Låt blinda kattungen Kelly få leva
It is cruel to kill an perfectly healthy and innocent kitten just because it's blind! Blind cats live a really good life in a safe and indoor environment. This is unacceptable and inhumane.Cosette Assadourian (Mount Lebanon, 2021-07-17)
I have two blind cats, brothers, who are not handicapped or disabled in any way by their blindness. They do everything my two sighted cats do include hide on the sighted cats and then jump out and chase them! I have a large parrot and one of my blind cats is always "watching" him and trying to find a way to catch him. I let my cats outside in the yard, supervised, and they chase flies and often catch them! Please let this sweet baby live. She can have an amazing life. Having had blind cats now I will always adopt blind cats in the future. They are amazing and inspiring and they deserve to live!Nicole Desmond (New York, 2021-07-17)
Blind cats can live long, happy lives. Do not euthanize this sweet kitten just because she's blind. I've seen many blind cats very happy.Kat O`Brien (Florida , 2021-07-17)
Jag skriver under pga att jag anser att lilla Kelly har rätt att få leva.Det är fruktansvärt fel av Länsstyrelsen att vilja avliva en pigg och glad individ.
Carina Lindén (Färjestaden , 2021-07-17)
I have a blind cat and she leads a very happy life, just like blind people do.We don’t euthanize blind people!
The only way a blind cat differs from seeing cats is that they can’t roam outside, which many cats don’t anyway
Eveline Smits (Amsterdam , 2021-07-17)
Please don't kill this kitten.Elizabeth Garner (SNOHOMISH, 2021-07-17)
Alla katter (djur) har rätt att leva även om de är blinda.Är blinda människor också mindre värda?
Jenny Johansson (Nässjö, 2021-07-17)
Please please do not make a decision to end little Kelly’s life based on limited information. Please uphold your obligation to research other sources of information, which will clearly show that a blind kitten like Kelly can have a wonderful happy life.Carole Loftin (Atlanta, 2021-07-17)
Katten är ett liv som har rätt att leva.Anette Olofsson (Kalmar, 2021-07-17)
moises lobaton (new york, 2021-07-17)
Katten ska få fortsätta leva precis som blinda människor inte heller avlivas.Annika Tersmeden (Täby, 2021-07-17)
Veterinärer har bedömd att hon har goda prognoser och där finns bra förutsättningar att hon får ett absolut värdefult liv där hon blir ompysslad och älskad. På filmen ser man inte att hon är blind om man inte vet det! Hon är en livsglada katt och ska leva!Människan med handikapp blir också inte dödad pga dom har handikapp och varje liv, spelar ingen roll om djur eller männsikan är värdefullt! Så tar bort fingrarna från söta Kelly och ger den tillbaka till sin nya föralltidhem där allt är förbered till hon!!!
Renate Schwaderer (Flarken, 2021-07-17)
Fel anledning att ta bort ett djur.Christel Yngve (Bröna, 2021-07-17)
Jag skriver under pågrund av att denna katt ska få leva!!Ida Ström (Nykvarn, 2021-07-17)
Friska djur ska inte avlivas på grund av ett handikapp!Ann-Christine Pettersson (Kalmar, 2021-07-17)
I personally know two blind cats that are not only thriving in life but also help to foster and mother rescue kittens. Please do not euthanize handicapped animals. Would you euthanize handicapped children??Shannon Mitchell (New Jersey, 2021-07-17)
Please do not kill this kitten- blind cats lives wonderful, fulfilling lives. I adopted a cat that had both of her eyes removed four years ago and she is the BEST! She cuddles with us on the couch every night, chases ice (yes, she loves playing with ice), and greets every visitor at the door. Most mornings she can be found lounging outside on our deck and sometimes she’ll that the stairs down and walk around our fenced yard. Everyone she meets adores her- she is truly an inspiration- and she loves everyone back. Professionals that come into my home to work stop to pet her and are in awe with her friendliness and demeanor. Not only can cats without eyes live fulfilling lives, but they can fulfill the lives of their families even more.Tara Maguire (New Jersey, 2021-07-17)
Blind cats live full and healthy lives! There is no reason to end this precious life! My blind cat runs, jumps and plays with joy all day long- he needs no special treatment. He knows every inch of our home- he is amazing. I am horrified that any vet would consider euthanizing a cat simply for being blind. A vet that does this is cruel and foolish.d mandel (sc, 2021-07-17)
