Avskaffa den kränkande benämningen "Taiwan, provins i Kina"



We care

(Tainan, 2018-03-13)


Taiwan is a country(ROC) which doesn't belong to People Republic of China. Please don't do stupid thing like change the name to hurt the friendship between Sweden and Taiwan.

(New Taipei City, 2018-03-13)


Taiwan är inte en del av Kina.

(Göteborg, 2018-03-13)


Jag känner väl till Taiwan och hur landet bibehållit sin värdighet och respekt trots bristen på officiellt stöd från stora delar av världssamfundet. Sveriges nya svek mot Taiwan fyller mig med skam! Ett medlöperi med Kina som i sin ryggradslöshet kan jämföras med historiens mörkaste svek.

(Göteborg, 2018-03-13)


Taiwan is Taiwan, Not China.

(Taipei, 2018-03-13)


Avskaffa den kränkande benämningen "Taiwan, provins i Kina" - 正名台灣,呼籲瑞典當局去除以「台灣,為中國之一省」為台灣國家名稱,拒絕聯手中國霸凌民主台灣 Remove the offensive term "Taiwan, Province in China"

(Pingtung, 2018-03-13)


From Taiwan but not china

(300, 2018-03-13)


I am from Taiwan, an island beside China. Taiwan is a country, with Demacrosy. China is another country and had communist. Taiwan is NOT a province of China. Please stop doing this. If I say Volvo is brand from China because Volvo was sold to a company in China. Now do you feel great?

(Hualien city, 2018-03-13)


Taiwan is an independent country. We have our own spirit, culture, politics, land and people. We are proud of our democracy. Taiwan is not part of china. I'm against it!

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is taiwan
Not another name

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is Taiwan,not ******* china!

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is Taiwan, not one of provinces in China.

(New Taipei City, 2018-03-14)


We are Taiwanese!
We are a country!

(Taichung , 2018-03-14)


Let Taiwan be Taiwan.

(Taichung, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina! 台灣不屬於中國!

(Keelung, 2018-03-14)


TAIWAN is not a part of China ! !

(Zhonghe Dist., 2018-03-14)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(New Taipei City, 2018-03-14)


You know that Taiwan is a country, but you choose to flatter China, so you do not recognize the existence of Taiwan. Why? This is not like Sweden.

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)


I am Taiwan,not China.

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)



(KAOHSIUNG, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-14)


Although Taiwan does not been seen as a country. Due to pressured by China,Taiwanese can’t said anything have benefits to ourselves even we are a liberal and democracy country.
I do think highly of those issues about Taiwan. I know a lot of people don’t recognize Taiwan as a country.But I do!

(Taichung , 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is a country

(Hualien , 2018-03-14)


I'm Taiwanese forever!!

(New Taipei City , 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is Taiwan,Not (China )Taiwan!

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)


Remove the offensive term "Taiwan, Province in China"

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is NOT a province of China

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan är en kulturellt och politisk maktapparat vitt skild från Kina så till den grad att länderna ej kan anses ha något att göra med varandra, mer än historiskt.

(Stockholm, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina! 台灣不屬於中國!

(新竹市, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is not a province of China Our voice needs to be heard!

(Taiwan, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is my country!
I’m proud of be a Taiwanese

(Keelung, 2018-03-14)


Namnändringen inte återspeglar verkligheten. En namnändring som denna kommer i min åsikt även leda till en rad oförutsedda följdproblem för Taiwaneser som lever i Sverige.

(Stockholm, 2018-03-14)



(Komica, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan(ROC) is a Country, not part of China(PRC). Please remove the offensive term "Taiwan, Province in China".Thank you very much.

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Taichung, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan är taiwan. Kina är kina. 2 helt olika länder. Inte svårare än så.

(Stockholm, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan has it's own law.And the president are selected by the people of Taiwan.China has no power over any affairs of Taiwan. It's geography location is also important to the international safety. To protect yourself,to maintain the would peace, please support us! Taiwan is not part of China!

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan isn't a province of China!

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-14)


Guide the right name and establish a country independently!!!

(Tainan city , Taiwan, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is NOT a part of China! And any country with democracy and liberty should recognize it but not kowtow to China!

(Amsterdam, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina! 台灣不屬於中國!

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)



(New York , 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is a independent country. Please remove the offensive term "Taiwan, Province in China" and learn how to respect others.

(Tainan, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan is a own state with a wonderful nature and it is a democratic state, a big different to china.

(Deggendorf, 2018-03-14)


aiwan is not a part of China.
Taiwan is a country.
Taiwan is Taiwan.
I am Taiwanese.

(Tainan, 2018-03-14)


Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan

(Taipei, 2018-03-14)


I am proud of being a Taiwanese and will always be proud of being a Taiwanese.

(Yilan, 2018-03-14)