Avskaffa den kränkande benämningen "Taiwan, provins i Kina"



Jag vill stödja demokratin Taiwan.

(Göteborg, 2018-03-15)


Taiwan is Taiwan , not part of China

(taipei, 2018-03-15)


We are Taiwanese, and we live in Taiwan. My country is named Taiwan.

(New Taipei City, 2018-03-16)


Taiwan is Taiwan, not any part of China.

(Taipei, 2018-03-16)


Remove the offensive term "Taiwan, Province in China"

We are " Taiwan " . Thanks anyway

(Tainan, 2018-03-16)


We are taiwanese not chinese

(Taipei, 2018-03-16)


Taiwan is not part of China. We have our own president. We have our own parliament. We have our own judicial system. We use different currencies. We are democratic while China is obvious not. We write in different way- we use traditional Mandarin while they use simplified one.
Taiwan is not part of China,

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-16)


Taiwan is Taiwan.
NOT a province of China,
NOT Republic of China(R.O.C.), either.

(Taichung, 2018-03-16)


I am signing for my homelands, for my freedom. For I don’t want to be a part of China ruled by such a government.

(Tainan , 2018-03-16)



(Taipei, 2018-03-16)


Taiwan is an independent country. Taiwan is not part of China. My nationality is Taiwan, not China.

(Tainan, 2018-03-16)


Taiwan is a independent country!Taiwan is a part or a province of China!This change of the text is hurting Taiwanese and may cause the letters delivered to Taiwan mistaken sent to China and information cannot successfully transformed.
I'm a Taiwanese and I proud to be a Taiwanese.Please don't make this wrong change under the depression of China.Taiwan is not a province of China.Taiwan is an independent country!

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-16)


Jag tror på mänskliga rättigheter och frihet att tycka och tänka kan vad man vill. Som svensk medborgare tycker jag att det är skamligt för ett land som Sverige som driver för mänskliga rättigheter för vissa länder men inte för andra. Taiwan är på många sätt mer demokratiskt än Sverige. Det den svenska regeringen skriver är är endast pågrund av påtryckningar fån diktaturen kina, gör ni inte vad som vi säger så blir det konsekvenser för Sverige. Att låta en diktatur som kina bestämma vad Sverige ska tycka är avskyvärt, det visar vilken okunnig och korkad regeringen vi har i Sverige.

(Ljungby , 2018-03-16)


Neither the Swedish government nor the EU, and not to mention the US, has gone so far as to call Taiwan a province of China. China's territorial claim on Taiwan is not yet accepted by the international community. The international status of Taiwan is not settled by international law, and it's rather misguided for a Swedish govt agency to unilaterally decide to recognize Taiwan as a Chinese province. Naming Taiwan as "province of China" ignores geopolitical realities. Swedish govt agencies should follow the lead of its own Ministry of Foreign Affairs and use the simple and neutral term "Taiwan", which is less politically provocative and will hopefully reduce administrative difficulties.

(Gamleby, 2018-03-16)


I am signing because I'm Taiwanese, I love my country, My country is Taiwan!

(Taipei, 2018-03-16)


I am a Taiwanese. Taiwan is NOT a part of China!!

(Taiwan, 2018-03-16)


Taiwan is a country !!

(Kaohsiung , 2018-03-16)


Vad Skatteverket i sak 'anpassar sig' till med denna 'rent administrativa åtgård' är inget annat än Kinas propagandistiska, maktpolitiska linje. Åtgärden är poänglös annat än som skymf mot en de facto demokratisk stat och dess invånare. Fy skam!

(Bålsta, 2018-03-16)


STOP BULLY TAIWANESE, Taiwan is an independence country by its own.

We know China will give you a lot of benefits if you do such thing. But you cannot ignor Taiwanese well being and help China take over Taiwanese territory, contral the goverment and change a democracy island country into a communist, no freedom of speech no human right.

TAIWAN has its own government, military, currancy and growing economy. It has been always an independence operated country. Chinese is only allow to visit Taiwan in recently years with very strick restriction.

The people on the island fear that one day China is going to take Taiwan, Taiwanese may sound small and unvaluable for you compare to Chinese. Please do not help China to take Taiwan in such easy way or you will see Taiwanese refugee flee to its neighbour countries to avoid the war. If your goverment is helping out the Syria refugees and if you feel the war that happen in the Syria
Is wrong, you should not help to creat it.

(Newcastle upon tyne, 2018-03-17)


I am signing because Taiwan is NOT a part of China!

(New Taipei, 2018-03-17)


TAIWAN is NOT a part of CHINA!!!!

(Chiayi, 2018-03-17)


Taiwan is not a province of China, neither in reality nor in the imagination of its inhabitants. It is a democratic entity that deserves our respect as a fellow democracy.

(Boston, 2018-03-17)


Ich liebe Taiwan sehr , es ist mein Heimatland!!!

(Kaousiung, 2018-03-17)


Sweden has long been regarded as a liberal country that cherished the value of democracy and respect. Your noted social welfare system is well known for caring about EACH person’s right, and believing EVERYONE has their say. We as Taiwanese, by this petition, humbly request you to keep the value you celebrate, stay on the side of democracy, kindly respect us as people from TAIWAN (as who we are), and remove the “province of China”.

(Taipei, 2018-03-17)



(New Taipei City, 2018-03-17)


Taiwan is an independent country, not a part of China

(Taipei , 2018-03-17)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

Taiwan is the territory of the United States

(new taipei city, 2018-03-17)


I'm sighing because I'm from takes

(Taichung, 2018-03-17)


Shame on you Swedish government. Your citizen Gui Minhai are under control of China yet all you do was just to condemn the Chinese government without any feasible action, and now you guys even try to make the democratic Taiwan as a part of the autocratic China. Nobel Peace Prize used to be a very respectable recognition in the world, yet all your government doing are probably destroying the reputation of that...

(Sydney, 2018-03-17)


I come from TAIWAN.

(TAINAN, 2018-03-17)


Taiwan is not China's Province.

(NEW TAIPEI, 2018-03-17)


We are Taiwan
Not Chinese Taiwan
Thank you

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-17)




(台北市, 2018-03-18)


Don't do that
We are Taiwan!
Not China!

(Taipei, 2018-03-18)


taiwan is taiwan thx

(tainan, 2018-03-18)


Everyone can't to pressure of a democracies,don't do that , we are Taiwan not China.

(TAINAN, 2018-03-18)


Avskaffa den kränkande benämningen "Taiwan, provins i Kina"

(Taipei, 2018-03-18)