Låt blinda kattungen Kelly få leva
Absolutely appalling. Blindness is a condition not a death sentence.Sandra Curley (Stirling , 2021-07-16)
A blind cat deserves the chance to find a loving home. Sentencing this cat to die is absolutely cruel and pointless. Please allow Kelly to go back to her owner and live a happy and full life.Mary R Hinsdale (Pennsylvania, 2021-07-16)
Let this kitten live. Heck, I will pay for her to come to the USA and live if you cannot spare her life.Jayson Shenk (Diamond, 2021-07-16)
I've owned blind cats all my life and they are just the same as any other cat, with as much love to give and as much happiness, personality and devotion as a seeing cat. There's nothing cruel about letting blind cats live, but it would be cruel to kill one just because it's not "perfect".Sarah Braes (Cardiff, 2021-07-16)
Jag har räddat och varit fosterhem åt 100tals djur och även blinda katter. Finns ingen anledning att avliva en blind kattunge. Dom kan leva fantastiska liv efteråt.Malin Sävland (Uddevalla, 2021-07-16)
Just because a cat is blind does not mean he/she can not have a good life. Many cats here in the USA are adopted that are blind and live full, happy lives. Do not destroy this kittens life, she already has a home waiting for her.Michelle Eschbach (Pennsylvania, 2021-07-16)
Jag skriver under pga att jag tycker att alla djur med handikapp även dom ska ha en chansCarina Andersson (Mariestad , 2021-07-16)
Man avlivar sjuka djur inte en frisk katt med handikapp, min katt fick grå starr när han blev gammal han klarade sig utmärkt, och led inte.christin falk (Malmö, 2021-07-16)
Vad är det trams ni håller på med!En katt klarar sej utan syn med.Den har doften o morrhåren kvar.Sen är ju denna katt älskad.Var ligger ert problem då?Raija Johansson (Gällivare, 2021-07-16)
Kelly mcclain (yoder, 2021-07-16)
Tycker Kelly har ett liv! Lika för människor o djur! Hon klarar sig!!!Klara Wickbom (Göteborg, 2021-07-16)
You got to be kidding! She is going to haven a wonderful life. Blindness Wil not stop her to find her way and have fun, feel loved.Imagine that we also kill blind people for the same reason. Ridiculous!
Kunny De wit (Vaassen , 2021-07-16)
Låt kissen levaBritt-Inger Karlsson (Kåge, 2021-07-16)
A blind cat can have a beautiful and full life. Please allow this cat the chance to live thatLucie Masselink (St Albans, 2021-07-16)
Varför skulle en blind katt med ett hem och ägare som älskar henne lida!!!! 😡😡😡😡 Med deras premisser bör vi avliva alla blind människor med... De "LIDER" ju..... Djur är betydligt mer anpassningsbara än människor är!!!!Alexandra Moden (Gislaved , 2021-07-16)
Katten har rätt att leva, det är hemskt att låta honom dö, på grund av han e blind ! Uschhhhh.July Luna (Malmö , 2021-07-16)
Klart att kattungen ska få leva.Emelie Rosén (Eskilstuna , 2021-07-16)
Please, please don't kill this sweet little kitty. Blind cats can have perfectly happy lives with good quality of life. Many people here in the US have blind kittens and they have long, happy lives with supportive loving families.Colleen McDonald (Edmonds, 2021-07-16)
Jag skriver under för att allt levande har ett liv. Ett. Sen är det slut. Hon väl en individ precis som en blind människa. Och man avlivar inte blinda människor i Sverige.Låt Kelly leva.
