Låt blinda kattungen Kelly få leva



Many blind cats live life to the fullest here in the U.S. Just look at the Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary in North Carolina. Or read the story of Homer, the blind wondercat in "Homer's Odyssey." Just as with humans, blindness does not lessen the value of the blind individual's life, and should not be a death sentence.

Lisa James (Livermore, 2021-07-16)


Att vara blind är inget man ska avlivas för man kan ha ett jätte bra liv för de!

Linnéa Forsén (Fritsla, 2021-07-16)


Finns gott om blinda katter hos folk och lever underbara liv, och lever som en huskatt ska, bara med lite mer tanke bakom när man tar sig an en.

Linnéa Lind (Katrineholm, 2021-07-16)


Kelly har engagerat människor i hela Sverige. Hon mår bra och kan få ett värdigt liv. Det finns ingen grund till att inte låta henne leva. Att vara blind ska inte innebära att någon fråntas rätten till att leva

Camilla Sievert (Stockholm, 2021-07-16)


Tycker detta är fruktansvärt av myndigheterna, då hon kan leva ett bra liv. Hon verkar må jättebra trots sitt handikapp och kan få ett jättebra liv i ett kärleksfullt hem. Det är hon verkligen värd! Stoppa detta vansinne NU!!!!!!

Kerstin Ludvigsson (Ängelholm, 2021-07-16)


Det är sjukt att avliva en katt bara för att den är blind.
Katten är ung, och kan anpassa sig till ett liv utan syn!
Det som verkligen behöver avlivas är länsstyrelsens undermåliga, rigida, förlegade och funkofobiska regler som dikterar liv och död för djur med fullt överlevbart funktionshinder!
Skall länsstyrelsen få lov att leka 1984- moralpolis, och komma hem till alla som har ett djur med blindhet, och ta dem ifrån ägaren för avlivning? NEJ, absolut inte!
Låt blinda djur som har en chans att anpassa sig till ett fullt fungerande liv få leva, och lägg er energi på annat istället!

Elin Sejderuna (Kristianstad , 2021-07-16)


Låt en frisk katt leva

Catrin Halvarsson (Hägersten , 2021-07-16)


I have a blind cat called Antonia. She’s amazing and she doesn’t know she’s blind. She enjoys every single day and has fun! Her favorite play to game is fetch. She brings me her little mouse so that I can throw it for her for hours. Please let Kelly live! Blind cats are amazing!

Cindy Malnasi (Basel, 2021-07-16)


Har erfarenhet av att blinda katter lever ett lika bra liv som andra katter. Att de fungerar fint både inomhus och som utekatter, då de använder sig av sina andra sinnen.

Cath Jonsson Granlund (Torsby , 2021-07-16)


Katten lider inte det minsta, väl i hull och en busig liten kattunge.

Mikaela Beijer (Helsingborg , 2021-07-16)


Please don't kill this sweet angel she can live a wonderful life

Kathryn Rigsby (Duluth, 2021-07-16)


I sign because this is terribly, horribly wrong! This sweet little kitten deserves to grow up and live her life to the fullest.

I had a blind cat for many years. She was a beautiful soul and adapted very easily to everything in her world.

We would find her on the counter, sleeping in a kettle some times. She had no fear and no hesitation to do whatever she wanted.

She navigated our large house just fine, and knew where all the furniture was. She knew exactly where to jump to get onto things.

One of her favorite things was to go outside and roam the yard. She loved to lie in the grass and bask in the sun.

Letting this kitten live is NOT cruel. Killing her when she is a happy, joy-filled creature is the cruel part! Would you do this to a human baby?

Brian Anderson (CHARLES CITY, 2021-07-16)


@BlindSadieDeadlegs is the best thing that ever happened to me. She was abandoned outside at age six, no one came to claim her at the SPCA where I worked. In the past four years she has made me smile so much and inspired me with her courageous, inquisitive nature. She knew how to go up and down stairs, she knew how to use a litterbox, she knew how to jump onto furniture - she lives a beautiful life.