As a human with deafness, I live a full life. Cats adapt so well to differences and can live full lives as well. Eugenics is an incredibly dangerous road and should not happen in cat life either.ROSE PORWOLL (Golden Valley, 2021-07-17)
Även en blind klarar sig alldeles utmärkt. Eller ska vi avliva blinda människor oxåMats Ekberg (Kalmar, 2021-07-17)
It is cruel and inhumane to euthanize a healthy kitten who is blind, Absolutely disgusting!Ilene Kirby (Yardley, 2021-07-17)
I can’t believe someone would kill a healthy cat just because she is blind. (Would the Board kill a blind baby girl 👧 too?) 😱😱😱Sandra Dickerson (Lubbock, 2021-07-17)
Save Kelly’s life!Nijole McClung (Seattle, 2021-07-17)
Please do not eutanise little kitten just because she is blind. Blind cats can live normal and happy life. Just like humans they addapt to their disability.Ursa Markovic (Ljubljana, 2021-07-17)
Would you put a blind human down NO then why should a blind kitten or dog for that matter be put down. I never thought I would hear this about Sweden. What’s happened to you. Truly sickening. I would have that kitten in a blink of an eye rather than let her be put downMelloney Fletcher (Clemsfold Horsham, 2021-07-17)
Självklart ska lilla gumman få leva, allt är ju ordnat för henne.Kerstin Örqvist (Nyköping , 2021-07-17)
Finns ingen som helst tvekan. Självklart ska Kelly ha ett kärleksfullt liv.Susanne K Karlsson (Tollered, 2021-07-17)
Jag värnar om alla djur utan undantag. Jag accepterar inte att hemlösa katter ska avlivas. Accepterar inte att katter med funktionshinder skulle få ett sämre liv. Katter är kännande varelser med otroliga förmågor.Birgitta Magnusson (Hudiksvall, 2021-07-17)
Jag skriver under detta för att lilla kattungen kelly ska få leva sitt liv som många engagerat sej i och hjälpta åt att få henne på fötter!Man avlivar inte djur som mår bra!
Katja Dahlqvist (Uddevalla, 2021-07-17)
I have a blind cat. He's been blind since he was a tiny kitten. He lives a full, wonderful life. He plays with his brothers and sisters, navigates around the house without any trouble at all, doesn't realise he is different. The only tiny difference is he doesn't go outside for safety reasons. No cat with a disability should ever be denied the chance to live. Cats are wonderfully adaptive animals and don't let anything stop them! This precious kitten deserves the chance of a happy life, just as much as any other!Rebecca Hill (Burnley, 2021-07-17)
Blind cats have a right to live like everyone else.Ann Nickolay (Shakopee, 2021-07-17)
En blind katt har alla förutsättningar att leva ett gott liv eftersom det bara är ett sinne som inte fungerar fullt ut.Ulla Asker (Örebro, 2021-07-17)
Blind kittens can have a very good life with humans who love them. Blindness is not a good enough reason to euthanise.Miri Moffat (13 St Peter’s Avenue , 2021-07-17)
Jag skriver på för att katten har rätt att få leva ett lycklig liv o det kan den även som blindPetra Törnudd (Frövi, 2021-07-17)
I have only recently moved back to Canada from living in Malmö, Sweden for 3 years. My blind cat lived a great life with me there and still does here! This cat deserves to go to its forever home!!Corey Madsen (Mississauga , 2021-07-17)
Blind cats can live a happy life!Whitney Walker (California , 2021-07-17)
Blind cats live long and happy lives. I have 4 and they are amazing!Natasha Hinson (Wiltshire , 2021-07-17)
This cat is healthy - there is NO REASON to euthanizeDenise Merritt (Cleveland, 2021-07-17)
Jag har två blinda katter. En född utan ögon och en som fick ögonen måste tas bort på grund av sjukdom. De är båda två år gamla och lever sina bästa liv, klättrar upp på vårt kattträd, följer med mig för konferenssamtal och motsätter sig hunden. Blinda katter med rätt ägare kan fortfarande ha ett underbart och tillfredsställande liv; beviljas blir de inuti katter men våra är glada, friska och älskade!Virginia Leandro (THE COLONY, 2021-07-17)
We had a blind cat who lived a happy life until he was 18 years, we now have another adopted from Cyprus, 3 years old very clever and has a wonderful life full of fun, affection and adventure. Please have pity, find good homes and give blind cats a chance thank youS Hayes (Merseyside, 2021-07-17)
Blind cats have good lives, just like blind people.Jj McGee (IN, 2021-07-17)
