Sluta sälja böcker som uppmanar till barnaga
"How to train up a child" av författarna: Michel Pearl och Debi Pearl säljs i dag av flera svenska bokförlag, som Adlibris och Bokus.
Boken uppmanar till aga och svält av barn. Här följer några citat från boken:
"If he continues to show defiance by jerking around and defending himself, or by expressing anger, wait a moment, lecture again, and again spank him until it's obvious he's totally broken."(TTUAC, p59)
"Switch him 8-10 times on his bare legs or bottom. While waiting for the pain to subside, speak calm words of rebuke. If his crying turns to a true, wounded, submissive whimper, you have conquered; he has submitted his will. If his crying is still defiant, protesting, and other than a response to pain, spank him again. If this is the first time he's come up against someone tougher than he is, it may take awhile...if you stop before he is voluntarily submissive, you have confirmed to him the value and effectiveness of a screaming protest!" (TTUAC p80)
"If you have to sit on him to spank him, then do not hesitate. And hold him there until he has surrendered. Prove that you are bigger, tougher, more patiently enduring, and are unmoved by his wailing. Defeat him totally...A general rule is to continue the disciplinary action until the child has surrendered." (TTUAC p46)
Nyligen dömdes ett amerikanskt föräldrar par till långa straff då de låtit sitt barn svälta ihjäl då de följt den här bokens "uppfostrings" metoder:
Saga Johnsson Kontakta namninsamlingens skapare
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