Låt blinda kattungen Kelly få leva
Katten lider inte och då är det helt galet att avliva den.Maria Virtanen (Norberg , 2021-07-19)
I had a 3 legged blind cat for 17 years and she had a perfectly happy life.Marie Inittel (Nancy, 2021-07-19)
Jag tycker det är fruktansvärt att avliva ett friskt djur,som endast är blind.Hur kan ni anse att det är psykiskt lidande för ett djur att vara blind.
Så länge djuret leker och är pigg och fullt frisk så finns det ingen anledning till att avliva djuret.
Camilla Larsson (Skepplanda , 2021-07-19)
Please let the kitty live! Kelly has people who love her waiting to take her home! Blind kitties live happy lives in homes of those who know how to take care of them & love them! Please, please let her live!Sherry Pennington (Kent, WA , 2021-07-19)
Vänligen låt Kelly leva blindheten är inte en anledning att döda. Jag har tre roliga blinda katter som mest är fräcka och mer aktiva än mina friska katter. Du kan lära dig mycket av dessa katter. Jag har också förlamade katter som njuter av deras liv varje dag full av glädje snälla tänk på Kelly kommer att hitta ett bra hem snälla ge Kelly chansen att leva sitt liv tack med vänliga hälsningar Elke ThaterElke Thater (Visselhövede , 2021-07-19)
Kelly förtjänar att leva trots att hon är blind.nathalie persson (Upplands Väsby, 2021-07-19)
Katter har rätt att leva trots ett handikapp.Svanhild Lindbom (Örebro , 2021-07-19)
Att avliva ett djur som redan har en familj som ska ta hand om henne är helt emot alla regler! Att dessutom domen är undertecknad av veterinärer som aldrig träffat katten är fruktansvärt. Har dessa "veterinärer" utbildning i djursjukvård kan man undra eftersom de lånar sig till att göra dessa bedömningar??Lena Sevdin-Lund (Avesta , 2021-07-19)
I have never had a blind cat, but I had a blind dog for many years. He loved his life very much. Please allow this kitten to live and know love and joy. Thank you very much.Carla Clark (Texas, 2021-07-19)
I sign because I believe that all blind cats have the right to live and play like a normal cat when they are given a good home with people that are ready to take all the special care this kitten deserves.Jeroen Bleys (Antwerpen, 2021-07-19)
Blinde katter som lever innendørs kan leve et rikt og fullverdig liv!Mai Heggem (Molde, 2021-07-19)
This little cat has a home. She’s worth living. Blind cats can deal with their fate.Heidrun Kauert (Ludwigshafen , 2021-07-19)
Cats can live quite happily with no/limited sight. She doesn't deserve to die.Eleanor Markham (Chesterfield, 2021-07-19)
Animals, especially cats who have been born blind, adapt greatly, like children do, who have been born blind. I habe a friend who has been born blind. And I habe 3 blind cats at home! This makes me so so so sad to read! Kelly and her family deserve a happy life 🥺🙏Maria Petrovic (Harsefeld, 2021-07-19)
Please let her live 🙏Blind cats adapt really quick to their new situation. She will have a great life.
Sandra Goeldner (Cologne, 2021-07-19)
Jag skriver under för jag vänar om alla djur.Alexandra Vinke (Helsingborg, 2021-07-19)
Kelly ska få ha ett fortsatt bra liv Älskade lilla katt måtte du få fortsätta ditt livLena Jönsson (Vittsjö, 2021-07-19)
Jag är helt övertygad om att blinda katter, liksom halta och enbenta hundar med bara ett framben kan leva ett fullgott liv med lite extra stöd från sin husse/matte.💗 Finns inte skäl till att avliva katten för att den är blind!!!Tina Hjerthén (Genarp, 2021-07-19)
I don't want Kelly to be killed, I blind cat can survive perfectly as a house cat, and have a happy live without any sufferLaura Solano (Madrid, 2021-07-19)
I sign this because all fur babies are worth saving. I have 18 rescued cats and 2 of them are blind. You can’t tell them from the ones that see. They all run and play, eat, potty and love being held. There’s no difference between a blind animal and a person.Paris Wright (West Grove , 2021-07-19)
Jag läst ovanstående och anser det orätt att avliva ett djur pga av ett handikapp. Huvudsaken är att katten inte har ont o i detta fall har den rätt till det fullvärdiga liv den kan få trots blindhet. Finns så många djur som har underbara liv även utan syn!Sofia Erlandsson (Kalmar, 2021-07-19)
I follow Oscar the blind cat who was an amazing cat he climbed on all the furniture and cat trees, played with the other cat in the house and made use of many toys. He walked n a leash outside. He appeared to be a happy, healthy cat, other than his blindness. His family now has Juno, who is also a blind cat, that is following in Oscar's footsteps. Just because a cat has a physical limitation does not mean its.life is worthless. This kitten has a family waiting to welcome it joyfully, and give it the best fulfilled life any cat can have. Please allow the family to adopt this beautiful blind kitten.Thank you.