Magnus Säfström (Skultuna , 2021-07-16)
Helt absurt att Kelly ska avlivas för att hon inte kan se!! Katten kan leva ett fullständigt normalt liv inomhus som vilken katt som helst. Vita katter föds ibland m nedsatta funktioner, har aldrig hört att de ska avlivas för det?Anna Envall (Träslövsläge, 2021-07-16)
IT IS NOT cruel to let blind cats live and grow old! Cats adapt quickly to loss of sight, much quicker than humans do and they still run and play and live normal lives. Show your intelligence and leave blind cats alone!Carol-Ann Lane (Moncton, 2021-07-16)
Det är omänskligt att mörda en pigg liten kattunge 🐱😔😒☹️😾😾😾Åsa Gerdin (Nynäshamn, 2021-07-16)
Människor och djur använder fler sinnen än synen för att leva och överleva. Det vet vi 2021! Vad blir nästa steg...att ta bort människor med defekter?! Det är rent ut sagt avskyvärt att Länsstyrelsen ikläder sig rollen som Allsmäktig och beslutar i en fråga som denna. Det är känslokallt och obehagligt orimligt. Den här lilla katten har möjlighet att få komma till ett hem med kärlek, omtanke och omvårdnad. Låt det ske!Vad bottnar det här i för fyrkantig byråkrati? Prestige?
Länsstyrelsens uppdrag handlar om att värna om djuret! Det är långt ifrån det som sker här! Den här katten har rätt att få leva i trygghet och i kärlek. Den här katten har rätt att få utforska livet, utifrån sina förutsättningar. Jag tappar förtroendet för denna instans, Länsstyrelsen. Det är skrämmande!
/Ulrica Rask
Ulrica Rask (Västerås, 2021-07-16)
I have a blind and a sight impaired cat. They live perfectly normal lives. There is no need to euthanize tgem just for that.Dana Grohol (Mayfield, 2021-07-16)
Så grymt och dumt beslut från en.myndighet.Lägg energin där den behövs , det finns gott om.vanvårdade djur.Kerstin Teigesund (Norrköping , 2021-07-16)
This is animal cruelty. You would not kill a human if they were blind don’t do this to an animal.Donna Borg (United Kingdom, 2021-07-16)
Det finns många blinda katter i Sverige ska vi avlida varenda en.Johanna Johansson (Gnesta, 2021-07-16)
Laat Kelly lewe. Sy is pragtig. Homer het sy mammie se lewe gered. Kelly kan ook gelukkig wees. LET KELLY LIVE AND GROW UP.Megan Liebenberg (Kenhardt, 2021-07-16)
Detta inte får hända.Maria Andersson (Karlskoga, 2021-07-16)
Djur som leker ska få leva! Har gammal hund som nu är nästan blind och hör dåligt och han lider inte utan är glad och busar.Lena Byberg (Österbybruk , 2021-07-16)
Om ett barn föds blid lider det också då och måste få sitt liv avslutat? Att vara blind från födseln innebär inte omgående lidande. Katten lär sig hitta i sin närmiljö som innekatt utan problem. Djur med avsaknad av ett eller flera ben får ju fortsätta leva. Blinda hundar får leva. Låt Kelly få leva!Anna Sigfridsson (Västerås, 2021-07-16)
Alla djur har rätt att få leva!Felicia Gissberg (Höganäs, 2021-07-16)
Livsglädje sitter inte i synen. Kelly är en glad, sprallig katt - med massor av livsgnista. Hon kommer få ett fantastiskt liv i rätt familj.Lotta Carlson (Kungsbacka, 2021-07-16)
Du kan fråga alla ägare av blinda katter, de kommer att svara dig blinda katter kan helt leva ett normalt liv. De är helt medvetna om sin omgivning så länge de bor inne. Det är inte grymt. Att döda denna stackars katt skulle.Fabrice Blondelle (Quint Fonsegrives, 2021-07-16)
He deserves to live!!Stefano Mangano (California , 2021-07-16)
Såklart alla djur ska få levAJennie Johansson (Göteborg, 2021-07-16)
ALLA har samma rättigheter!Nina Peivert (Rättvik, 2021-07-16)
Älskar katter och djur överhuvudtaget.Maria Wallin (Tullinge , 2021-07-16)
Blinda tamdjur / husdjur klarar sig hur bra som helst och skall ha lika stor rätt att leva som övriga "handikappade" djur oavsett blindheten rör sig om ett eller vadå ögon.Man a liver inte en katt med tre ben för dem klarar sig med det gör en katt med.
Katten utvecklar ett extra sinne precis som en blind människa.
Låt katten leva och få livet det förtjänar!
