Låt blinda kattungen Kelly få leva



With respect to your vets. I disagree, and I know many professional veterinarians will do so. Blind cats can have along and happy and healthy life. You need only look at the evidence of Blind Cat Rescue (foremose in the USA) and author Gwen Cooper and her boosk about Homer the Blind cat.

These people do not lie. They advocate for blind cats around the world. Sweden should do the same. Not murder a small kitten with a life of hope ahead of them.

Marjorie Dawson (Lower Hutt, 2021-07-18)


Being blind is no reason to euthanize this kitten. She can live a happy and full life.

Rochelle Hess (Idaho, 2021-07-18)


Ett djur ska inte avlivas för att ren inte kan se.

Thomas Ydström (Landskrona , 2021-07-18)


I can not believe this is being considered,
I had a blind cat, that I loved a lot, and who lived a happy and normal life just like “normal” cats that I have had. How can you be so ignorant?

martha barraza (Ensenada, 2021-07-18)


I sign because I volunteer at an animal shelter in Australia. There have been numerous blind kittens and adult cats which have been adopted and live a happy and wonderful life. It would be cruel to not give this kitten a chance in a loving home.

Deborah Simenko (Adelaide, 2021-07-18)


Dont murder her. Let her live. People dont murder blind people so why murder this kitten. She has the right to live. She was given life.
I have friends with a blind cat and she lives well. Stop this execution from happening. Its pure murder

katja torneman (Visby, 2021-07-18)


Mary Ann Cocksedge

Mary Ann Cocksedge (London, UK, 2021-07-18)


I believe that being blind shouldn't sentence a kitten to death

Charis Young (Mission, 2021-07-18)


Clearly, this is an uninformed and misguided decision. Please don't double-down on ignorance. If you research other similar cases, consider the individuals involved, and employ some imagination in your assessment, you'll no doubt understand how a blind creature—human or nonhuman—can live a fulfilling life.

C. J. Jackson (Lexington, 2021-07-18)


Blind cats have great lives as cherished pets, as many examples show us.

Livia Hekanaho (Helsinki, 2021-07-18)


This adorable kitten should be given a full chance to live and enjoy being loved!

David Lawson (East Longmeadow, 2021-07-18)


Because there is no reason why a perfectly healthy but blind kitten should be put to death. Blind cats can lead healthy happy lives. There is no problem for them,

Paul Thompson (Auckland, 2021-07-18)


This is appalling! Check out instagram to see how many blind cats lead HAPPY and HEALTHY lives!!!!!

minnie king (northampton, 2021-07-18)


I am a Licensed Veterinary Technician and have over thirty years experience working in the veterinary field. Animals adapt much easier than any human to a disability. Animals don’t notice or usually even care that they have a disability i.e. blindness, missing a limb, being dead, …etc. For you to KILL a healthy kitten just because she cannot see, is a TRAVESTY and WRONG!!! Do you think a human that is blind should also be put away? That is about how ridiculous this decision is. I guess I am glad I am recognized as Norwegian-and not Swedish as I do not want to be aligned with a country that believes so backwardly. Whomever is making this decision should be ashamed!!!

Nancy Mrachek Peterson (Auburn, 2021-07-18)


Because every life is worth the same- let Kelly live her life.

Rath Rath (Hannover , 2021-07-18)


Eftersom så många blinda katter lever lika fantastiska liv som seende. Varför avliva en glad och lycklig liten katt som äntligen räddats.
Länsstyrelsen gör om gör rätt...låt lilla glada Kelly få leva.

Maria Olsson (Lerum, 2021-07-18)


Självklart ska Kelly leva, det finns många blinda djur som har ett fantastiskt liv

Minna Lind (Grängesberg , 2021-07-18)


I own two cats who went blind from feline viral rhinotracheitis when they were feral kittens. They're happy, healthy pets who suffer no disadvantage compared to their seeing brother. People are frequently surprised to learn they're blind at all. Putting a blind kitten to sleep is cruel and unnecessary.

Anna Ettlin (Winterthur, 2021-07-18)


Det syns tydligt att Kelly är en levnadsglad kattunge som har hela livet framför sej. I rätt hem kommer hon vara som vilken annan katt som helst.

