Låt blinda kattungen Kelly få leva



Få berörda myndigheter att ändra sitt fullständigt felaktiga beslut!

Mikael Lagerstedt (Malmö, 2021-07-19)


Jag vet att blinda katter kan klara sig bra. Det händer att vuxna katter blir blinda, de klarar sig oxå utmärkt.

Thomas Ewert (Bergvik, 2021-07-19)


Jag tycker även blinda katter här fullt värde till att få leva

Henrik Hoffer (Trelleborg , 2021-07-19)


Eftersom kattungen kan leva ett vanligt liv så låt den leva.

Carola Renvall (Stora Sundby, 2021-07-19)


Katten har rätt till livet, veterinär och ägare skall bestämma kattens utgång

Frederik Hansen (Vellinge, 2021-07-19)


Kelly ska få leva

Sanna Arvsell (Göteborg , 2021-07-19)


Blind cats can live a full and happy life! There are many examples of this - in USA, Oskar the blind cat (and Juno), Homer blind wondercat, Pebbles the blind cat are examples that quickly come to mind!

Nancy Adams (Cincinnati, 2021-07-19)


En katt använder flera sinnen än sin syn, skärp er och se att Kelly faktiskt mår bra !

Lotta Fredriksson (Örebro, 2021-07-19)


As has been proven on social media there are many blind cats who live a full and happy life. Cats are resilient and adapt to their situation. Vision is just one of their senses and they can live a fulfilling life without it, using sound. smell and vibrations to work out their environment. Besides which you wouldn't euthanise a blind human on the basis that they could not have a good life so their is no justification on applying the same principal to a cat. Please let Kelly live her life. She does not know she is blind and has already adapted to her environment.

Jeffrey Phillips (Ashford, 2021-07-19)


Alla har rätt till ett liv.En katt har betydligt lättare än en människa att anpassa sig till ett liv som blind.

Ulla Nordholm (Vetlanda , 2021-07-19)


My Angus was blind. He lived for 15 years. He didn't know he was blind, he knew he was a cat and did cat things. Just because a cat is blind should not condemn them to death.

Denise Killen (Falkirk, 2021-07-19)


Il faut absolument sauver cet adorable chaton Etre aveugle ne l'empêchera pas de devenir un chat magnifique et heureux !

Emmanuelle Bruneteaux (La Rothière, 2021-07-19)


Avlivar man djur för en synskada så borde man börja avliva människor med synskador också. Jämnställdhet kan ha blodiga konsekvenser så tänk på vilka beslut ni stiftar. Samhällen som strävar efter jämnställdhet kan motivera invånare att ta det väldigt punktligt och direkt.

Lucy Huss (Ljungbyhed, 2021-07-19)


Att avliva ett fullt friskt djur utan ägarens tillstånd? Vad är det för sinnessjukt beslut? Länsstyrelsen har INGEN rätt att bestämma detta!!

Amanda Olander (Örebro , 2021-07-19)


Kelly är en glad, pigg och nyfiken kattunge. Hon har själv bevisat att hon orienterar sig bra och kommer att få ett fint liv i sitt väntande hem OM hon får chansen.

Kelly har för första gången blivit fri från sina besvär efter att ha fått vård och mår bättre än någonsin, precis när livet skulle få börja på riktigt hämtas hon för att dödas.

Snälla tänk om!

Kellys liv betyder något, hon vill leva ❤️

Denise Henriksen (Malmö, 2021-07-19)


Alla har rätt att leva.

Sylvia Franzén (Tomelilla , 2021-07-19)


Det är katastrof att mörda en livsglad pälsängel som vara vill bli älskad❤.

Angelica Nyberg (Malmö, 2021-07-19)


I signed this petition to save Kelly's life. Blindness is not a death sentence for a 3 month old. This is ethically wrong.

Janet Pendleton (Jamul, 2021-07-19)


Blind cats can live very fulfilling, normal lives. Cats use their senses of hearing and smell to navigate, and some have almost a psychic way of moving around. There is absolutely no reason to kill a perfectly healthy cat simply because she is blind! To imagine such a thing is to be living in the Dark Ages. Step into the 21st century and make the humane and loving choice to let this cat live. People care about her and want to take care of her for the rest of her life, which will be many happy years. Do not kill her!

