Avskaffa den kränkande benämningen "Taiwan, provins i Kina"



Taiwan is not a province in China.

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-12)


I don't want to lose our democracy. We don't have a modern emperor.

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is not a province of China and will never be one of it

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


I am a Taiwanese!

(Pingtung , 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is not a part of China.

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Please make Taiwan "Taiwan".

(Taichung City, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan and China are different

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


We are Taiwan, not the ******* China

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Please keep Taiwan as Taiwan. We are not China.

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


I am signing because I'm Taiwanese. I love Taiwan and I sure Taiwan is a country not part of China.

(Vantaa, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is not a province of China!

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


I love Taiwan

(, 2018-03-12)


We’re not prat of China. We’re just “TAIWAN”

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Please do not change our country name

(Taipei , 2018-03-12)


Taiwan does not belong to China.

(Taichung, 2018-03-12)


I am signing because we're from Taiwan not China

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan är ett fantastiskt land som förtjänar betydligt bättre behandling än hur det behandlas idag!Taiwan är ett självständigt land. Taiwan är INTE en provins i Kina!!!

(TAIPEI, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is not a province of PRC. Taiwan is a sovenriegh state. We have the presendent elected directly by our people. We have ourown government, people, land and ourown army which just against for our enemy, people's republic of china.

Remove the offensive term , "Taiwan, Province in China".

(Taiwan, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is not a province in China

(NEW TAIPEI CITY, 2018-03-12)


Fuck u china

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


My country is TAIWAN,not China.

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-12)


We are Taiwan
Not China

(Taiwan , 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is not China

(Hualien, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is Taiwan

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Please respect the independence and democracy of Taiwan. We are not part of China!!!

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


It is definitely sad and ridiculous that the Tax Agency in Sweden intends to change the name of Taiwan in such an offensive way. Never, never will I recognize Taiwan as a province in China.

(Stockholm, 2018-03-12)


I'm from Taiwan, not China

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Remove the offensive term "Taiwan, Province in China"

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


PRC government keeps using political power to threaten Taiwanese people by isolating them in the international arena. This is an identity and dignity issue. What Swedish government is trying to do is not in line with the importance of human right that Sweden values. Please stop it!

(Sheffield, 2018-03-12)



(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

I am writing with regards to Swedish Tax Agency’s decision in changing the name of Taiwan. Attached below please find the link to the source of the issue in concern.

Taiwan is NOT a province of China despite ISO code, which one could argue is a result of a consensus amongst big players in the world under the pressure from the Chinese administration and the political interests at play. Therefore, the prescription of the ISO code does not reflect the reality that Taiwan is NOT a province of China.

Taiwan and China both have their own interpretations towards the definition of the so-called “One China” policy where Taiwan reckons “Republic of China (Taiwan)” and China reckons “People’s Republic of China”. Our passports state that the official name of Taiwan is “Republic of China (Taiwan), which the Swedish Competent Authorities recognize when we enter the custom control and conduct all registrations in Sweden.

Hence, I see no ground of changing the name because the new name deviates from all of our official documents. Such a deviation will raise even more confusions when Taiwanese in Sweden are dealing with the tax authorities given that different rules apply to Taiwanese and Chinese tax residents in Sweden (e.g under Double Taxation Agreement between Sweden and Taiwan vs. Double Taxation Agreement between Sweden and China).

In sum, I strongly oppose to the decision of the name change because it has no ground and will mostly likely raise more confusions to both the Taiwanese citizens in Sweden and to the tax officers. Lastly, the name change signals a political inclination towards China, an inclination that deviates from a more neutral and liberal approach that the Swedish government practices.

Kind regards,

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


The authority should respect human rights and should never surrender to any menace from any country in the world.

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is Taiwan

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Viva Taiwan independiente, China me la pela

(Bogota, 2018-03-12)


we are Taiwanese! We care!

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-12)


We really care about this problem, but you can't read Chinese and we can't read Swedish language so we're hard to understand each other.

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-12)


Remove the offensive term "Taiwan, Province in China"!

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)



(New Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is not china

(Taiwan, 2018-03-12)


Fight for taiwan

(Malaysia, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Taipei, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is different from China.
Sri Lanka is different from India.
Even the people look similar.

(Changhua, 2018-03-12)


Taiwan is taiwan.!!!!

(ILAN, 2018-03-12)


we are TAIWAN
Fuck you chi na

(NewTaipei, 2018-03-12)