kulttuurien ymmärtämistä), johon kulttuurimmekin rakentuu.(Espoo, 2018-06-08)
I Norden må vi ikke blive dummere end andre - det kan vi let blive hvis vi fjerner viden(København, 2018-06-09)
Antiikissa on koko länsimaisen sivistyksen pohja, ja Antiikin kulttuurin ja klassillisen arkeologian opetuksen lopettaminen on pöyristyttävä päätös.(Turku, 2018-06-09)
I'm signing because I am watching the regression of cultural sciences in the European community with concern. Preservation and advancement of cultural science is what society which sets itself in succession to Enlightenment and Humanism should come down to, not what should be abandoned.(Berlin, 2018-06-09)
The gods must have gone mad !!!(ANTALYA, 2018-06-09)
I think the field of classical archeology should proceed to be funded!(Wroclaw, 2018-06-11)
My belief is that without knowledge of our mutual history we cannot move forward in a decent humanistic way.(Långås, 2018-06-11)
Järki käteen - tieteen puolesta!!(Tampere, 2018-06-12)
Opiskelin tohtoriksi, koska minulla on vahva usko sivistykseen. Autan ihmisiä ympärilläni. Olen omaksunut tärkeimmät arvoni lukemalla antiikin kreikan kirjoja. Eläköön Platon! Kääntäkää vene ja yrittäkää hankkia Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila takaisin Suomeen.(Kuhmo, 2018-06-12)
Klassinen arkeologia kuuluu kaikkien eurooppalaisten sivistysvaltioiden yliopistojen opetusohjelmaan. Antiikin aikakautta ei opeteta enää perusteellisesti taidehistoriassa ja kuitenkin se muodostaa paitsi länsimaisen historian myös länsimaisen taidehistorian perustan, josta kaikki lähtöisin.(Helsinki, 2018-06-13)
I fully support the petition(Cambridge, 2018-06-13)
Classical studies should continue in Europe, despite the economic crisis. Europe should continue to show that culture and democracy are tightly bound to each other. Otherwise we run the risk of returning to our individual caves and to our miserable individualistic lives. Ennen vanha, Suomessa olessani, opin helposti suomea, koska minulla on ollut vahva klassilisten opintojen tausta.(Ioannina, 2018-06-13)
Classics is fundamental to humanities education.(Athens, 2018-06-13)
As a philologist I am interested in ancient civilizations(Athens, 2018-06-13)
Varje kulturnation i Europa håller sig med undervisning på akademisk nivå i antikens kultur och arkeologi. Så bör även vårt land genom sitt äldsta och främsta universitet göra.(Helsingfors, 2018-06-13)
Älkää tehkö tyhmiä päätöksiä lakkauttamalla antiikin kulttuurin ja klassisen arkeologian yliopiston lehtoraattia.(Harjavalta, 2018-06-13)
The teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki is very important and must continue!(Serres, 2018-06-13)
The teaching of the culture of classical antiquity must be one of the fundamental aspects in the education of future citizens(ATHENS, 2018-06-14)
Toufexis Giorgos(Λάρισα, 2018-06-14)
The position of Classical Archaeology is very important to every University in the world for obvious reasons!(Aghios Stefanos, 2018-06-15)
A new lector should be chosen to fill the position and continue its vital academic mission.(Athens, 2018-06-15)
Archeology needs scholars to promote this precious science(athens/athens, 2018-06-15)