Steffeny Muller (Florida, 2021-07-19)
Animals develop their other senses more when one sense has gone (just like humans) and are able to adapt perfectly. Would you kill a human because they are blind, obviously not...so why think you can do it to an animalLinda Mercorio (Cape Town, 2021-07-19)
Hon kan säkert få ett bra liv.Anita Siverskog (Västervik , 2021-07-19)
I have a blind cat myself, his name is Vink. Vink was born on the streets of Greece, but found his way to me thanks to 'Athens Stray Kitten's.Vink is a clever, happy, spoiled cat. He can keep up with his "normal" siblings or will find a way to do so. I never seen Vink jump, but he climb on our couch, table, bed etc.
I created a Instagram page to show the world Vink and his siblings. Take a look and see for yourself how Vink is doing: @blindvink
Henrieke Gansevoort (Buitenpost, 2021-07-19)
Blind cats can have a good quality of life. Don't discriminate against this beautiful, precious soul. Let her grow up and have the life she deserves.Rhonda Bitner-Attig (Williamstown, 2021-07-19)
he deserves a chance to livemaddie adams (South pasadena , 2021-07-19)
kelly the kitten will have a wonderful life as an indoor companion. Just because the kitten is blind doens't mean it effects he quality of life. I had a blind horse and she lived to a ripe old age! I've also had a deaf and a 3 legged cat that lived good happy lives. Let Kelly have a chance!tracy Bagley (Treynor, 2021-07-19)
This is not right, don't matter if they can see or missing legs they have lives they want to live. Same as a human and we all need to love them.Steve Kulis (Chicago, 2021-07-19)
I have read a book about all the adventures a blind cat had, written by his Human care giver, Gwen Cooper. Her blind cat had a long life, and had the ability to leap across a hall from the top of one piece of furniture to the top of another.Barbara Hess (Beaverton, Oregon USA, 2021-07-19)
Save the kitty. We rescue 100s here in the USA and they are loved. Knowing no other life besides being blind, they do not suffer. We do not euthanize humans for being blind, why the cat?Brooke Roberts (Florida, 2021-07-19)
This kitten should live! You don't kill blind babies do you?Kris Lacy (Tampa, 2021-07-19)
Let kitten know love and enjoy playgerry Hoffman (Cincinnati, 2021-07-19)
Cats are VERY adaptable and can live a healthy happy life blind, with 3 legs or other medical conditions. I myself have a blind cat, that I rescued when I found him hit by a car in 2007. His name is Pipi and he is still alive, happy and healthy TODAY at 15 years of age! Please give this kitty the life she deserves, she has a family that wants her! The same God creator that made you and I made this kitty. Please respect life.. her life! Thank youDawn Jacob (New Jersey , 2021-07-19)
Little Kelly is a beautiful sweet cat who deserves every chance in life to be happy and live her life to the full despite being blind.Susan Eggleton (Essex, 2021-07-19)
Det är inget skäl att avliva en katt p.g.a att den inte ser. Katten har så.många andra sinnen som vägleder dem. Hörsel, lukt, smak. Katter har enligt evidensbaserad forskning ett utomordentligt lokalsinne. Inbyggd radar. Kattens andra sinnen väger upp det blinda.Låt katten leva! Vi är väl inga barbarer?
Ann Drottberger (Hjärup, 2021-07-19)
Vi skulle väll aldrig avliva en blind människa? Alla liv är värdefullaEmilia Anjegård (Solna, 2021-07-19)
We own a blind cat he is our second one.They live a perfectly normal life, they adapt to their surroundings just like a blind person.
They know no difference if they have never known sight, ours is now 9yrs old.
Please, please give this blind kitten a chance, let it live, it knows nothing else, will lead a normal life, it deserves life ❤
Jean Shaw (HD3, West Yorkshire, 2021-07-19)
Jag skriver under för denna katt har livsglädje och kan visst få ett kanonfint liv med rätt stöd. Låt kissen få leva för tusan ♥️Lena Isaksson (Umeå, 2021-07-19)
Please allow this cat to live.Kim Halliday (Halliday, 2021-07-19)
I sign because I was the caregiver for a cat made blind by feline glaucoma. Double eye removal returned his quality of life to NORMAL. Yes, normal! He still demanded playtime, food, his teddy bear, who he carried from room to room for cuddle sessions. He found his litter box, the window ledges, chairs, beds, and his people as though fully sighted. Whiskers are amazing tools that detect obstacles through minor changes in air currents, allowing them to find their way around furniture and keep them from walking into walls.He enjoyed his life to the fullest as an indoor cat for six years, living to the age of nearly 18 years. He passed from a condition unrelated to his blindness.
It sends a terrible message to disabled persons that this council thinks that the lives of blind persons aren’t worth living. Euthanasia is NOT NECESSARY for Kelly! She will be just fine as an indoor cat with a calm and supportive home environment. Blind cats are inspiring, and provide great examples for young persons with disabilities to follow. Please don’t waste the opportunity for Kelly to lift the spirits of people in difficult situations. Life is still worth living for humans with disabilities, and the same is true for cats and dogs.