Sanne Plenk (Malmö, 2021-07-16)
Kattens rätt till sitt liv 🙂💚Elisabeth Högberg (Sollefteå, 2021-07-16)
Det är uppenbart att Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar Län i detta fall tagit sitt beslut helt utan att ta in synpunkter från någon som förstår sig på katter. Faktum är att synen kommer på tredje eller fjärde plats bland kattens sinnen, i betydelseordning. Hörseln, luktsinnet och, troligen, känseln har större betydelse för katten.Bevisa nu att detta ärende *inte* blivit en prestigefråga!
Håkan Axelsson (Östersund, 2021-07-16)
Blind kitties have an awesome life.I have followed several and see that they bring much joy to their family's life. Please spare this beautiful kitty.Glenys Aitken (Christchurch, 2021-07-16)
Hon har ett kommande hem som vet hennes behov.Katter använder andra sinnen mer än synen.
Ingrid Tengqvist (Gävle , 2021-07-16)
En blind katt kan leva ett fullt normalt liv med en mänsklig ledsagare. Bara se dessa fantastiska katter https://m.facebook.com/TheKlausCatTänker ni avliva denna katt så anmäler jag er till Regeringskansliet och Polisen.
Heléne Höglund (Segeltorp , 2021-07-16)
Ni som sitter och dömer över liv. Tänk på att ni försörjs av den skatt vi betalar in. Vi vill inte att ni behandlar djur sämre än ni behandlar människor. I och för sig dumt uttryckt när ni behandlar oss människor illa.Lars Carlsson (Stockholm, 2021-07-16)
A blind kitten doesn't deserve a death sentenceNick Heurich (Raleigh, 2021-07-16)
Blind cats can have a happy life. Please give Kelly a chance!Heidi Juel Nederhoed (Kokkedal, 2021-07-16)
I can't stand the thought of this poor girl not being allowed to live out her life just because she's blind. She can still live a full and happy life without sight. She is loved and deserves a chance.Tess Greenwood (Placerville, 2021-07-16)
Kelly deserves a chance at a happy life. She will not disappoint.Abby Stricklin (St George, 2021-07-16)
My mother is a rescuer in New York City and has saved the lives of many blind cats who ended up leading very happy and fulfilled lives. Their other senses are heightened because of their blindness and they end up functioning perfectly fine. PLEASE DO NOT END THIS POOR KITTEN’S LIFE!!!!Patrick Stein (New York, 2021-07-16)
This kitten can have a great life. Would you euthnize her if she had lost a leg? Or an ear? Or was deaf? Read Gwen Cooper's book about Homer. He also lost both his eyes as a kitten and had a wonderful life. A disability does not warrant a death sentence.Gail Bigler (Nappanee, 2021-07-16)
I believe it is wrong to euthanize a healthy cat just because she is blind!!!Nancy Dixon (Phoenix, 2021-07-16)
We have a cat with porencephaly - he was born with only 1/2 a brain. He’s almost blind and has epilepsy. However, he hasn’t had any seizures since he was a kitten (over 4 years) and he is a very happy cat. He doesn’t realize he’s different from our other cats and he walks around as if he was able to see. Being blind does not mean a cat can’t be happy - they don’t know how their life could be if they were able to see. So they are fully happy blind.Katharina Loeffler (New York , 2021-07-16)
Tycker att beslutet om att avliva är vansinnigtStefan Resare (Mariestad , 2021-07-16)
I am signing because I know that Kelly will have a very fulfilling life even being blind. As stated, she has already adapted to life being blind. I had a cat who was partially blind and she lead a very good life.Margaret Williams (Panama City, 2021-07-16)
I sign this petition because the swedish government is crazy to involve themselves like this! LET THIS CAT LIVE YOU FOOLS!!! IT HAS A HOME WAITING, WITH PEOPLE WHO WILL LOVE IT!Khailey Bundy (Ohio, 2021-07-16)
I believe every human and animal deserves hope.Lesley Donaldson (Jedburgh, 2021-07-16)
I have a blind pet rabbit and I know that blind pets can provide a lot of comfort and entertainment. And fun! Please rethink your position on the baby cat.Maria Franklin (Hampton, 2021-07-16)
Kelly har rätt att få leva.Hon kan få ett fint liv trots hon är blind.
