Avskaffa den kränkande benämningen "Taiwan, provins i Kina"





(Kaohsiung City, 2018-03-11)


I am a Taiwanese and belong to Taiwan only.

(Tainan, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is not a part of China.

(Tainan, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan(R.O.C)and China(P.R.C) are different countries,Taiwanese are from China but after 1949,we are different government,and army,and currency,education system,Taiwan was never ruled by P.R.C,but R.O.C ever ruled China mainland from 1912 to 1949 and then 1945 received Taiwan(that time Taiwan was Japan's colony(Japan ruled Taiwan from 1895 to1945),P.R.C and R.O.C had war to each other many times but they didn't take Taiwan island .the long period,we are teached China mainland(中华人民共和国)and Taiwan (中華民國)all the things are different. P.R.C always said just one China,but R.O.C is in Taiwan is a fact,but P.R.C deny,and try to annex R.O.C.I am a Taiwan recident,we respect western countries's democracy systems,and Taiwan dedicated to this value, If all the counties deny Taiwan is R.O.C,just think Taiwan is a province of China,that mean P.R.C can use all the power destroy all the things they don't want to see, like Westen value,P.R.C want to build their Chinese value,and Taiwan must observe.P.R.C just a partisan they don't accept other's partisan ,when the day they open democracy and accept all partisan we'll be one country,before that we are different countries,but now we see the truth,P.R.C and R.O.C's common goal is further and further,so most Taiwanese choose the road we want to build a real country,we want to use Taiwan as a country name,developer our normal international status,just a few people have one China's dream,most people can see the autocratic and cruel,that is the origin of communist party of China,hope all the western counties don't give up Taiwan ,Taiwan is ruled be R.O.C but we don't want to change our government we just want to be a real country name,republic of Taiwan ,no one want to tie with China mainland(P.R.C),businessman except.

(Hsinchu, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan were part of China just exactly like Sweden were part of North Korea.

(Boulder , 2018-03-11)


I do not trust Communist China.

(Dublin, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is not China

(台北市, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is a independent country with our own government, laws and we are proud to be ourselves -Taiwanese. And we holding different passport also we use different system of Mandarin- traditional Chinese other than simplified Chinese. We strongly insisted and had our nationality to be named "Taiwanese"

(KAOHSIUNG, 2018-03-11)


I want to stand out for defending Taiwan's national dignity! We refused to be bullied by Chinese government, nor should any other countries!

(Frankfurt am Main , 2018-03-11)


I'm so sad.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is an independent country, not part of China

(Taichung, 2018-03-11)


We are Taiwanese!!!!!

(Keelung, 2018-03-11)


Not China Taiwan, it's Taiwan!

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Not China!

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


We are Taiwanese.NOt ******* Chinese!

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is not part (province) of China. This is a FACT, not an opinion. While it is true that Taiwan is in a somewhat blurred international situation, it is not a righteous deed of Swedish government to comply with the pressure from China.
I believe Sweden, as an modern European country, is capable of making good judgments between right and wrong, and know about respectfulness. Please listen to Taiwanese people's voices. We do care. Please do reconsider and stop this nonsense.

(Tainan, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan, Republic of China

(Taipei city, 2018-03-11)


I am Taiwanese!

(Tainan, 2018-03-11)


We are not China we are Taiwan!

(Borås, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan has her own president, not like the communist state named China ruled by emperor Xii.

(Tainan, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan never be a part of P.R.O.C..

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


taiwan is not china

(New York, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan (R.O.C) is a sovereign country , but we can do nothing when a strong and unfriendly neighbor keeps messing around. The only thing we Taiwan citizens can do is to express our feelings to the authorities.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


We are live at Taiwan, not at China .

(Taipei , 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is a country, no matter how China attacks us, it cannot change the true that “Taiwan is a country”!!!!

(Taipei , 2018-03-11)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is essentially an independent country, and I know you Swedish would be wise enough to do the right decision. Thank you.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


We are not Chinese

(Keelung , 2018-03-11)


Cause we are Taiwanese, not a part of China .

(Taichung , 2018-03-11)


People’s Republic of China is an authoritarian government which forbids its citizens from basic human rights. While they just amend the constitution to make an Chinese emporer not a history, please do not help China prosecute the county which enjoys democracy and respects universal values as you do.

(Yunlin , 2018-03-11)