Låt blinda kattungen Kelly få leva



Jag tycker att Kelly verkar klara sig bra och har ett hem som tar emot henne så låt henne leva.

Maria Bystedt (Kåge, 2021-07-15)


Alla katter ha rätt att leva vilken sjukdom dem än har

Mathias Johansson (Nävlinge , 2021-07-15)


Klart katten ska få leva. Det ska inte en myndighet få bestämma över.

Marcus Nyberg (Alingsås, 2021-07-15)


Sånt maktmissbruk måste stoppas!

Cecilia Stare (Knislinge , 2021-07-15)


Finns inget problem med att hon är blind. Hon kommer dessutom att ha utmärkt hörsel! Kommer kunna leva som vanligt ❤

Sophie Jeansson (Karlskrona , 2021-07-15)


Det är absurt hur okunniga och empatilösa anställda det finns hos Länsstyrelsen! En liten katt som njuter av livet trots sitt handikapp ska väl självklart få leva - speciellt som hon kommer att få ett hem som är anpassat för hennes förutsättningar! Skärpning för h-e! De borde utreda alla vidriga fall av svår misskötsel och vanvård av djur istället för att ge sig på en liten varelse som har rätt till sitt enda liv!

Inger Månström (Alingsås, 2021-07-15)


Man kan/ska inte avliva friska djur!!!!

Annabelle Pfriem (Katrineholm, 2021-07-15)


Jag anser att Kelly har rätt till att få leva ett lyckligt liv. Hon är levande, och att avsluta ett liv när hon mår bra och har möjlighet till ett långt och lyckligt liv är inte tillåtet överhuvudtaget i mina ögon. Det är bara djurplågeri om man avslutar hennes liv. Låt henne få leva!

Evelina Henriksson (Hällestad , 2021-07-15)


Självklart ska Kelly få leva.
Hon har redan anpassat sig till att vara blind så varför ska vi människor bestämma vilket liv som är värt att leva eller inte.

Inger Lönn (Ljungby, 2021-07-15)


LS som alltid, förstör djurs liv , vilket dom verkar vara bäst på!

Jenny Sjöstrand (Ödåkra , 2021-07-15)


Jag har haft en blind katt som levde ett mycket rikt liv som innekatt och blev 21 år. Han kunde huset utan och innan, det var aldrig några problem. När vi lekte använde vi nos och öron.

Anna Mikkonen (Fagersta, 2021-07-15)


En blind katts liv är lika mycket värt som en seende.

Eva Svensson (Stockholm, 2021-07-15)


Katten ska LEVA ! Den klarar sej alldeles utmärkt den är pigg och frisk

Carina Eriksson (Jönköping , 2021-07-15)


För att det är rätt sak att göra

Hannah Inghamn (Kumla, 2021-07-15)


Alla djur har en rätt att få leva tills det starkt har bevisats att djuret lider

Anna Karlsson (Svalöv, 2021-07-15)


I'm the "mom" of Homer the Blind Cat, subject of the internationally bestselling memoir "Homer's Odyssey." I raised Homer from the time he was a blind kitten of three weeks old until he passed away at the age of nearly 17, having lived a long life filled with love, happiness, and adventure. Homer saved my life the time he chased an intruder from my apartment in the middle of the night. (True story!) He inspired millions of readers with his courage, his loyalty, and his joy for living. His story was published in more than 30 languages around the world, and because of him shelters all over the U.S. have since changed their policies about immediately euthanizing blind cats and kittens simply because they're blind. I know to a moral certainty that a blind cat can live a life that's every bit as good, as secure, and as filled with happiness as any sighted cat. I know this is true because I have lived this truth. For Homer's sake, I ask that you give Kelly the same chance at a good life that Homer "the Blind Wonder Cat" was lucky enough to have.

Gwen Cooper (New York, NY, 2021-07-15)


Alla djur förtjänar en chans

Alva Lundqvist (Stockholm, 2021-07-15)


Det är helt galet att avliva ett djur, med ett handikapp som det går att leva med.

Samtidigt så tillåts andra att hålla liv i djur med hjälp av värkmedicin.
Ett djur förstår inte att smärtan bara är dold, utan tror att den kan göra allt den tidigare kunnat. Troligen med ökad smärta som följd.
Så fungerar det för människor, så varför skulle det vara annorlunda för djur.

Marie Jörhorn (STORA VIKA, 2021-07-15)


en frisk katt med livsglädje ska få leva med sin nya familj..punkt!!

Angèlica Berntsson (Avesta , 2021-07-15)


Alla katter är värda rn chans till ett bra liv. Man ser att Kelly har sådan livsgnista och att hon skall avlivas är HELT SJUKT. Förstår inte alls hur man tänker där, det är så empatilöst. Rädda Kelly ❤️

Elin Persson (Luleå, 2021-07-15)


Jag tycker det är så onödigt att avliva ett djur bara för att den är blind , låt katten leva vidare och ta inte den från det hem där den får kärlek , ett blint djur har lika rätt att leva som en blind människa , så låt katten vara

Emma Mattsson (Östhammar, 2021-07-15)


Kellys liv är värt att leva trots att hon är blind. Värsta jag hört!!

