Låt blinda kattungen Kelly få leva



Blind cats can lead a full and happy life. Pls give her a chance

Heidi Williams (6 Bradshaw st middleton m24 2ag england, 2021-07-21)


I know of many blind kitties here in the US who live happy and healthy lives into their old age..Kelly deserves a good home with loving cat parents.. Please let her live!!!!

Denice Young (Edmond, 2021-07-21)


Blind cats are "special needs" cats who can live happy, healthy lives in loving homes. Would you murder a person because he or she is blind? How cruel does a person need to be to consider blindness a death sentence.

Jennifer Niemi (Nova Scotia, 2021-07-21)


Why are you killing this innocent animal? WTF is wrong with you?

Nancy Albino (Dumont, 2021-07-21)


Blind cats can live a full and wonderful life with owners who can love them and give them the care that they need.

Andrea Vargo (PHILADELPHIA, 2021-07-21)


Marianne Langlais

Marianne Langlais (Jasper, 2021-07-21)


ALL cats live by their senses. Blind cat’s and kittens are exactly like other cats. They intuitively sense their surroundings and live LONG, HAPPY, FULLY FUNCTIONAL LIVES. They DO NOT KNOW THEY ARE BLIND. To destroy a kitten that is happy and functioning is repugnant and cruel. Please do NOT KILL THIS BLIND KITTEN . Keep it inside to live it’s happy life.
Thank you !

Nancy Crock (617 Speers Ave Charleroi PA 15022, 2021-07-21)


I am horrified by this. There is a family ready and willing to give this kitten a home with love. Please respect this family and their rights and the rights of an animal to be given the right for life however imperfect this animals life is perceived to be. There are many blind animals that have fulfilling lives. Give this family the right to make their own decision which clearly they have! Be fair to this family and to Kelly the kitten and allow her to live! I am writing from the United States. This is reaching internationally and many to believe in animal rights are disgusted with Swedens decision on this. Please allow Kelly to live!

Marcia Bennett (Fairfax, 2021-07-21)



Francesca Hansen (WA, 2021-07-21)


All life is worth saving especially this one.

Claire Meade (Sarasota, 2021-07-21)


Blind cats can live a full and happy life, just like any other cat. We don’t assume that humans with disabilities have no future quality of life. Why do you think that assumption works for animals with disabilities? To euthanize simply because of a disability is cruel and inhumane.

Rachel Coggins (Slidell, 2021-07-21)


Varför avliva Kelly. Hon klarar av sitt liv som alla blinda och döva katter. Lider inte utan kommer fram av doft jud mårrhåren. Det är inte att vara förstående hur djur lever
Men ovisshet när ni bestämmer över kattliv. Skäms på Er

Elisbet Bohlinder (Gävle , 2021-07-21)


I have rescued blind kittens, they do just fine, there is no reason to kill for blindness. Euthanasia is to end suffering, Kelly is not suffering.

MONA MOTZ (COCOA, 2021-07-21)


Kelly has a loving home waiting for her. Please allow her to live a long happy life. Cats feel love and are so intelligent. Please don't destroy this precious baby!

Cathleen Krueger (The Villages, 2021-07-21)


Let Kelly live!!

Leslie Fitzgerald (Houston, 2021-07-21)


It doesn’t matter if this kitty is blind she can still have a good life. It would be cruel to put her to sleep. Even blind she’ll find her way round a house, play with toys, play with another cat.

Barbara Hanway (Farnworth , 2021-07-21)


Jag hittade den här presentationen på en albansk utländsk Facebook-grupp, delad av en amerikan. Jag är en brittisk tjej som bor i Mexiko - det betyder att världen kan se denna grymma och hjärtlösa handling. bara för att den här söta kattungen inte ser betyder det inte att hennes liv inte är värt att spara. varför du bryr dig tillräckligt för att döda ett djur som ser glad ut att leva förstår jag inte. Världen ser svenska människor som snälla och kloka, men världen kan nu se dig i ett annat ljus. Snälla gör inte det här.

Elizabeth Eaton (Brighton , 2021-07-21)


There is no reason to kill this kitten. She will do nicely as an inside kitty. Please let her live and thrive!

Patricia Keene (SCARBOROUGH, 2021-07-21)


I sign this potion because blind kitties deserve to live.

Karen Dewar (Prescott, 2021-07-21)


If the family is willing to take care and provide a safe, loving home for the cat, why would you take it away? Blind cats, especially those who are blind at such a young age, live very full lives.

Wendy Armacost (Rutherford, 2021-07-21)


I signed this petition because a lion's cat can live a happy full life. I know this from experience doing rescue here in the States I have two blind cats myself and have actually adopted out another one. They're very happy and healthy and and love to play and snuggle. Her life is worth something and she deserves to live it.