En underbar kattunge
Jessica Person (Eslöv , 2021-07-16)
I have ocular cancer and I'm going to go blind-would the Swedes want to kill me, too?Melissa White (Marietta, 2021-07-16)
There are so many blind cats around the world living wonderful lives. Kelly already has people to care for her now & forever. Blindness may be a cruel twist of fate but how many blind people live full lives. There is no reason Kelly cannot live a full happy and loved life.Jo Brennan (Strathalbyn, 2021-07-16)
So what you are saying is all living things that are blind should die??? NO, this kitten deserves a chance to live & if there are those that can help with the surgery, then this kitten deserves to have the surgery & a chance to live. Cats that are blind can live!!!Pam Folkerth (Moraine, 2021-07-17)
I am an animal lover, of cats in particular, and am fully aware that cats can live full, happy lives with limited or seriously impaired vision. They are adaptable and simply need love, nourishment and a protected environment. Please save Kelly!Elizabeth Baltierra (Oklahoma City, 2021-07-17)
Let the kitty LIVE PLEASE! She deserves to live and be loved by that family who wants to adopt her.Courtney Williams (Atlanta , 2021-07-17)
För mig är det solklart att katten inte verkar lida. Vad är det för system vi har när man ska kunna bli ifråntahet sitt djur och få det dödat av ett statligt organ trots att det inte står klart att det är rätt.Denise Severin (Trosa, 2021-07-17)
This kitten has a wonderful home already waiting. Blind cats and dogs adapt well to their circumstances and thrive in a loving environment.Suzanne Brayton (Henderson, 2021-07-17)
I signed this because I have fostered special needs kitties and they have a right to live too. When a kitten with one eye or no eyes, loses their sight at a very young age they adapt. Look at the Blind Cat named Homer who was owned by Gwen Cooper. When he was a 4 week old kitten he lost both his eyes. She wrote a book about him called "Homer’s Odyssey: A Fearless Feline Tale, or How I Learned about Love and Life with a Blind Wonder Cat." give back the cat to the rescue it should noy be killed.Kristyanna Virgona (Klamath Falls, 2021-07-17)
Every animal deserves to live no matter if they are handicapped or not. Every animal deserves a chance at life. There is plenty of people in this world that would love to have a blind kitten. Handicapped animals can and have lived full active lives with no problems. All animals adapt to any handicap they may have plus they adapt to their enviroment to live like any other animal does. We would never think of doing something like this to a handicapped person so why would we do this to an animal? Please save this kitten and any other animals that may face the same fate. This kitten deserves to live her life and be loved and cared for just like any other kitten.Kai Phoenix (Wooster, 2021-07-17)
This kitten deserves to live. It's wrong to kill this kitten. She can live and have a happy full life even with being handicapped. She deserves to live and be loved and cared for. She deserves to be a happy kitten that gets to live, love, be loved, and to play and grow up. Please save this kitten.Gregory Brooks (Wooster, 2021-07-17)
I sign because blind housecats deserve life too. They live just fine indoors.Tiffany Theissen (NORTH CHARLESTON, 2021-07-17)
Jag undertecknar detta från Arizona, USA (via Google Translate). Min katt Jim Bob blev blind vid 2 månader, är nu 3 år och är glad, frisk och glädjen i mitt liv. Han lever ett normalt liv och har anpassat sig helt. Snälla, gör inte denna onödiga grymhet! Det finns tillräckligt med sorg i världen!Willa M (Phoenix, 2021-07-17)
Blind cats can have a full and healthy life as their hearing and sense of smell compensates. There are many blind cats that have gone on to live a long and fully enjoyable life.Emma Faunch (London, 2021-07-17)
I am part Swedish and would like to think you are smarter than this! Blind cats can have wonderful lives. not matter what age it happens at. My most recently departed cat was probably blind for over a year before she passed on and it was the least of her problems, we didn't even realize it until she had surgery for something else.Nicole Masika (Brooklyn Center, 2021-07-17)
