Personalen vid Helsingfors universitet mot nedskärningar – en stödpetition för studerandenas ockupation
I have been living and working in Finland for more than 30 years. I see Finland changing. What made Finnish society so unique, its societal cohesion and inhabitants' mutual support, is collapsing into competing factions guided by archetypes rather than by reason and knowledge. I think equal and wide access to high level education organized so that students from different backgrounds and income levels study together has been a key element for the Finnish society to function without insurmountable divisions in recent decades, and this needs to be enhanced rather than cut down.Thus, some recent and current policies undermine the very basis of a well functioning democratic nation like Finland. The current government with its measures creates current and future problems, that some in their fear think can be solved by creating deeper divisions and separation walls, instead of by building bridges across our differences. Many Finns do not realize this, but I think current developments are very dangerous for the future of our country as witnessed in the history of my own home country and some other countries. I thus share students' concerns and hope our university will support their petitions and actions.
Pedro Aphalo (Helsinki, 2023-09-22)
The university management has a responsibility to back the students' demands for decent living while studying. We cannot teach until someone learnsIryna Herzon (Helsinki, 2023-09-22)
I would like to see a more robust response to the funding cuts from the university.Matthew Robson (Helsinki, 2023-09-22)
Riippumatta siitä, millaiseksi valtion budjetin sopeutustarve arvioidaan, ei ole minkäänlaisen oikeuskäsityksen eikä taloudellisen välttämättömyyden mukaista, että leikkauksia kohdistetaan systemaattisesti jo valmiiksi kaikkein ahtaimmalla oleviin, kuten opiskelijoihin samalla kun eniten tienaavien verotusta helpotetaan.Olli Pitkänen (Helsinki, 2023-09-22)
Quality and affordable education is a right and having a multinational community strengthens our universityStephanie Zellers (Helsinki, 2023-09-22)
Olen huolissani sekä leikkauksista opiskelijoiden toimeentuloon että kansainvälisten kollegoiden asemasta. Suomen hyvinvointi nojaa pitkälti työn tuottavuuden kasvuun, joka on äärimmäisen riippuvainen koulutuksesta. Yliopistojen kansainvälisyys on puolestaan edellytys laadukkaalle opetukselle ja tutkimukselle. Leikkauksista ja hallituksen rasistisesta politiikasta seuraa paitsi taloudellista vahinkoa myös merkittävää mainehaittaa Suomelle.Ville Saarinen (Helsinki, 2023-09-22)
I’m signing to show my solidarity with the students. The government’s policy is bad. It will make it harder for students to finish their degrees. It de-incentivizes international students from coming to Finland and makes it harder for students trained in Finland from staying here. It implements discriminatory standards that spur on racism and provincialism in Finland. The university administration must take a public stand and call out bad, hurtful policy.Andrew Graan (Helsinki, 2023-09-22)
This concerns me.Xin Zhuang (Yixing, 2023-09-22)
I stand in solidarity and offer my support to the students that are taking action against the detrimental plans that the current government is pushing against education. Access to education, and the means to fulfill the educational goals and needs of individuals and communities, is an universal human right that is being violated. Furthermore, the advance of neoliberal policies, altogether with the racist and xenophobic views supported by such policies are transforming universities into elitist factories of labor and prejudice, instead of advancing the ideal of universities as spaces of growth, exchange, and social commitment for a better future. The violent plans that aim to marginalize domestic, and specially international students, must be stopped for the sake of all the people that constitute the Finnish society.Sergio Fernandez Bravo (Helsinki, 2023-09-23)
Lopettakaa leikkaukset!Ilkka Levä (Helsinki, 2023-09-23)
Yliopistoa ei ole ilman opiskelijoita. Jos emme turvaa heidän toimeentuloaan, hyvinvointiaan ja tasa-arvoisia mahdollisuuksiaan kotimaasta riippumatta, myöskään tutkimuksella ja innovaatioilla ei ole tulevaisuutta.Maijaliisa Erkkola (Helsinki, 2023-09-23)
I have been studying over a span of 25-30 years and have firsthand experience of the declining quality of life and support for university students, which is saddening and frustrating to see!Granted, studying is never easy, but it should be a motivating and uplifting experience not an overburden and a source of constant anxiety!
Leila Gharavi (Helsinki, 2023-09-23)
I have been an international student and stand in power and solidarity with there movement towards more support from the university.Rachel Mazac (Stockholm, 2023-09-23)
Opiskelijoiden taakka on kohtuuton, heidän arvonsa yhteiskunnalle korvaamaton!Hanna Mäkelä (Helsinki, 2023-09-23)
I support the causeGrigory Grigoryev (Ferryside, 2023-09-23)
New residence permit policy as well as cuts to student benefits will complicate even further the life of existing migrant students and workers in Finland.Nuriiar Safarov (Helsinki, 2023-09-23)
Nuoret ikäluokat ovat yhä pienempiä. Ilman heitä ei ole Suomea.Eva Heiskanen (Helsinki, 2023-09-23)
the racist policy should be abolished, and the current right-wing government must go downRoman Urbanowicz (Helsinki, 2023-09-23)
I share the concerns mentioned in the petition and have grown tired of the governmental neglect of students at the university level of education.Zacharias Hägerstrand (Helsingfors, 2023-09-24)
Hallituksen saa perääntymään vain ammattiliittojen ja opiskelijoiden yleislakko.Mikko Vartiainen (Porvoo, 2023-09-24)
Opiskelu on yhteiskunnalle arvokasta työtä. Opiskelu on täysipäivästä työtä ja vaatii opiskelijalta paljon varsinkin, jos halutaan että opiskelija oikeasti sisäistää ja voi soveltaa oppimaansa työssä.Lisa Gawriyski (Helsinki, 2023-09-24)
Kaikki voitava on tehtävä, jotta kaikilla on Suomessa yhtäläiset mahdollisuudet saada hyvä elämä.Heidi Layne (Helsinki, 2023-09-24)
I support the demands of the occupation.Luis Mireles-Flores (Helsinki, 2023-09-24)