Marisa Robins (Ontario, 2021-07-16)


Alla katter har rätt till ett liv! Herregud om detta vore en människa! Avliva INTE !!!

Madeleine Nilsson (Vikbolandet, 2021-07-16)


Blind animals can live a very normal, happy and healthy life. Don’t kill her. Let her go live her life with her forever home.

Katherine Wright (United States , 2021-07-16)


This is deplorable. I have two blind cats. Blind cats are not something to be discarded like trash! Shame on you!!! Do you discard blind people in your country???

Tati Romeo (Duluth, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats can live happy lives. Let Kelly live!

Karen Feeney (WINSTON SALEM, 2021-07-16)


Självklart ska alla få en chans att leva, blind eller seende.

Lena Sundqvist (Boden, 2021-07-16)


Jag undertecknar för att avliva funktionshindrade djur påminner mig om ett mörkt avsnitt i mitt hemland. Okej, då var det handikappade vars liv ansågs "inte värt att leva", men är det inte samma sak med djur? Efter att ha blivit van vid det hittar en blind katt sin väg lika bra som en synad och blind katt är lekfull, gosig och tycker om livet! snälla döda inte lilla Kelly!

Sandra Donato (Malente, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats live perfectly lovely lives indoors with a loving family taking care of their every need. Please do not take the life of this little one, who already has a home and love waiting for her.

Valerie Ranne (SACRAMENTO, 2021-07-16)


I sign because our blind cat Melody gets around like any of our sighted cats. She has not suffered a day of her life since coming into our care. We got her as a tiny kitten smaller than little Kelly and 7/16/2021 will be her 8th birthday! Blind kitties can lead fulfilling lives and also enrich the lives of those humans lucky enough to have them as a part of their family. We have also had blind foster cats who have gone on to be adopted into loving homes and are living wonderful lives. Good luck Kelly- you deserve to have a chance to show your love and be loved! <3

Christine Penyak (Wind Gap, 2021-07-16)


Do not euthanize this kitten!

Jennifer Plummer (California, 2021-07-16)


I am writing this to save the life of a blind cat. Back in January of this year my 13 year old cat who was blind from birth passed away. She was a darling and was smart, funny, happy, She knew her way around the house very well and even caught a moth when it came in the house. She loved her family so much and we loved her. Please do not take away this little kitty's life or her privilege to be happy and well cared for. She can get along fine. To begrudge her life would be absolutely cruel!

Sharyn Dooley (Wallingford, 2021-07-16)


Please do not extinguish the life for a disability. Sight is not required to feel love. Especially with animals that do not feel sorry for themselves as humans do. Let the prepared family take Kelly home and share a loving life.

Catherine Rustenbeck (Henderson, 2021-07-16)


Please dont kill. They adapt and play and use litter box and move about just fine. We have places here for blind plus I had a blind cat from stroke and he did same as others and sang to his toys as before.

Robin Meeks (Illinois, 2021-07-16)


I have two blind kitties currently who are living their best life, the same as my kitties who can see. It would be both cruel and unnecessary to end this kitten’s life simply because she is blind. She simply needs to be kept as an indoor kitty. Y the way, one of my blind kitties is also deaf and he is living a happy and fulfilled life.

Sara Reynolds (North Carolina, 2021-07-16)


I have two blind cats and they lead beautiful lives. Both adapted so well that you would think they could see. They enjoy their quality of life and are capable of happiness, and are at peace. They can be litter box trained and can easily find food and water. They memorized where furniture is and can climb on and off ealsily. They enjoy relationships with my other pets and are a beautiful part of my family.

Parker Addy (florida, 2021-07-16)


Save that blind kitten and let her be adopted. She will know she's loved and have a happy life, blind or not.

Larry Johnson (POMONA, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats, as well as blind people, can have happy, fulfilling lives. Please let this cat go to the home that is waiting for him.

