Undervisning i antikens kultur och klassisk arkeologi bör fortsätta i Helsingfors!
Antikvetenskapen är en grundsten i det humanistiska ämnet. Utan antik - ingen humaniora skulle man kunna säga.(Lund, 2018-05-12)
I' signing because knowledge of the past is enormously important for the understanding of present times. So the studies of Classical Antiquity should definitly be continued in Finland.(Leonding, 2018-05-12)
Once gone difficult to retrieve and start again. Look at what happened to Byzantine studies in the UK...Resist the neocon university syndrome. We in UK have been shafted by the narrow minded and ignorant austerity right. Do not give in Finland !
(London, 2018-05-12)
Lehtoraatin ehdottomasti jatkuttava!(Loviisa, 2018-05-12)
Defence of Classical Studies(Villeneuve d’Ascq, 2018-05-12)
Klassista svistystä lisää, ei vähemmän!(Lohja, 2018-05-12)
Humanities are under threat worldwide. Archaeology is one of them. Knowing the past is indispensible for understanding the present and planning a future.(The Hague, 2018-05-12)
Find the knowledge of classical antiquity important for our European culture.(Rüschlikon, 2018-05-12)
It is vital that this position is filled, and students have the opportunity to learn about this field.(Oxford, 2018-05-12)
Study of classical antiquity and archaeology teaches critical thinking, social awareness, clear and concise writing, argument construction, and so much more...it connects students to the foundations of western society and thought. You'll be doing your students a great disservice by not offering it.(Atlanta, 2018-05-12)
These topics are fundamental, specially in any European country.(Lisbon, 2018-05-12)
I higly appeciate Finnish Classical Scholarship and clearly understand that Greek and Roman Studies badly need archeology and art history. I've been a Fellow of the Collegium at Helsinki and presented from time to time lectures for the colleagues at the Classical Department. I strongly hope that burocracy in Finland would not copy anticultural trends of my own country.(Moscow, 2018-05-12)
The classical tradition in Finland is of international importance for the global understanding of history and culture throughout the world.(Austin, 2018-05-12)
Jag tycker att det är ett mycket viktigt ämne som bör finnas i Finland.(Lund, 2018-05-12)
Don’t let Finland be the only Nordic country without teaching in Classical Archaeology(Uppsala, 2018-05-12)
"By abandoning the lectureship in Graeco-Roman material culture, the University of Helsinki will erode one of the fundamental aspects of education and research in the humanities."(Helsingfors, 2018-05-12)
Olen johtanut seitsemän lukiolaisryhmää Roomaan viikon opintomatkalle ja yhden Ateenaan. Lukiossa on järjestetty vuosittain Antiikin historian valinnaiskurssi, joka on aina ollut suosittu kurssi opiskelijoiden keskuudessa. Tärkeä tausta näille kurseile oli Villa Lanten tutkijoiden kurssi Hyolin opettajille 1996. Kurssit ovat vaikuttaneet siten, että useat ylioppilaat ovat lähteneet historiaa lukemaan ja monet ovat sitten ohjautuneet antiikin historia, klassisten kielten tai uskontojen tutkijoiksi.On tärkeää, että antiikin kulttuurin ja klassisen arkeologian lehtoraatti voidaan yliopistossa säilyttää.
(Kajaani, 2018-05-12)
Large hi-tech corporations recognise the value of well rounded boards of directors and accordingly often including humanities specialists, e.g classics. Are you losing touch with the real world(Lockerley, 2018-05-12)
I am signing because Finland has a very long history of distinguished Classicists , and the University of Helsinki should not allow the teaching of classical culture to go untaught. It has been a part of their curriculum since the 18th century.(Clinton, New York, 2018-05-12)
Tällainen " säästäminen" syö tulevaisuuden investointeja ja tuhoaa sivistystä eri yhteiskuntaluokissa ja kulttuureissa. Päättäjät ovat itse tyhmiä ja sivistymättömiä, jos näin typerän päätöksen teette.(Pori, 2018-05-12)
Antiquity roots us in history - archaeology is the science that gives us this foundation. It is therefore critical to understanding where we are now and where our culture is to head Inthe future.(Oxford, 2018-05-12)