I have THREE blind cats and they very happy and super loving. They are independent and very able to live long and fulfilled lives. All of them can find their way around the house and garden and to their food bowls. They live with dogs and kids and are absolutely fine. In fact people are surprised when they find out they’re blind. I am surprised at Sweden having such a backward attitude to rescue - I thought they were more enlightenedKatie Coats (London , 2021-07-17)
Blind cats can adapt I have seen many that get around fine without sight they have strong senses. To put this kitten down is murder there is nothing wrong with it. Stop this barbaric behaviourTracy Walker (AB42 0HA, 2021-07-17)
I know quite a few blind cats via IG and they all have great quality of life. some are even adventure cats (obviously with limitations) but they are happy, well adjusted and normal cats minus the eye sight. Since at 7 weeks old Kelly has already adjusted to being blind and adapted, this shouldn't be an issue at all. she deserves the chance at a happy life with a family of her own who love her and will take care of her... which she has.Kerrie Sparling (Duchess, 2021-07-17)
I have the privilege of sharing my home with a blind cat. Not only can they live happy healthily lives, they do! Taking this or any cats life simply because they can not see is animal abuse. It is murder and anyone, government official, veterinarian, veterinary assistant, or anyone else, should be prosecuted! This is 2021 and people continue to be the most inhumane creatures on this earth. Someone needs to wake up and put an end to such archaic practices!Louisa Lee (Linwood, 2021-07-17)
I adopted a blind cat some years ago. Within 2 weeks she could navigate inside of our entire two-story house without bumping into anything and she always found her litter box. She lived a healthy and happy life. We loved her very much.Jane Harris (Marietta, 2021-07-17)
Help Kelly, immediately!Atuno Yamamoto (Osaka, JAPAN , 2021-07-17)
This sweet kitten deserves a chance at a happy life.Lindsey Flores (Millington, 2021-07-17)
There are many blind kittens living full and happy lives in the UK and elsewhere. I have limited vision myself. This kitty has people willing to love and care for her. PLEASE do not snuff out this little life. She does not know that she is blind, and does not suffer. She enjoys life and will continue to do so, given that chance. Thank you.Christina Livesey (Keiss, Wick, 2021-07-17)
A kitten not having vision isn't a good reason to end it's life.Katharine Rainbolt (Denver, 2021-07-17)
Beslutet är helt befängt. Urdumma beslut tas hela tiden av olika människor men detta handlar faktiskt om liv eller död.Mikael Erelöf (Stockholm, 2021-07-17)
There are so many blind cats who live perfectly wonderful lives with owners who love them. Give this little one a chance please?Pamela LaPier (NEEDHAM, 2021-07-17)
Jag anser att alla djur har rätt till sitt livAv vilken anledning vill länstyrelsen till varje pris avliva en kattunge
Stäm länstyrelsen
Detta kan inte vara sant i SVERIGE
Eva Bomell Hedman (Adelsö, 2021-07-17)
En katt kan vara innekatt å lika som en hund ha ett bra liv trots att den är blind...Lillemor Wesslén (Bollnäs, 2021-07-17)
I sign this because blind cats can lead amazing lives! There are several examples on Instagram and Facebook: Homer, Oskar and Juno. These cats were given loving homes and thrive. They are happy, play with other pets in their homes and display love and affection. A kitten should NOT be killed because it is blind. Kelly should NOT have to die! Especially when a loving home is waiting for her. Would you kill a human baby because it's blind? No, you wouldn't.Tami Hadley (New Orleans, 2021-07-17)
Jag anser att kattungen Kelly kan ha ett gott liv trots sin blindhet...Ann-Charlotte Sunnerdahl (Vänersborg, 2021-07-17)
Blind cats that live in a home are as happy as any cat that lives the same way. My work as a volunteer in S.C.A.R.S (Second Chance Animal Rescue Society) in Greece confirms that. We volunteers sometimes forget that these cats are blind because they can do exactly what a seeing cat does. I know that blind cats that live in a home are not impaired in their everyday life and they can live happy and long lives.Vassia Chrysanthopoulou (Athens, 2021-07-17)
The state of Kalmar wants euthanasia for healthy little kid for being blindThe state of Kalmar wants euthanasia for healthy little cat for being blind
Why is one word the difference between worldwide outrage and a lonely sad death? Sweden is better than this!! This kitten deserves a family and a full, happy life. Being blind is not a reason to kill an animal.
