Avskaffa den kränkande benämningen "Taiwan, provins i Kina"



I am signing because I am from TAIWAN,NOT CHINA.

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is a country
Domestic and independent, definitely not a province of China

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Because Taiwan does not belong to China.

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


We therefore appeal to the Swedish authorities to abolish the use in Sweden of the offensive term "Taiwan, province of China".

(彰化縣, 2018-03-12)


I am Taiwanese !!

(Taichung, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan never was People's Republic of China (PRC), it wasn’t happened before, I hope it’ll not happen in future. They want our land so Chinese people claim so, it’s not truth, and we have our own government. I’m secretly bagging you, please respect our country, don’t use the wrong country name with us, we’re really sad about it.

( Kaoshung, Taiwan , 2018-03-12)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(台北市, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!
Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!
Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!
Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!
Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Lyon, 2018-03-12)


In my opinion, Taiwan doesn't belong to any other country, just because it is a independent country. However, probably there are some profits in this situation, but selling "our" dignity for those benefits is the most shameful thing that will bring shortages to not only the whole country of Taiwan but Sweden.

(Hsinche, 2018-03-12)


Return our country , Taiwan, as a country here please

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


I am signing because Taiwan is a multicultural community and has our own president elected by our people, never been ruled by PRC.

(New Taipei City, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Tainan, 2018-03-12)


I cannot accept calling Taiwan to Taiwan Province of China

( Kaohsiung, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan är ett självständigt suveränt land


(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is a Country!Not a part of China,we need to respect from Sweden take us as a Country!

(Changhua , 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is not Province in China!

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-12)


I am Taiwanese. We are not a part of China.

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-12)


I am Taiwanese and not Chinese !

(Tainan, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is definitely not a part of China. We are an independent from it.

(Taipei City, 2018-03-12)


I am not Chinese

(taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!
Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!
Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!
Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Changhua, 2018-03-12)


Taiwanese need more international support to get rid of the ROC regime more quickly
Please don’t forget about us

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan No.1

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is a country

(taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is not a Province in China.
Please do respect this!

(New taipei city, 2018-03-12)


We are Taiwan. A country. Not a province in China.

(Tainan, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is a country.
Please don't help China to bully us.
Thank you.

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan doesn't belong to China!

(Taipei , 2018-03-12)



(Taiwan, 2018-03-12)


I stand for my country, Taiwan, which is a liberty and democracy nation.

(Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, 2018-03-12)


We are not part of China.
We are Taiwan.

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is my country.

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


I love Taiwan.

(Taiwan, 2018-03-12)


I am Taiwanese, thanks for your suppout.

(Taichung, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is not a part of China!

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is Taiwan.
NOT Taiwan, Province of China !!!!!!

(Taipei City, 2018-03-12)


Självklart skriver man på. Bara onödig mobbing som inte borde inträffa

(Linköpong, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is Taiwan. We are not a part of China. Please just call my country “ Taiwan” .

(Taichung, 2018-03-12)



(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina! 台灣不屬於中國

(台中, 2018-03-12)


Att beskriva Taiwan via namnbyte på detta sätt är ett ignorant, klantigt, odiplomatiskt och onödigt misstag, och inte övernsstämmande med fakta. Skärp er Sverige. Ska jag behöva skämmas för att vara svensk i Taiwan?

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


I am signing because this is unfair to Taiwanese. Taiwan is a democratic country and China not! And Taiwanese visa is also different to China, we don’t need visa to travel in most of the countries in the would, this is totally different to Chinese people! It’s definitely a wrong decision, that you supposed to change Taiwan’s nationality to China. Wise people all know and understand this truth.

(Frankfurt, 2018-03-12)