Natascha Fuller (Enterprise, 2021-07-21)


I sign this petition. I have a loving cat that became blind as a kitten. She is now 8.

Deborah Allen (Pennsylvania , 2021-07-21)


Blind kitties can live a long healthy life. They learn where things are and function like an average cat. We wouldn’t kill people for having disabilities.
Let the loving people give him a home. The world need joy, good, and passion more than ever now. Inspire us by letting this kitty thrive and inspire others as a result.

Susan Fisackerly (Mobile AL, 2021-07-21)


We don't euthanize people people who are blind, so why would you do that to an otherwise healthy kitten. It's quite simply barbaric!

Karen Parkinson (Manchester, 2021-07-21)


She can live a loving and good life. She is only blind and has all of her other senses. Please allow her to be loved.

Angela Rupp (Glen Burnie, 2021-07-21)


This is ignorance. I had a blind cat and they do everything a seeing cat does. Cats are super resourceful. It would be unconscionable to KILL someone's cat for ludicrous and unfounded logic. BE HUMANE AND COMPASSIONATE. DO NOT MURDER SOMEONE'S family member. Your logic is scary and one would think you may take the ignorance a step further and believe blind babies should be euthanized.

Marilyn G (NEW YORK, 2021-07-21)


This kitten deserves to live. Her being blind shouldn't stop that. So many people would love to adopt her. Please, please, please to not take her life. You would not euthanize a blind human being.

Susan Smith (Adelaude, 2021-07-21)


Blind Cats adapt. If someone wants this Cat as their pet who is the government to play god?

Beth McCallum (N3Y 0B2, 2021-07-21)


Any animal with a disability has just as much a right to life as one with out a disability. Let her and others like her live and go to the family's that will care for them.

Samantha Hughes (Davenport, 2021-07-21)


Every living thing has the right to live . We don’t put down blind people. Give this little one a chance to have a happy loved life

Emma Beckwith (London, 2021-07-21)


Kelly can live an active, healthy life with an adoptive family. Let it be so. Thank you.

Kim Jones (Kansas, 2021-07-21)


Give her a chance. She has done nothing wrong. If you feel the need to kill I am sure there are plenty of evil humans in your prisons. Keeping them alive is cruel. I'll take her if needed.have a heart, give her a chance she may surprise you.

Glenn Marsh (Too, 2021-07-21)


Vi har haft en halvblind katt som förlorade synen i en olycka men hon anpassade sig till det och mådde hur bra som helst, så låt Kelly leva🙏

Linda Magnusson (Vedum, 2021-07-21)


Please do not euthanise this kitten!! It is cruel. Cats can have high quality of life when blind. What an awful thing to do. Do not kill this kitten!!

Ruth Niemiec (Victoria , 2021-07-21)


As the adopter of two blind cats, I can say that it is pure ignorance to believe that blind cats don't live normal, happy lives. In fact, in my experience they are more adventuresome and outgoing than sighted cats. I know numerous other owners of blind cats who would agree. There is such a breadth of incontrovertible evidence that blind cats lead happy lives that to believe otherwise can be counted as nothing other than willful ignorance. As the descendant of a long line of Swedes whose lineage can be traced in Sweden into the 15th century, I'm quite ashamed that this is the legacy that my fatherland has chosen. Please do better.

Camilla Chuvarsky (New York, 2021-07-21)


Every kitten deserves a chance and this kitten has shown that she WANTS to live despite her disability. PLEASE allow her to live

BERNADETTE DEMARK (Sarasota, 2021-07-21)


it's wrong to kill one of God's creatures , because they are different . I pray you change and don't kill the blind kitty , She can live a long and healthy life , it is not cruel to the cat to let her live . It is in fact cruel to her family to kill her .

Darlene Agnew (London, 2021-07-21)


Man avlivar inte friska katter!!!

Rosalie Malmberg (Uddevalla , 2021-07-21)


This little cat deserves a chance

Sandra McLaren (Hamilton, 2021-07-21)


Även en blind katt kan leva ett lyckligt liv om den hålls inomhus. Det finns gott om exempel på internet av glada blinda katter

Els Van Goethem (Hasselt, 2021-07-21)


Djurvän så klart!

Caroline Wallin (Öregrund , 2021-07-21)


Please don't euthanize. Blind cats can have great lives

Maria Shazer (California, 2021-07-21)


Cats are wonderful creatures and deserve to live. You wouldn't kill a blind person?? Why do it to a cat?

Kali Summers (Loves Park, 2021-07-21)


Alla har rätt till ett liv både djur och människor.