Laura Funay (Vancouver, 2021-07-19)
This beautiful kitten deserves to live. Blindness does not cause her pain. Please save this beautiful soul.Edna Bagley (GADSDEN, 2021-07-19)
I am not sure if this is where I post for the saving of the blind kitten. I hope it is. I personally have had numerous vision challenged cats. Some were blind from birth, a couple developed issues later in life. All of the adapted and led full lives. My totally blind cat was able to do everything the sighted cats did. He could even catch flies out of the air. When I brought him home; he was mature, he had my whole house mapped out in his mind within 2 hours. If I moved something I would show him. He was a wonderful loving cat. He played with toys that made noise and played with the other cats. By watching him you would have never guessed he was blind. Animals are very smart and can and will adapted in a loving home. Please rethink killing a animal just because they are challenged physically or mentally. My cats all lived long, basically "normal" lives. Please let this kitten live, all things deserve to live. Life is precious!!!!!!!!!Evelyne Nutter (Prineville, Oregon, 2021-07-19)
With a loving family, blind cats can have a wonderful life, and they add some thing very special to the lives of their owners who love them. If there is a family already waiting, please follow through and give the kitten to the family, and let nature decide whether she lives or dies. Thank you❤️Laura Agigian (CA, 2021-07-19)
We have a blind female cat that we adopted as an 11 week old kitten who had never seen the world. She is smart and you would not know she was blind to watch her move around out home. She is a pleasure to everyone who meets her.Please give this little one the petition is for a chance for a full life of love.
David Gross (Denver Colorado, 2021-07-19)
This kitten can live a full and happy life with her sight. Please let her liveBonnie Mulligan (Maryland, 2021-07-19)
Please allow this kitten to live. I had a blind cat who was happy and healthy. Would you kill a blind child just because it he/she wasn't able to see?Carol Quincy (New York, 2021-07-19)
Life is precious!Luree Dell-Bryan (Shawnigan Lake, 2021-07-19)
She deserves to live. She has a family waiting for her.melissa Cogan (WAUSEON, 2021-07-19)
I sign because there is no reason what so ever than an innocent kitten should be put to death due to a birth defect. Poor thing is blind, but can and WILL live a long and fulfilling life.Tiffany Johnson (Appleton , 2021-07-19)
I have raised 3 blind kittens who had no trouble adjusting to their surroundings they adapt by their senece of smell and feel. Killing this baby would be a crime 🤬Judy Byrd (Ca, 2021-07-19)
Please let Kelly live!!Mandy Lozano (Washington , 2021-07-19)
We have 16 cats and 4 of them are blind. There is really nothing wrong with them and honestly we think the blind ones are the happiest. They adapted their blindness with their other scences and are even able to catch a fly from the air! Ofcourse they need a safe environment but with that they can have a purfectly happy life!Stefan Lobregt (Brakel, 2021-07-19)
We have 3 totally blind cats and 2 missing one eye.They are lovely cats and do everything what a seeing cat does, and sometimes even beter such like catching flies in the air!They have the right to be alive!
Ingrid Lobregt (Brakel , 2021-07-19)
Helt fel beslut! Katten ska få leva!Marita Koskinen (Malmö, 2021-07-19)
Não ha eutanasia !Isabel Magalhães magalhaes (Magalhães , 2021-07-19)
Please, don't kill this precious little girl because she's blind! She deserves to live and be loved. Show her compassion that all living beings deserve.Ann Marie (Taylor , 2021-07-19)
This thriving cat is happy and healthy, what kind of society are you? Do you put to death blind people too? Let the kitten having a good home and life.Lisa Ockerman (Ky, 2021-07-19)
We have a blind mitten who is the light of our lives. She has an incredible quality of life. To kill Kelly would be an absolute tragedy and would deprive her of a wonderful life.Molly Pechukas (Massachusetts, 2021-07-19)
En blind katt kan fortfarande njuta av livet och bli oändligt älskad!Saska Björck (Uppsala, 2021-07-19)
Please save this sweet baby! Her life is valuable and will be a great companion for someone!!!Pamela Spong (Pennsylvania , 2021-07-19)
This kitten can have a excellent quality of life and there are people who are willing to give this kitten a home please do not kill this kittenMichelle Storace (420 Jonathan Ridge Dr , 2021-07-19)
I have had a blind cat, and received great joy and love from an animal who did not feel "different" or incapacitated in any way, Would you kill a person because of his blindness? Of course not. So why would you kill this cat? I am horrified at such a decision from the citizens of such a progressive country. Please let Blind Kitten Kelly live her life with people who love her and will care for her. Thank you.Adele Mirshak (Eagle Lake, 2021-07-19)
You would say raising a blind child was "cruel" nor would you say raising a Deaf child was "cruel". You most certainly would not kill a three month old child because they were blind or Deaf, so why would you kill a cat? The quality of life is still there. Quality of life is not dependant on sight. This sweet baby can still live a happy healthy and fulfilling life. Please research and watch videos of blind cats enjoying life like any other cat. It's a beautiful thing.Alexandra Garza (California, 2021-07-19)
Blind cats live joyful lives! Kelly deserves her life like any other cat. Please save her life!Barbara Young (Washington DC, 2021-07-19)