Lynn Thompson (Jacksonville, 2021-07-19)


I have known of many blind cats that live out happy, healthy lives. Please don't kill an innocent kitten, especially because she has a home where they know how to take care of blind cats. Let her live. Thank you.

Laura Lovell (CT, 2021-07-19)


Please save the blind kitten

Alison Myles (15 Marketgate north, 2021-07-19)


Let Kelly live! Would you do the same to a child born blind?! No! So don't do it to a kitten ❤️ Absolutely ableist!

Kayla Van Buren (New York, 2021-07-19)


Avskyr djurplågeri vilket detta är.

Linda Hulthén (Göteborg , 2021-07-19)


Kelly deserves to live. As a parent of blind cats, I can attest that they have no problems navigating and living. We need to give blind animals more credit. Educate, do not discriminate.

Ashley Kern (DES MOINES, 2021-07-19)


A blind kitten can have a normal, happy, life just like any animal. Just like a person who is blind, they have the ability to adapt with their other senses. The kitten can hear to listen for commands from an owner. The kitten is able to smell and taste the food that is given her. She still has the ability to move around and play. You wouldn't kill a person because they are blind and 'have no quality of life.' Why is this kitten any different? There are multiple cats on the internet living happy lives. One has to simply just go to Google and see. If not, just look up Homer The Blindcat. He lived a full healthy 16 years. He only passed due to liver issues unrelated to the eyes he lost as a kitten. Let this little kitten, Kelly, live her life in the care of a person who is willing to love her as much as she will them. There are a lot of people who would be willing to adopt this little kitten and give her a happy and loving home.

Tasha Nungester (Ashville, 2021-07-19)


Katten har rätt att leva

Dan Johnsson (Landskrona , 2021-07-19)


I’m signing because those that think this kitten should be euthanized clearly have no idea of the excellent life she could have regardless of her missing her sight. Seriously - there’s someone out there for her, and if you can’t see that then maybe you haven’t done enough research. Being blind is NOT a reason to euthanize.

Jenny Hadfield (Skåne, 2021-07-19)


I am stigning this, because I know countless of cases where blind kittens, have grown up to live happy full lifes.

Jesper Birk Jensen (Rødovre, 2021-07-19)


Blind cats live full and wonderful lives. To euthanize this kitten is a crime.

Yuliana Vodickova (Missouri, 2021-07-19)


For whomever may be participating in this inhumane mindset of putting down this poor living creature, you are nothing less than the absolute WORST OF LOW LIFE SCUM THAT IS HUMANITY. To have no compassion, just shows what your government is sincerely all about, YOU INCONSIDERATE PIECES OF SHIT! If I had a place of my own (which I am both working AND going to school full time in order to have a place of my own) I would adopt this kitten in a heart beat, I have seen plenty of cats who are blind and the only thing they need is a kind human being with a huge heart, period. I pray that your government and people, burn in the worst conceivable depths of Hell.

Jordan Zarantonello (Kentwood, Michigan, 2021-07-19)


Please read Gwen Cooper's book "Homer's Odyssey". Not only did this cat live a long and happy life, but he saved Gwen's life from an intruder along the way.
Please realize the value and potential that this little kittens possesses and give life a chance.

Andrea Garon (Virginia , 2021-07-19)


Råder inget tvivel om att Kelly, det lilla levnadsglada hjärtat, ska få få njuta av allt fint hon har framför sig.
Få komma till ett tryggt hem, fyllt av kärlek, där hon får det hon behöver.
All kärlek och omtanke till Dig, Kelly! 🥰

Jenny Carlsson (Hälleforsnäs , 2021-07-19)


Varför ska man avliva en för övrigt frisk katt 🤔

Yvonne Rose'n (Laholm, 2021-07-19)


I would expect this idiotic ruling from USA where I live, not an European country where animals are generally treated better. Let Kelly Live!