Erika Trowell (Arizona, 2021-07-16)


Helt oetiskt, omänskligt, orimligt att ta någons liv pga ett handikapp. Avlivas människor pga av samma saker?
Nej utan blir överöst med insatser från instanser för att leva sitt liv så ”normalt” som möjligt, erbjuds synoperationer, assistenter, handikappanpassat boende, jobb, aktiviteter. Och mycket mycket mer.
Hur kan ett liv vara mer värt än nån annans?
Att ett djur är enligt lagen en ägodel är över mitt förstånd; de lever, de drömmer, de ger så otroligt mycket kärlek till oss människor.
Vår art är inte mera värd än en annan i allmänhet och i att fatta så korkade beslut om sakfrågan synnerhet.
Usch vad jag skäms!!!
Åtgärd: placera kattungen hos människor som har de kvaliteter och möjligheter till att anpassa livet för kattungen utifrån hennes/hans förutsättningar.
Det är verkligen skrämmande att vi betraktas som jordens mest intelligenta djur- tvivelaktigt.
Jag hoppas ni skäms lika mycket som jag att vara människa. Det borde ni.

Samira Gavanlooi (Gävle, 2021-07-16)


Please let this kitten live, she will adapt to life without sight and I understand she already has someone who will foster her.

Tricia Bunal (VT, 2021-07-16)


Jag skriver på för att jag tycker inte att man skall ta livet av en katt bara för att den är blind. Katter utan syn klarar sig bra ändå och kan orientera sig när de är omhändertagna av bra människor som ser till deras bästa. De har andra sinnen än synen som de använder sig av, t.ex. sitt väl utvecklade luktsinne. Den här katten är glad och nöjd trots att hon är blind, hon leker och har roligt och älskar livet. Det finns troligen många människor därute som är beredda att ta sig an denna lilla katt om de får chansen. Bortsett från att hon förlorat synen så är Kelly frisk och mår bra. Man avlivar inte en frisk katt tycker jag.

Eva Lundqvist (Varby, 2021-07-16)


Most animals can readily adapt to a disability, such as blindness.

Kristen Jones (PA, 2021-07-16)


Avlivar ni blinda människor också? Om katten får stöd och hjälp som den behöver genom livet varför då döda den?

Linda Nordlander (Sörberge, 2021-07-16)


Man kan leva ett normalt liv även om man är blind!!!

Ewa Löfström (Byford , 2021-07-16)


This little kitty deserves a full life with loving parents, no matter his disability. Please be compassionate and save him!

Michelle Urban (WILMINGTON, 2021-07-16)


What an absolute joy blind kittens and cats are. When they loose their sight the other senses take over. After awhile you would never know they are blind.

Amy Davenport (183 S Culver Lawrenceville, Ga, 2021-07-16)


I am the founder and president of a cat rescue in North Carolina. Each year, we have almost half a dozen or sometimes more blind cats. As long as the cat is indoor only, the blind cat will be fine. Every blind cat we have adopted out is living a happy, healthy life. I have fostered blind cats for our rescue and they are like every other cat out there - they just can't see. I am beyond appalled at the local Swedish government regarding this matter. I am almost speechless that the local Swedish government considers letting a blind cat live cruel. Does Sweden promote killing blind people? No? Well, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENT. There is nothing wrong with a blind cat except they can't see, just like there is nothing wrong with a blind person except they have no vision.

Tia Hagnas (9194131070, 2021-07-16)


Please let Kelly live!!! She will have wonderful life with her new family. Blind cats live rich, fulfilling lives!!!

Reese Sanders (Victoria, 2021-07-16)


Jag avskyr avliva oskyldig frisk djur.

Gerd Tollerud (Stockholm, 2021-07-16)


Kelly har lika stor rätt att leva som alla andra levande varelser. Vi tar inte livet av människor för de är blinda. Kelly kan få ett fullständigt och bra liv trots att hon är blind!!!

Johanna Creütz (Jönköping , 2021-07-16)


Blind kittens can grow up to be happy healthy cats. They adjust well to being inside the home. They learn where their food, water, and litter box is. They still play and climb.