Julia Zamola (Göteborg , 2021-07-15)


Länsstyrelsen agerar maktfullkomligt igen och har inte djurindividens bästa för ögonen.

Ann-louise Carlsson (mariestad, 2021-07-15)


I sign because it is cruel to end a life just because of blindness!! Kelly is a healthy, happy cat with a forever family waiting to welcome her into their home and lives!

Nancy Biker (Minnesota , 2021-07-15)


I sign because I have a blind cat that is the best cat I have ever owned. She has a great quality of life, and is one of the happiest cats I have seen

David Hoover (MONROE, 2021-07-15)


Denna söta lilla kattunge inte verkar lida ett dugg av att vara blind, såg ut som vilken kattunge som helst på videon jag såg, ayndes inta ett ens att hon är blind.

Anna-karin Arnbom (Märsta , 2021-07-15)


I am supporting this petition because the Board is completely wrong. I adopted a cat that has been blind since birth and he is an amazing, sweet, curious cat who plays with toys and his cat-siblings daily. It's obvious to anyone who meets him that he loves his life and doesn't realize that he is any different than every other cat. This decision is made based on poor assumptions and abelist prejudices. Kelly should be allowed to be adopted and to live out life in peace and comfort rather than allowing obviously unknowledgeable bureaucrats make literal life and death decisions.

Jared Munster (Pembroke Pines, 2021-07-15)


Snälla ... Blinda katter kan och har lyckliga och långa liv. Låt Kelly få sitt liv med ett omsorgsfullt hem. Erbjud henne till svenska (eller andra) kattälskare. Hon kommer att adopteras. Det är inte grymt att tillåta liv. Igen tack. Kärlek till Kelly från England

lyndon redpath (Thetford, 2021-07-15)


Givetvis ska en frisk kattunge få leva

Anette Wikberger (Värmdö, 2021-07-15)


I had a blind cat for 16 years. Blindness, at best, is a minor disability if the cat is kept indoors only. When I brought her home it took her no time to locate her food and litter box. She navigated the entire home in just a few days and hardly any time at all to find all the sunny spots for napping. I had some stairs blocked off at first and then bought a little staircase attachment that helps a cat to go up and down steps. I even had a small staircase to enable her to get up/down from my bed where she liked to sleep at night. Please allow Kelly the opportunity to have a loving, forever home. It would be cruel to end its life to a minor sense loss when all of Kelly's other senses will allow her to thrive.

Christina Stockton (MOSS BEACH, 2021-07-15)


Jag skriver under pga att Lilla Kelly måsta få leva. En blind katt har ett lika mycket värde som vilken annan katt eller ett djur har. Hon kommer att bli en fin katt när hon får bra matte, husse och kanske även kattkompisar. Låt henne leva. Mörda inte någon.



Do you people kill blind CHILDREN???? Using your logic here you must! HOW could a blind child possibly have a good life???? Blind cats can live FABULOUS lives! I had a blind kitten and he jumped on the furniture, played with my other cats, chased toys that had bells in them, found his food, water and litter box with NO issues. He was the happiest boy. If you didn't know he was blind you'd not have likely guessed it watching him. Let Kelly live a good life with someone who already loves her! MJRDERING her because she can't see is the cruel thing. You must not have any kind of goodness in your hearts. HOW does it hurt YOU to let this precious kitten live??? Taking her away from all she knows and tossing her in a stable alone is cruel! YOU are cruel! The entire world is watching this. What you do will color how millions view Sweden. Do the right thing and let this kitten go to the family that wants and loves her! Or know that the entire world will HATE Sweden for its cruelty and stupidity.

Chris Apling (Oak Harbor, WA, 2021-07-15)


Det är inte rimligt att avliva ett djur som har ett funktionshinder som dom är uppväxta med, djur eller människa lär sig och anpassar sig efter situationen. Andra sinnen stärks och man fungerar väldigt bra.

Tina N. Jönsson (Höör, 2021-07-15)


I sign because I fostered a kitten born without eyes. She only "suffered" from an overabundance of cute and determination. I have fostered over 500 kittens and she had absolutely no issues adjusting to life. She went on to be adopted by a friend and lived in a two story house with four cats and three dogs and she rules them all. She climbs the cat trees, she plays with her feline and canine companions and loves chasing after crinkled up paper. Most people who met her questioned if she was even blind because of how well she navigates her world. I know many kittens who have had to have their eyes removed because of illness and they have no issues. Just spend some time with this kitten. And stop protecting your morals on his life.

Connie Smith (Grantham, 2021-07-15)


This little girl can have a long and happy life even if she can't see. Cats are wonderful at adapting and she will be fine.