Lisa Williams (NORTH CANTON, 2021-07-19)


The story of Kelly the blind kitten is being shared around the world and shows Sweden in a very poor light!
There are plenty of blind cats and other animals around the world that live healthy, happy and fulfilling lives.
Kelly was in the care of Swedish cat rescue Kattjouren and they had a forever home waiting to adopt her, so how senseless and cruel that the local government has confiscated her and she is now kept in a tiny cage with no one and nothing familiar with her, pending the court case.
Furthermore, it is very strange that the Agriculture Board of Sweden has stated a blind kitten cannot have a quality of life and should be killed….does the Agriculture Board have extensive experience with raising and caring for blind cats?
A simple google search will provide many sites with information about blind cats living wonderful lives, just as do many dogs and other animals. Animals are amazing in how they overcome obstacles and disabilities.
It is concerning and shocking that a local government has decided they know better than a caring and experienced cat rescue organization, and under the pretext of caring about the animal’s quality of life, they have taken it away from it’s familiar surroundings and those who care for it, and ignore the fact that there is even a forever home waiting to adopt Kelly. How short sighted and may I say “blind” are those who have done this!
To sentence this little kitten to death just for being blind is like something out of medieval times. A disability is not and should not be a death sentence.
It is 2021, we know better, surely Sweden knows better.
I hope that genuine compassion and decency will win the day, and that this little blind kitten will be returned quickly to Kattjouren and then given the chance to have a good life with the person(s) waiting to adopt her.
Thank you from Australia.

Tanya Urago (Perth, 2021-07-19)


En katt har många sinnen o klarar sig jätte bra som blind. Man avlivar väl inte en människa????

Jennie Nilsson (Lund, 2021-07-19)


Blind cats and kittens deserve to live. I raised a blind kitten and so have many others. They don't suffer or have diminished quality of life. This attitude you have is medieval and ill-informed. Do the right thing. Let her live.

David White (Corinth, 2021-07-19)


Pga av att det gång på gång bevisas hur skenhelig den svenska omtanken om djuren är. En blind katt, precis som en blind människa, kan klara sig hur bra som helst om rätta förutsättningar finns. Vilket det gör i detta fall. Livet är viktigare än att vara perfekt enligt norm.

Andrianna Jagaric (Örebro, 2021-07-19)


I had a blind cat that lived a normal good life

sean hall (Franklin, 2021-07-19)


This kitten can live please dont kill the kitten

Marco Valzan (Soliera , 2021-07-19)


I sign because every animal has the right to live.

Chris Hickey (Saint Joseph, 2021-07-19)


Klart att Kelly ska få leva! Allt annat vore vansinnigt. För Kelly ❤️❤️

Sofia Moström (Umeå, 2021-07-19)


Alla har rätt att få leva. O katter kan mycket väl leva utan syn. Min kompis häst är blind och det går hur bra som helst.

Marie Vielbass (Grums, 2021-07-19)


Jag skriver under, för att det beslutet är så fel

Ulrika Wallgren (Göteborg, 2021-07-19)


Finns ingen anledning att avliva en frisk katt

Jennie Vilhelmsson (Västerfärnebo, 2021-07-19)


Anser att kattungen kan få ett bra liv trots blindhet. Har sett blinda hundar leva långa bra liv. Med rätt ägare ser jag inga problem.

Britt Nilsson (Marieholm, 2021-07-19)


The fact that she has recovered so soon after an invasive surgery shows that her body is healthy and she has a strong will to carry on living. A kitten who becomes blind has more of a chance of growing and learning to adapt to being blind. There are so many blind cats in the world who are thriving and healthy.

Liza Ross (Brecon, 2021-07-19)


Kelly förtjänar att få leva! Finns inga som helst hinder för att hon skulle kunna leva ett bra liv.
Och ett liv är exakt vad det handlar om. Inte ett föremål. Inte heller om maktutövande eller paragrafrytteri.
Själv levt med en blind katt som blev 16 år gammal. Han var lycklig. Lekte, kelade, och orienterade sig utan några som helst problem.
All kärlek till lilla Kelly!

Marie Schaedla (Floragatan 7a , 2021-07-19)


Ingen människa kan bestämma att ett friskt djur ska dö grundat på sina egna högst privata åsikter. Endast medicinska underlag kan råda i sådana fall.

Mia Bond Schavon (KLIPPAN, 2021-07-19)


Kelly älskar livet. Hon är glad, leker och kelar.

Evelina Svensson Sandgren (Borås , 2021-07-19)


I had a blind cat that my husband found when he was just 6 weeks old. He was born blind and lived over 10 years, passing away from medical problems that had nothing to do with his eyes. He played, he chased flies, he loved (and was very loved) just like any other cat.
I've also worked at veterinary clinics for over 10 years and not once did I ever see a blind cat without quality of life because of their eyes. They were also active cats with great lives. Blindness should not be a death sentence.