Sanna Nordh (Finspång, 2021-07-18)


This little kitten Kelly is NOT suffering! The eye infection was painful, being blind now stopped that pain and saved her life....she can go on to live a wonderful long healthy happy life despite being blind. She has adapted already and if not for lack of eyes you would not know she was blind as she acts like an other normal healthy happy kitten. Ever hear of Homer, the blind wonder cat? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homer_the_Blind_Wonder_Cat

Would you condemn a blind child to die simply for being blind? Of course not, being blind is not suffering pain, only missing one sense. The other senses become more sensitive to compensate. I myself am severely nearsighted, possibly going blind at some point, but my hearing, touch, sense of smell help me greatly: my life is normal. Would you kill me, claiming I'm suffering? I am not.

Animals and people both adapt to going blind, especially young ones, and go on to live healthy, happy, long lives.

DO NOT KILL THIS KITTEN! There are several people eager to adopt her! What is cruel is wanting to kill a perfectly healthy kitten. Don't do it!

Lori Oostendorp (rockton, 2021-07-18)


Please do not euthanize this kitten. He deserves to live!!!

Donna Schneider (California, 2021-07-18)


Katter är anpassningsbara djur. De skaffar sig revir som passar dem och har superkoll på detta - oavsett om de är blinda eller döva!

Inga-Lill Carlsson (Järvsö , 2021-07-18)


Djur har samma värde som människor, så länge vi inte avlivar människor för defekter ska vi inte göra det med djur om det finns en minsta chans att de kan klara av livet med sin defekt.

Mats Widercrantz (Kopparberg, 2021-07-18)


i think this kitten should be saved. Blind people adjust and kittens can do the same. They deserve a chance to live.

Gayla Moore (West Frankfort Il. 62896, 2021-07-18)


Låt Kelly Leva!!!
Finns ingen anledning att tro att denna katt lider pga att hon är blid! Förlegat tänkande! Blinda djur speciellt från födseln anpassar sig med ljud och doft och detta borde LS veta annars bör man inte arbeta med djur!

Gabriella Klintestam (Malmoe, 2021-07-18)


Dear Swedish Government,

if someone wants to adopt this cat, then why deny them the chance to save a life? All life is precious. There are plenty of blind cats in the USA that live with families that love them unconditionally, and the cats love their families. It is senseless to deny the family if they want to save that life.

Christopher Tobar (Texas, 2021-07-18)


Kelly har all rätt att leva.Bara för att hon är blind,kan hon leva ett värdigt liv.Ska vi ta bort blinda hundar och barn ,som föddes blinda medfödda?

Hilde Dahlin (Högsäter , 2021-07-18)


I have a wonderful blind cat called Beauty. He lives a full and happy life; his blindness is not an obstacle. Please let Kelly live; she will surprise you with how well she copes with only a few adjustments.

Julia Snell (London, 2021-07-18)


Please let Kelly live. Being blind is not the end of the world for a cat. They adapt nicely as do all blind or deaf kitties. Please do not let this happen. We do not do this in North America whether Canada or the United States. There are always people who want to be of service to a kitty with a disability. A disability the little one will overcome. We are all begging you to PLEASE LET KELLY LIVE!!



Please, don‘t kill a cat only because it‘s blind when there are people who care for it. There are many cats - and humans as well - who live a fine life like this!

Kerstin Schaefer (Hamburg , 2021-07-18)


Cats with disabilities, even blindness, can live full, healthy, and happy lives!

Emily Wallace (Thornton, 2021-07-18)


Blind kittens grow up to run, jump, play, and love just like their sighted counterparts. Please do not end this kitten's life simply because they are blind!

Christine Dodson (Washington , 2021-07-18)


A blind kitten /cat should not be put to sleep they adapt very well would you consider putting a human to sleep because he or she was blind

Rebecca Ryan (Hove east sussex, 2021-07-18)


Jag älskar katter och tycker att alla som är pigga ska få leva om det går. man avlivar ju inte en människa som är blind

Ida Hallen (Tingsryd , 2021-07-18)


Jag brinner för att hjälpa utsatta djur.