Att döda djur för att man anser att deras liv inte är ett liv är på både sjukt å så Svenskt. Jag lämnar snart PK Sverige med dom mest sjukaste lagar och förordningar i mannaminne. Dödar ni katten är ni inte ett dugg bättre än dom som sedan äter den. Slåss för djurs RÄTTIGHETER och inte deras AVRÄTTNING. Jag spyr på Er som med lagens rätt tar liv när den säger åt oss andra att vi inte får döda.Axel Liljedahl (Stockholm , 2021-07-17)
I've seen many blind cats on Instagram, particularly the account pokeypotpie, who live great lives. They quickly map the household in their minds and after that they get along like any other cat. Killing Kelly would be cruel! She has a home waiting for her!Leigh Meydrech (Aurora, 2021-07-17)
I volunteer as a feline companion at a shelter and blind cats thrive and have as much joy and happiness as other cats. they don’t know any difference, and their other senses are heightened. They get along just fine blind, playing, climbing and bonding with other cats. Being differently abled is not disabled. Homer the blind cat saved his human’s life during a robbery.helen boutorwick (michigan , 2021-07-17)
I am a cat lover and rescue cats. Blind cats can live normal lives too.Craig Smith (Wartrace, 2021-07-17)
This kitten has so much to live for! She can be happy, healthy and loved! Let her live!!!!Claire Bethel (Sussex, 2021-07-17)
I have been the lucky owner of a blind Cat in the past, and there is absolutely nothing he couldn't do that any other cat could. Animals adapt and adjust so easily to physical changes, and there is absolutely no way this sweet little cat should have her otherwise healthy life cut short, when there are people who can give her a loving home, to enjoy everything a cat can. She deserves the chance live.Terri Elrick (Weeting, Brandon, 2021-07-17)
I sign this because all animals deserve to live and just because a cat is blind it would be cruel to rob them of their life. You don’t see people killing blind babies so kittens should not be any different.Erin Bortoluzzi (Sydney , 2021-07-17)
My cat is blind and he is now 8 years old. He's lived a full and happy life, we let blind humans live so why not animals too? With the right care and the right family any animal with a disability can thrive, even blind ones. Give this guy a chance!Louise Ward (Bromsgrove , 2021-07-17)
Blind cats can live wonderfully full, long, loving lives. What are you thinking? I highly recommend you read a book called Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper, to learn just how ignorant your position it.Sarah Lifton (Encinitas, 2021-07-17)
This little girl deserves to live. To condemn her to die just because she's blind is cruel.Terri Knopick (Streetsboro, 2021-07-17)
just read about this precious kitten, Kelly. She is such a beautiful little baby and I am so happy that there is a loving home awaiting her arrival.Blind cats can and do have wonderful lives when caring, compassionate loving owners value their worth. Blind kitties are just as clever and silly as sighted cats; they play with toys, climb cat towers and are great buddies to other fur members of families.
Please don't murder this baby. She can have a healthy happy life, the same way blind humans can .BETH STRATTON (OMAHA, 2021-07-17)
I have worked with blind cats for over 17 years and have had multiple of my own. Wanting to euthanize a cat simply on the basis of being blind is as ignorant as it is barbaric. Blind cats live just as happy and fulfilled lives as any seeing cat, and I invite anyone who questions that to just check out the blind cats that live at Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary in the United States (https://www.facebook.com/BlindCatRescue). They run, play, climb on things, etc., no differently than any other cat. I urge you to open your eyes and see that different does not equal deficit, and allow this sweet girl to have the long, happy life she deserves.Stephanie Mathews (Spokane, 2021-07-17)
Every life matters not just the humans but all.esther hartmann (Ocala, 2021-07-17)
Save the blind kittenMARDE ROSS (Glen Ellen, 2021-07-17)
Blinda katten ska dö - enligt länsstyrelsen som tagit lilla Kelly. Lilla Kelly är ska dö?Colby Scott (NY, 2021-07-17)
Blind cats are no different that sighted cats. Being blind does not hold them back one single bit! They still feel joy and love and behave just the same as sighted cats. Let this baby Kelly go to her home where she can live life as a normal cat would you euthanize a human because they were blind? It makes absolutely no sense. It makes no difference that they cannot see. Other senses become stronger and they thrive!Stacey Jimenez (Salinas , 2021-07-17)