Kristin Gray (Concord, NC, 2021-07-16)


Blind kittens live marvelous lives. Mine does all the usual things that cats do with little difficulty.

christine clairmont (New jersey, 2021-07-16)


I have a blind kitty. She leads a great life. Please don't kill this sweet girl !

Tony Dillard (North Carolina, 2021-07-16)


I have a blind cat. He does very well. I have had him 9 years. Blind cats are amazing and act like cats with vision. Please let this cat be adopted into the living home and be with people who love him.

Diana Thorne (South Carolina , 2021-07-16)


Safe this kitty ..... safe ALL cats/kittens

Joan Martin (Hamilton, ONT, 2021-07-16)


I can't read your language and this oage is not translating, but I'm told that there is a blind kitten who needs saving from euthanasia. There is no reason to kill this cat. I have a cat that zi caught at work when she was about 8 weeks old. She had been dumped because of her blindness. She is the most loving and affectionate cat I have ever owned. Cats adapt extremely well to blindness. Her hearing is magnificent, she comes when she is called, every time. She can get pretty much everywhere my other cats can get to, she climbs instead of jumps, she navigates obstacles easily, I'm not the tidiest person. She has access to outside in a cat run and comes and goes as she pleases with no difficulty. Please do not kill this cat, he/she will turn out to be a miracle cat, you wondered know they are blind, I promise you.

Shelley Hall (Perth, 2021-07-16)


Klart hon ska leva! Finns inget hinder för blinda (eller döva) katter att leva ett fullgott liv under rätt omständigheter, som de Kelly har. Skärpning!

Chantal Kronberg Pusnik (Fleninge , 2021-07-16)


Save this furbaby! Blind cats can have an awesome life. Read Homer the Blind Cat’s book to learn how great it can be.

Carrie Raines (SC, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats can have wonderful lives. They function just as well as sighted cats. It is barbaric to kill a cat simply for this disability especially when it has a home lined up.

Morgan Larson (NJ, 2021-07-16)


I had a blind kitty when I was younger. There wasn't anything she couldn't do. She didn't know she was missing her sight. Her other senses sharpened and she was just as active and well adjusted as my sighted cat. You wouldn't think of putting to death a blind child, would you?

Dotty Perry (Dedham, 2021-07-16)


Please let this kitten live with a loving family. I volunteer at a cat shelter in Wisco sin USA and blind cats and kittens can live very good , happy and normal lives. It is cruel to kill an animal that can live a full happy life.

Kimberly Calgaro (Wisconsin, 2021-07-16)


Please please please DO NOT end that cats life. As a veterinary professional, I can assure you that blind cats not only live, but thrive. I’ve seen many blind cats in my profession, and not one of them has done poorly!!

Rachel Zeleny (Illinois, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats typically are still very happy. They continue to enjoy and remain engaged in life and the world around them—including their human companions.
Cats do not need to see you to love you. Please let the kitten by with a human who loves them.

Candice Mueller (4735 Deckow Lane, Las Vegas NV, 2021-07-16)


Jag vet av erfarenhet att en blind katt får ett lika underbart liv som en seende. Min Tilly levde som blind i många år och var faktiskt både ute och innekatt. Han föddes blind.

Heidi Lihavainen (Jönköping, 2021-07-16)


As a veterinarian, I've had patients who are blind. I've also had a personal cat who was blind. All of these cats do well and there's no reason to euthanize a healthy, blind cat. The idea that it's cruel to let them live is totally outdated and needs to be overturned.

Kathleen Kimber (San Anselmo, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats DESERVE to live! I have a blind cat and she says happy and normal as my sighted cats. They DO NOT suffer and should NOT be euthanized. Please give this little one chance. He already has a loving home to go to a d people to live him. LET HIM LIVE!

Katherine Hilton (Maryland, 2021-07-16)


För att alla djur förtjänar ett liv!!