Ellinor Widerberg (Edsbruk, 2021-07-18)


I have a blind kitten. He lives a completely normal life with his seeing cat siblings. People cannot tell he is blind because they are so much like a normal cat. If you can keep your house clean then you can have a blind animal. Adult cat go blind everyday, going blind at old age is worse than being blind young. Ending a cats life because you don't understand is what is cruel. Just because you're not willing to give them a chance doesn't mean you should take it away from someone willing to. Please do research before you end this baby's life

Jacey Bennett (Corner brook , 2021-07-18)


Just because you can't see does not mean you can't enjoy life. Healthy cats should not be killed just because they can't see. This cat already has people willing and able to look after her, so she should be given that chance!

Kelly Horne (Healesville, 2021-07-18)


Blind cats can have a happy life. There are lots of cats in the UK and other countries that are blind and live happy lives. This inhumane practice for a government to decide which otherwise healthy animals should live or die, Surely you have bigger issues than this small cat. Let the poor thing go the home that was ready for it and don't be so cruel show some compassion.

Patricia Hurrell (Brighton, 2021-07-18)


Blind cats can have a wonderful happy life. I had a blind cat that lived to be 15.

Amy Harlib (New Yofk, 2021-07-18)


Varför avliva en katt som mår bra och som har ett anpassat hem. Extremt konstigt och fel.

Kinna Skoglund (Göteborg , 2021-07-18)


Please! We do not kill blind humans. My next cat will be a blind or old kitty. They can have as fulfilling a life as you.💕

As humans, we can choose mercy and compassion.

Patty Johnson (Hawaii, 2021-07-18)


I sign because blind cats can lead amazing and fulfilling lives!! It is not cruel at all, it's incredibly cruel to take away this babies chance at an amazing life. Please give them a chance!!!

Jennifer Warren (Lexington Park, 2021-07-18)


Jag skriver på för att låta djur leva, bara för att man inte ser så betyder det inte att djuren mår dåligt!

Felicia Månsson (Fjärdhundra , 2021-07-18)


I have 3 very happy blind cats... I thought you were better than that.... return the kitten to the clinic and let somebody adopt her.... I can take her!

Siglinda Scarpa-Anderson (Pittsboro, 2021-07-18)


My name is Kelly and I am a disabled person who, despite my disabilities live a productive live and continues to be an instrumental part of caring for my family using my mind and affection. This beautiful kitten can contribute the same way. She is a gift and will be loved

Kelly O'Donnell-Padilla (Brooklyn, 2021-07-18)


she doesn’t deserve to be put down

Angelina Williams (Waldorf, 2021-07-18)


Katten uppenbarligen kan få ett gott liv!!

Pernilla Persson (Malmö, 2021-07-18)


I have a blind cat. She lives a full and amazing life full of cuddles and treats and massive toy takedowns. It is cruel to kill a creature just because it's blind! Plus in this case there is a Forever Home already waiting for her! Ridiculous.

Asra Rae (Devils Lake, 2021-07-18)


Tänk om och död inte denna söta kattunge! Snälla låt katten gå till det eviga hemmet som väntar på henne! Snälla du! Skulle du inte vilja att någon skulle hjälpa dig om du var i hennes tassar?

Sallie Cochren (Tucson, 2021-07-18)


Petition to let blind cat live their lives!!!!

Daniela Bun (UK, 2021-07-18)


I have family that has had blind animals. They luve a good life. Please save the kitten

Renee Capek (Springfield, 2021-07-18)


Blind cats live very happy and fulfilling lives. We humans cannot be so cruel as to decide not to let them live because we don't have the ability to see how well cats and animals live despite disabilities and injury. This kitty wants to live and deserves to live!

Jun Ni (Boston, 2021-07-18)


Att döma en djur till döden pga en veterinärs yttrande som dessutom inte träffat djuret är vidrigt, speciellt när det finns andra yttranden från annan veterinär som säger motsatsen. Alla djur borde ha rätt till en second opinion innan avlivning om ägare eller andra anser att veterinärens bedömning är felaktig!

