Låt blinda kattungen Kelly få leva


/ #21

2021-07-21 12:28

Whoever wrote that statement does not possess any scientific knowledge of cats' behaviour WHATSOEVER! I strongly doubt this "person" is a veterinarian. This is made-up stuff by someone who has never dealt with a real animal in his/her life. To say that a blind cat does not create bonds with his human guardian is like saying that a blind child does not recognise his mother. This is the most ignorant, uneducated statement I have ever read. This "veterinarian" has got problems relating to others and his projecting them on to a blind kitten. Shame on those following the advice of someone who is clearly mentally unstable, therefore unqualified to make such an assessment. This should be made instead by a registered animal behaviourist with an extensive experience of work with pets with disabilities. No court should seriously consider this amateur opinion by someone at SCAW. SCAW is also a paradox in a country with no animal rights recognition and with an Animal Welfare Act that is obsolete, immoral and unlawful. - Rosie Trenta (Editor-in-Chief at CanisTrigger Publishing and Animal Rights Advocate) rosie.trenta@canistriggerpublishing.com