Alfonso Vazquez (San Antonio , 2021-07-17)
She has adopters ready to adopt her so please allow them to do so.Nicole Cina (Minnesota , 2021-07-17)
Alla måste få en chans o alla är inte perfektaSusanne Arvidsson (Örebro , 2021-07-17)
I think that the kitten deserves a chance at life.Natalie Canales (Boston, 2021-07-17)
Please do not kill this kitten simply because it is blind!! Many blind animals live long productive lives! Homer was such a kitten/cat who lived an INCREDIBLE and long life!!!Julie Garrett (Kansas, 2021-07-17)
Please give this little cat a chance. Blind cats can adapt to their surroundings. They are as loving and playful as sighted cats.Kelley Crawford (NC, 2021-07-17)
this cat should LIVEJENNIFER DAVEY (Tunbridge Wells, 2021-07-17)
Blinda katter är lika mycket värda som andra djur. De kan leva ett alldeles utmärkt o långt glädjespridande liv.Renee Hardö Wengelin (Helsingborg , 2021-07-17)
I have a cat who suffered from glaucoma and had one of her eyes removed at 11 years old. She is living a very happy life no different from her two brothers who have both of their eyes. This beautiful kitten can live a normal healthy life and deserves a chance to live it.Angela Tinder (Loveland , 2021-07-17)
I think it would be so cruel to euthanise a 3 month’s old kitty just because she’s blind; blind cats can live an healthy and happy life, such as witnessed by several IG profiles of blind cats, they can give love to their humans like every other cat.Marialberta Camera (Andora, 2021-07-17)
Har sett flertalet blinda katter som klarar sig bra i familj..Birgitta Pamp (Kävlinge, 2021-07-17)
blind cats are more than happy cats and live with their families exactly as seeing cats do. They love their humans, dogs and other cats, are playful and don't have any problem at all. It would be murder to take her life.Renate Hoerterer (Ruhpolding, 2021-07-17)
Blind kitties are as important as blind people !! They live long for happy lives !! Please change your ridiculous stance , thanks lauraLaur Weismann (Indiana, 2021-07-17)
I think it's totally unfairAnastasiia Bodnariuk (Chernivtsi, 2021-07-17)
Kitties that are blind can adjust to their environment and do very well without sight. Please let this kitty live and let it prove to everyone that life is wonderful!Thank you
Carolyn Foran (Kissimmee, 2021-07-17)
I signed because euthanasia should be a last resort when the quality of life has dwindled to nothing. Kelly has a full, healthy, and safely adventurous life ahead of her with her new pawrents.Elizabeth Leatherwood (Fort Worth, 2021-07-17)
A blind cat can live a happy life looked after by a caring family.Lidia Garofalo (Bari, 2021-07-17)
Blind cats can do anything a normal cat can do. Please let this kitten live.Janine Fronc (Roxboro, 2021-07-17)
I sign because I have years of experience with blind cats, and I also have a blind cat. They are very, very happy - there is no reason to end Kelly's life. Thank you for your consideration.Fiona Dudley (Weaverville, 2021-07-17)
There is so much evidence that blind cats have a VERY GOOD quality of life and lead happy lives - their other senses compensating. Thos cat also has a permanent loving home to go to! Would you put down a person wirh no eyesight? No! So why this cat?Helen Peavitt (London, 2021-07-17)
Jag har en katt som är döv och hon lever ett så lyckligt liv. om någon är redo och villig att ta med den här lilla till sitt hem borde de inte nekas rättenLaura Clark (Tennessee, 2021-07-17)
I have a blind cat for the second time in my life. I raised both from kittenhood. Blind cats are just as affectionate,playful and happy as any other. I also volunteer at Cats Haven, a special needs cat shelter in Indianapolis where we have several blind cats. They too are happy in their lives.Lisa McDavid (Indianapolis, 2021-07-17)
Kelly måste få leva!Suzanne Nystedt (Ingarö, 2021-07-17)
Please do not euthanize this poor cat. It will grow to live long and happy. There are many people out there with blind cats who are living completely content.Mari Valenzuela (Albuquerque , 2021-07-17)
Why not let the kitten live if someone is willing to take care of her?Petri Hietikko (Vaasa, 2021-07-17)
Jag tecknar för min hörselskadade katt. hon lever ett underbart liv och är så glad. Jag vill att alla skyddshus ska ges den möjlighetenVictoria Salosky (Tennessee, 2021-07-17)
Please save this sweet girl! She deserves to live and go to a family that will love herKacey J (Hartford, 2021-07-17)