Elin Bjarnesdotter (Bromölla, 2021-07-18)


kelly will bloosom and be best in a loving caring home of a cat lover. she is special and many people are willing to look after this precious soul. she needs space and a loving new home where she will be loved forever.

jc james (worcester, 2021-07-18)


För att Kelly ska få leva!!!

Jennifer Wikström (Ljusdal , 2021-07-18)


Do you kill a blind person, of course not. A blind cat can live a very happy life with People that love him. please have a heart ❤

Micheline Schlybeurt (Alexandria , 2021-07-18)


För att jag anser det vara ett sjukt beteende att vilja döda ett djur som uppenbarligen mår bra. För helsike - Lägg energin på annat!!!

Pia Saxholt (Svedala, 2021-07-18)


Kitty deserves a life even if she is blind

Kathy Ballard (Coldspring, 2021-07-18)


I am a proud mum of 4 handicapt cats. A blind cat or other home held animal can live a long and happy live, even though it has a disability. The sense of smelling and feeling is quickly more educated!
Don't kill a healthy cat!

Svenja Kelly (Herford, 2021-07-18)


Blind cats have wonderful lives. Do not euthanize blind cats!

Mary Tan (Buffalo, 2021-07-18)


Even though the cat is blind, it'd be cruel to let that stop a life, when a family is ready to adopt her. Our disabilities shouldn't stop us from just living overnight. So why wouldn't it be the same for a kitty?

Bayazid S M (Dhaka, 2021-07-18)


Let the blind cat go back home and life

Lisa Heitmann (Wuppertal , 2021-07-18)


Please save this kitten. She has a home waiting and will lead a long and happy life

Sue Seymour (Feilding, 2021-07-18)


En blind katt, som från tidig ålder vant sig vid att inte se, kommer att utveckla sina färdigheter och bli en fullt fungerande innekatt och kan vara utomhus i koppel med sin ägare!

Kerstin Paulsberg (Malmö , 2021-07-18)


Låt kelly leva

Mona Nykvist (Mora, 2021-07-18)


Jag skriver på då detta är helt orimligt! Avliva en levnadsglad katt som kan ha ett fantastiskt liv trots blindhet!

Emma Pettersson (Bålsta, 2021-07-18)


I believe this kitten should have a chance at life. There are numerous blind cats and kittens here in the U.S. that have great lives. They use their accuse senses of smell and hearing to navigate their way through life. When living in a protected environment like a house they enjoy life and play with cat toys (and other cats) without any problems.

Marc Edwards (Port St. Lucie, 2021-07-18)


Regler och tjänstemän får inte vara så här stelbenta!

Birgitta Zetterström (Ljungsbro , 2021-07-18)


This kitty can have a great life blind...my cat is an shecruns plays ect. Let kitty live

Angela Oyervides (Valley Springs , 2021-07-18)


Please let Kelly live!

Tina Bowman (North Tazewell, 2021-07-18)


This is absurd
So we start euthanising blind people next!?!?
Blind cats lead happy fulfilling lives just as blind people do!
This is shameful
This cat has a happy loving home to go to and this rescue has spent time and preparing her for her home
Sweden’s Shame!

Kimberly Forbes (Brighton , 2021-07-18)


Jag skriver under för att det är skrämmande att en myndighet utgår ifrån att livet inte skulle vara något värt för den med nedsatta funktionen. För att normen som här företräds om att alla katter ska fungera likadant är helt orimlig. Självklart kan en blind katt leva ett gott liv på samma sätt som en katt med syn. Precis som en katt med diabetes eller artros. Det är farligt när man utgår ifrån fördomar vare sig det gäller människor eller djur. Innekatter, utekatter, vildkatter. Livet ger olika förutsättningar men det innebär inte att man inte kan leva gott. Hitta nya vägar. Trygghet. Andra sinnen som kompenserar. Eftersom en katt även kan använda nos och hörsel skulle denna kunna hitta mat utan syn. Dock förutsätter jag att just Kelly kommer bli matad och bo hos en familj som kan vara ett stöd. Och kan utifrån det leva precis lika tryggt som om hon hade kunnat se.

Josefin Anselmsson (Bunkeflostrand , 2021-07-18)