Maria Löwerud (Viskafors, 2021-07-16)


Kelly har rätt att leva precis som blinda människor har

Annika Lindkvist (Västerhaninge, 2021-07-16)


I had a blind cat and she was as happy as the sight seeing cats, she could do the things that they did. She never let her blindness interfere with her everyday life. Blind cats are usually loving cats.

Jeanne Boatwright (Cairo, 2021-07-16)


Please let the blind kitten live. I have a 12 year old cat that was born without eyes. She lives in peace with my other cats. She gets around great, she can tell when a window is open and will sit in it and enjoy the breeze and hear the birds.

Julette Strahm (Pa, 2021-07-16)


I adopted a blind cat and she lives a very full life! She's mentally mapped out the whole house, she can find her litter box, she jumps safely on and off chairs, and she plays well with the other cats in our home. She is very sweet and loves to cuddle. Blind cats lead normal lives like any other sighted cat, they deserve a chance.

Samantha Masley (Charleston, 2021-07-16)


If you believe that a cat can't live a full life when blind, what about people. Are they not worthy of life. This at has a loving home waiting, please don't deny him and them their life together.

Elizabeth Falkenthal (Georgia, 2021-07-16)


I own a blind cat. She's happy, thriving, playful and the center of our world.

Jennifer Martin (Washington , 2021-07-16)


Please don't kill this kitten. I have known many blind cats that have a full and wonderful life.

Trish Doscher (Cloverdale, 2021-07-16)


Please give this baby a chance to live. Felines and humans are more alike than different. There is quality of life for the blind. Please do not murder this baby.

Carol Thomad (Maryland , 2021-07-16)


I meet many blind cats and I know they can have a happy life. This little kitty has a family waiting for her to love her and take care of her. It is cruel to denied the chance to live a happy life to this little kitty. Please let her live and be happy 😿

Romina Gutierrez (Hawaii, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats can live a full life, no different than sighted cats. A blind cat is just as deserving a life as a blind person. All you have to do is Google and you'll find plenty of evidence of that.

Meagan Butler (Iron River, 2021-07-16)


You wouldn't do this to a human baby, and there are plenty of blind kittens and cats who are thriving - Blind Cat Sanctuary in North Carolina, Oskar the Blind Cat was an Internet sensation. SHAME ON YOU!!!

Anita Harris (Cary, 2021-07-16)


Kelly already has a rescue and a permanent ready to take her. People and animals with disabilities have much to offer the world. It's completely UNNECESSARY to euthanize a perfectly healthy kitten! She isn't sick and beyond saving!!

Linda Campbell (Mississippi , 2021-07-16)


Blind cats can live a very fulfilling life. Do not put her to sleep. That is what would be cruel.

Roger Bunting (Wichita, 2021-07-16)


I have a blind kitty. They do very well.

Karen Smith (15 Yanchep Close Kewarra Beach , 2021-07-16)


Det finns ett liv oavsett funktionsnedsättning.
Om katten hade varit apatisk och inte levnadsglad hade jag förstått beslutet.
Detta beslut som har tagits...alltså...idioti.
Om en människa lider...så får den inte avsluta sitt liv. När ett djur inte lider (för de anpassar sig vid skador) och är levnadsglada....DÅ minsann avlivar vi hit och dit.

Margareta Boström (Rödeby, 2021-07-16)


Ogrundad generell diskriminering av blinda djur. Ologiskt grymt och felaktigt beslut att hon ska avlivas. Man måste se på saken päls individ nivå i Så fall.. Och denna kisse VILL verkligen leva, och .KAN leva ett rikt lyckligt kattliv i rätt - och dessutom väntande hushåll/med rätt person.

Anna Lovén (Luleå , 2021-07-16)


Being blind does not equal death. Lots of people and animals are visually impaired and live happy lives!

Jaimie Spriggs (Bathurst, 2021-07-16)


Would you kill a human baby just because it was blind? I bet not..... She will be just fine and live a very happy life, even without sight.