Misti Jorges (San Antonio, 2021-07-19)


All cats deserve a chance at life, including the little blind ones!

Bryndan Bedel (San Diego, 2021-07-19)


pga katten har rätt att leva pga att katten är blind påvärkar inte det hens hälsa!!

Martina jedrysiak (landskrona, 2021-07-19)


Many blind cats can live long happy lives. If there is someone willing to take the time to care and love them, there is no reason to put them down. Putting down a kitten for no reason other than you feel it's cruel for a cat to be blind is cruel and inhumane.

Jamie Stivers (Quincy il, 2021-07-19)


Please save Kelly! She can live a normal happy life!

Anne Davis (Georgia , 2021-07-19)


I go to Blind Cat Rescue and the cats there don't know that they're blind ... all they know is they are cats. They do everything cats with sight do and probably even better. Please don't put this little baby down!!!

Alice Mashburn (Sanford, 2021-07-19)


Let her live!

The Situation of a handycapped cat is Not compareable to human in the same situation.
The can live their live almost the same way as "normal" cats

Stephan Grave (Reken, 2021-07-19)


Save kelly. Kelly can have a wonderful life

Paul Staggs (Lawrenceburg Tennessee , 2021-07-19)


Blinda katter kan leva ett fullvärdigt och gott liv! Organisationen Blind Cat Rescue i USA som enbart arbetar med blinda katter kan intyga detta!

Lena Pettersson (Landskrona , 2021-07-19)


Blind cats can live happy lives. Cats use many senses every day. This cat is loved and will have a wonderful life, how can anyone think it would be better dead?

Kathy Schlichthernlein (Arcadia , 2021-07-19)


Jag vill och tycker att kattungen Kelly har all rätt i världen att få leva vidare.

Marie Hägerbro (Linköping, 2021-07-19)


No animal should be euthanized simply because they are blind. Many pets live very long, happy lives without sight. Please do not euthanize her!!

Joyce Voletti (GRANADA HILLS, 2021-07-19)


Inte okej att ta död på en katt som har ett fint liv.

Agnes Wallberg (Göteborg, 2021-07-19)


Katten kan anpassa sig till sin situation och kan få ett bra liv trots sitt handikapp.
Hos rätt människor får den ett underbart liv.

Irene Fredriksson (Rånäs, 2021-07-19)


Because lack of vision doesn’t make a life unworthy of living. This kitten can and will lead a full and happy life if allowed.

Cassie Hauber (Hull, MA, 2021-07-19)


Blind cats can and do live long, full lives. You can look to books that have been written about it. There is even an entire rescue organization based in North Carolina that specializes in blind cats. Please let this kitten live. She is worthy of the chance at a happy life.

Matt Vacek (Ohio, 2021-07-19)


Jag tycker att det är fel beslut

Gerd Fredriksson (Anderslöv , 2021-07-19)


This kitten has every right to LIVE!!! This kitten can and will be able to live a NORMAL life being blind. The people that want to end this innocent life are Ignorant!!!

Lisa Striebel (Wisconsin, 2021-07-19)


Blind cats and indeed dogs can live full and perfectly full lives! Why would you knowingly kill an animal that has a home to go to that is willing love it! This is the inhumane act!

Jessica DeNoyelles (Mississippi , 2021-07-19)


This is a beautiful kitten who can lead an amazing life with a loving family. Would you put a child to sleep because it was Blind!!? Thousands of cats live long and fullfilled lives with no eyesight. Don't be heartless.

Charlotte Crisp (Northampton, 2021-07-19)


It is not cruel. You don't put done blind humans

GEMMA ANDREWS (PR7 3FD , 2021-07-19)


I sign this petition because I had a blind cat for many years. He lived a healthy and happy life, navigating around our home with ease, playing, and eating just like a fully sighted cat. It's cruel to think you will euthanize a cat/kitten simply because they were not born with fully functioning eyes. Please let someone adopt her rather than just throwing her life away.

Nichole Crist (Porter, 2021-07-19)


Alla har rätt till att leva

Vivica Andersen (Billesholm, 2021-07-19)


I signed this petition because.. Every animal deserve to live.. Disabled or not

Shanoya Irons (St thomas, 2021-07-19)