Kvinnligt människovärde i politiken!


/ #1

2012-03-20 16:40

I'm totally agree with the opinion. It's a disgrace to see the women with such a lure in the criminal offence and to maintain the dignity of the females. But apart from Sweden and as a member of the big European tree, do this step creates a wave across the nations where prostitution and escorting is everyday's part of life and the economy? The other aspect is do this framework could be helpful for those sex workers for a job guarantee and future upheaval? Morally and Ethically some things looks better but when comes to Reality the whole world looks naked to cover-up all the grim realities with a sustainable & dignified framework. A better and real solution is needed for the victims rather then suing, prosecuting the accusers. Everybody needs a dignified life but do governments have some solutions?