Lillian Blair (Saint Albans, 2021-07-16)


I have a blind cat that is 9 years old. I have had her since she was 6 months old. She has been blind since she was a couple of months old. She lives a great life and adapts to everything. Our terrace is closed in just for her for her safety. She runs, jumps, plays, catches insects and we walk outside with her on a leash. She is fearless and rules the house and our other cats. We travel with her and she does just fine. Her life is just as good as any of our other cats'. A blind cat uses other senses to compensate for the lost sight. Killing Kelly would be criminal; it would be murder. She has every right to life and a loving family. This situation begs the question: Are blind humans considered useless and not worthy of life as well in Sweden?

Rowan Marques (Aljezur, 2021-07-16)


Djur har samma rättigheter som människor.

Cathrine Josefsson (Långsele , 2021-07-16)


Låt Kelly få LEVA vidare, katter klarar sig bra fast dem är blinda.

Marika Larsson (Uppsala, 2021-07-16)


Let this beautiful kitty live. Blind cats can live a functional life, just like any cat.

Lisa Brazzon (Pennsylvania , 2021-07-16)


Who and what gives you the right to terminate anything just because it can’t see. This is beyond backward thinking and I find it absolutely disgusting. Who makes the policy as I don’t know how you can look at yourself without seeing disgust.

Steven Swanson (52 Thimblehall drive , 2021-07-16)


Blind cats… and dogs… (and people) can live happy lives when provided with love and care! There are FAR too many examples to justify this backward thinking that they should be euthanized! Please listen to the masses who already know this and let this kitty be adopted!

Sandra Heilman (Arizona, 2021-07-16)


I have two cats born without eyes- they have amazing lives and you would never know they are blind

Carrie Barron (NH, 2021-07-16)


This baby can have a full, productive life and must not die!!

Melinda Edens (Vista, 2021-07-16)


Blind kittens deserve to live and grow up to leave happy lives. This kitten has a family who wants her and to bring happiness into their home by taking her in. Why not allow her and this family to so?

Maichel Schur (Pennsylvania , 2021-07-16)


I have a newly blind cat. She is doing beautifully! You would never know that she is blind. She is happy, health and brings so much joy. Please don't deprive this kitty of a life,

Chris Bibby (Lunenburg, 2021-07-16)


Jag skriver under detta för att protestera mot den hjärtlösa och antihumanistiska husdjurpolitik som paragrafryttarna på Länsstyrelsen bedriver. .

Fredric Carlsson (LINKÖPING, 2021-07-16)


Seriously??? How could you be so heartless

Pleshette McGrady (New york, 2021-07-16)


Blind kittens like people have a right to live and can have full enjoyable lives

Crystal Sheldon (Ca, 2021-07-16)


That so wrong very animals had a right to live and a blind kitten 🐈‍⬛ can do OK

Angie Woodrow (NSW, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats can thrive! Please save this baby!

Catherine LeMar (TX, 2021-07-16)


The real cruelty would be killing a living creature just for being blind. Blind animals can have great quality of life and there's no reason not to allow this kitten the same chance.

Tiffany Schenck (Minneapolis, 2021-07-16)


Blind animals are wonderful companions. They should be saved and protected. I grew up with a blind and deaf dog and he was amazing. Please let this cat live.

Alyssa Briggs (Las Vegas, NV, 2021-07-16)


All blind animals do just fine, I had a blind dog that was able to run off the leash and fetch by sound. My family cat went blind when I was a child his life was no more dimished than when he had sight. He move around fine, ate, played and was as loving as always.

Castiel Hess (Pennsylvania , 2021-07-16)


Tycker det är onödigt att avliva en katt när det verkligen inte behövs..en katt kan klara sig även om den är blind
Låt katten få komma till ett kärleksfullt hem

Camilla Johnsen (Östersund, 2021-07-16)


Alla har rätt till ett liv oavsett om man ör blind eller har nån defekt. Vi avlivar ju inte människor …varför då djur som kan få ett drägligt liv.

Christina Eriksson (Stockholm, 2021-07-16)