Stoppa 5 vånings bostadskomplex i Österskär

Stoppa 5 vånings bostadskomplex i Österskär / Uppdateringar / En vecka kvar för att lämna era synpunkter till kommunen - Som hjälp finns nu en uppdaterad sammanställning av argument / Kommentarer



2024-08-09 04:06

Are we involving the press/newspapers and tv media in our efforts to ensure maximum coverage locally and more regionally?

What do JM and developers feel about all the negative publicity and that they are ruining a villa area ?

Why has our area been prioirised for development over the 1000’s of square meters of land near Åkersberga station ?

Is there any higher appeals process where we can take our objections about the unsuitability of the proposed development ?

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