Monica Björkeroth (Skövde, 2021-07-21)


Animals deserve a second chance!

Nicole Stone (St Paul, 2021-07-21)


Save the kitty!

Jennifer Rice (California, 2021-07-21)



Rebekah Nowak (Virginia, 2021-07-21)


you wouldn’t kill a person because they are blind. Please don’t kill this kitten. Please.

Becky Books (Eau claire, 2021-07-21)


Please do not determine how this baby's life will be because of a disability. He deserves love and happiness just as much as every other living creature on Earth does. Being blind does not equate to suffering. We as a society should never decide whether a living breathing animal should live or die. Period.

Rachel White (Woodbury NJ, 2021-07-21)


I don't speak Swedish. However, I can say with complete certainty, sure to my many years in rescue, that blind cats can enjoy healthy and happy lives and it would be a travesty to kill this kitten.

Joanne Kaufman (Florida, 2021-07-21)


You guys are sick people if you kill this innocent little life

Rachel Stevens (509 701 9085 , 2021-07-21)


Jag trodde att Sverige var ett civiliserat land. Här i Florida har vi många, många katter som lever hälsosamma och lyckliga liv i många år trots att de inte har några ögon.

Lyndha Evensen (Florida, 2021-07-21)


Please protect Kelly and save her life.

Crystal Yakel-Kuntz (Kansas , 2021-07-21)


This dear kitten can live a health and happy life, hoe6 could anyone be so heartless to want to kill her? What's next,murdering blind human children?

Thomas Surprenant (21932 Standing Rock Ave., 2021-07-21)


Please keep this sweet baby alive, she deserves a full life of love

Haley Jane (Gunn, 2021-07-21)


Blindness does not equal suffering. Special needs animals can absolutely have a happy, healthy, and thriving life. I encourage those who will make a decision on this innocent kitten’s life to please watch videos of blind cats in loving environments. I believe you will then see that they don’t know they are different. Every animal deserves a chance to live, and I’m sure the family that wants to adopt this kitten will be heartbroken if this young life is unnecessarily taken.

Christina Budd (Roanoke , 2021-07-21)


Blind cats can have safe and fulfilling lives with an owner who is willing to provide the special care they need. Please do not kill a perfectly healthy cat because of blindness, especially if someone is willing to adopt it.

Dee Rennolds (California, 2021-07-21)


Being blind does not mean the kitten is suffering, she is not in pain. End ing her life just because she is blind is beyond my understanding, many blind cats lead long, happy lives.

Jessica Langer (Missoula, 2021-07-21)


I'm signing this petition because blind cats can live full happy healthy lives.

Nicole Hallman (Iowa, 2021-07-21)


There are plenty of blind kitties living very happy and healthy lives. It is ridiculous to think that a kitten has to be put to sleep just because it can't see.

Wendy Woody (North Hollywood, 2021-07-21)


Save this kittien!

Janell Harris (California , 2021-07-21)


She can have a happy long life. Her vision doesn’t dictate her ability to live a long happy and healthy life

jenny de Anda Fast (Ms, 2021-07-21)


Blind kitty’s can live a normal life just like every other kitty. This kitten deserves to live. I’ve had blind cats before and they were happy and well loved. They loved to play and have fun just like cats who can see.

Trinity Heath (Tifton, 2021-07-21)


Blind cats can have a wonderful quality of life. To euthanize this poor kitten would be cruel

Marli Goldberg (Winnipeg , 2021-07-21)


This little kitten should absolutely be given the chance to live a full and wonderful life with her future family. Having had a kitten lose her sight due to a complication from a routine surgery, I can say that they absolutely can have a normal life without having their vision. They adapt very well and should not be put down due to the loss of their vision

John Ingorvate (Virginia, 2021-07-21)


Blind cats have a good quality of life. I own one. People are convinced she can see.

Delana Degeneffe (Georgetown , 2021-07-21)


Please spare this cat her life! Please don’t euthanize her because she’s blind!!

Kirsten Hali Wilson (New York , 2021-07-21)


There is no reason to euthanize a kitten because they are blind! I have had 2 blind kitties live well into their teenage years! And they were very happy and loved their lives

Erin Saldarini (Massachusetts, 2021-07-21)


Save him. We do not kill blind people! It is not cruel to let a blind kitty live! Let him live!

Karen E (Proe, 2021-07-21)


Both of my cats were rescues - kittens who were literally thrown over the fence in a garbage bag and left for dead. They both grow into beautiful cats who have brought joy, laughter, love and support to my life. I would like to give this sweet, innocent kitten the same chance for a beautiful life. Please reconsider the choice of euthanasia - we cat people love all cats, regardless of ability level.

Jess Bouchard (Connecticut, 2021-07-21)