Avskaffa den kränkande benämningen "Taiwan, provins i Kina"



I am not chinese.
I am Taiwanese.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is not part of China.

(PINGTONG, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is no doubt an independent country.

(Taipei City, 2018-03-11)


We are Taiwan Republic of China, not Taiwan Province in China

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is a great country not a part of China

(Taiwan, 2018-03-11)


Please don't view Taiwan as part of China! Taiwan and China are different.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Fuck u China.
Taiwan is a independent country.

(Chunghua, 2018-03-11)


We therefore appeal to the Swedish authorities to abolish the use in Sweden of the offensive term "Taiwan, province of China".

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


European are much more focusing on Mid-Asia because there is wars. They can ignore Far East because this is a modern war. A war without blooding, based on social media, government.
Why? China knows if there is a blooding war, all west countries will join and help Taiwan. If no one dead, then all of west countries are silent.

(Essen, 2018-03-11)


Plz I’m don’t want be a China’s people

(New Taipei City , 2018-03-11)



(高雄市, 2018-03-11)


I am very proud of my motherland "Taiwan",which is a democracy and open-minded "country" of Aisa.
I am a Taiwanese , not Chinese.Why are you can acquiescence, even help those greed and rich rogue obliterate or annex a country, just because the benefits which we can give you are fewer than them?

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-11)


We are Taiwan

(Taoyuan , 2018-03-11)


I'm from TAIWAN, not China. TAIWAN is a country, please respect us. Thanks

(TAIPEI, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is not China!

(Tokyo, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is Taiwan on its own. Neither a province nor a part of China.

(Melbourne, 2018-03-11)


I'm Taiwanese
Taiwan is my country.

(Taichong, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is my country. I come from Taiwan. I say I am a Taiwanese instead of Chinese. My country should be named correctly.

(新竹市, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is Taiwan.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is not China! Please correct the right name of our country.
By A woman who are born and live in Taiwan.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is NOT part of China.
Taiwan is a democracy country , people in Taiwan refuse to rule by tyranny.
Please mind our opinion !

(Taichung, 2018-03-11)


We are NOT part of China !!!

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan definitely not belongs to China, which empire Xi lives in.

(Taipei, Taiwan, 2018-03-11)


I care about my country. I care about any country which treat by this way. Be a human. Think with your heart. This world will be better.

(Chiayi, 2018-03-11)


We are not a province of china.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)



(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is not China

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)



(Miaoli, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is a country, not a part of China!

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-11)