Charlotte Gomez (Virginia Beach, 2021-07-15)


Jag tycker det är vansinne att Länsstyrelsen lägger ner tid och resurser på detta ärende . Ta itu med de ärenden som är akuta istället och där djur faktiskt lider.

Jessica Ljung (Helsingborg, 2021-07-15)


Avliva katter för avvikelser som tex blindhet, är ännu ett bevis på katters låga värde och status i vårt samhälle. 😾
Självklart ska en blind katt få leva och ha rätt till ett kärleksfullt liv, med kel, lek och bus. 😻😻😻

Petra Söndergaard (STOCKHOLM , 2021-07-15)


Like blind people, cats can be very happy too. And it is cruel to give them not a Chance. Give her to the foster Parents, wait some months and then go there and see what a happy live the cat will have.
Give her a Chance.

Sylvia Heimes (Nettetal, 2021-07-15)


For you guys to think it would be cruel why don't we kill all the blind people to... have you not heard that when u losse one sense ur other one become superhuman.... this little guy could become the best smelling cat in the world and it will be ur fault if he never gets to see his potential! Plz do the right thing and let him live a life full of love and happiness ❤ I bag you

Shania Pelletier (4039668792, 2021-07-15)


I sign because my experience fostering animals as well as working and volunteering in our animal shelter has shown me that blind cats show all the signs of enjoying life and love, just as do sighted cats.

Dorothy Brown (Los Alamos, 2021-07-16)


To kill a healthy cat that just happens to be blind is beyond cruel. This kitten has adapted well already and will continue to adapt to her environment. I have had a blind cat. If I hadn't told people he was blind, they would not have known. He knew every inch of my house and had a wonderful life. Think about what you are doing here - killing a healthy cat because YOU think she would not adapt. Let the vet keep her. I thought your country was more compassionate than my own, this makes me rethink that. This kitten deserves to live her life. As someone who has lived with a blind cat I feel I can say with complete certainty that she will do well. Let Kelly live.

Laura Hutton (Naperville, IL, 2021-07-16)


There is nothing wrong with this kitty! He deserves the life he can live!

Lisa Flint (Florida , 2021-07-16)


Cats who can't see can live full and exciting lives - sight is of secondary importance to a cat. Please do the right thing and allow Kelly to live that full and exciting life.

Barbara Damp (Geraldton, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats deserve to live. I had a blind cat for 10 years. His name was Louie. He was a normal cat. He had a great life. We adored him.

Sherrie Narusis (Dallas , 2021-07-16)


It isn't cruel to let blind kittens grow up!! They can do pretty much the same things seeing cats can do. They adapt and live very healthy lives. Killing them is cruel.

Michelle Freer (Ontario, 2021-07-16)


Det är tydligt att Kelly inte lider av sitt handikapp. På filmklippet där hon leker med en boll så skulle man inte kunna tro att hon är blind, då hon rör sig och leker som vilken annan katt som helst.

Isak Häggblom (Skara, 2021-07-16)


I sign because I have had the wonderful experience of living with a blind cat for the last 4 years. Cheddar surprises me everyday with all the amazing things he can do.

Jennifer A Rausch (LEVITTOWN, 2021-07-16)


Please let Kelly live! Blind cats can have excellent quality of life and that is what it is all about. A living creature has a right to the life they have. I did not know much about blind cats but have been exposed to many now on Facebook and on the book about Homer the blind Cat by Gwen Cooper. There are also numerous pages on Facebook with blind cats who are loving life:
Thor & his seeing eye cat Nyla
Oskar athe blind cat & Klaus
Champy Pants
Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary
These are just a few of the pages. Please check them out. Kelly is enjoying her life and has a home to keep her happy, loved, and well cared for. I beg you to let her live her life to the fullest. Don’t make the mistake of attributing human qualities to a cat who loves life. She deserves to have her life.

CJ Wolfington (Michigan, 2021-07-16)


I am horrified that you are refusing to give a blind kitten a chance to live a happy and healthy life, especially when there is a home waiting for her. That isn't the attitude I expect in Sweden!

Robin Millward (Maine, 2021-07-16)


I have fostered over 15 blind cats and they all did very well without their sight! They have great quality of life and don’t even know they have a disability.

Currently I have one of my own blind cats, Rico, and he is the happiest cat I’ve ever had. He has no trouble getting around and knows where everything in the house is, especially his food and litterbox, and also the best places to nap.

Most of my blind cats learn to go up and down stairs all by themselves with no problem, and don’t even know they are blind! They play with all the same toys as the other cats. If he did have eyes, most people probably would not know he’s blind.

My blind cat Rico loved to climb cat trees and even ladders! He’s a very loving and brave explorer and he has just as good of a quality of life as all other cats.

Megan Trap (Raleigh, 2021-07-16)


I have owned blind animals that get along fine and have a good quality of life.

Virginia Drewes (Yorba Linda, 2021-07-16)



Rose-Marie Svantesson (Borås , 2021-07-16)


Just as a human who is blind can love and enjoy life, so can a blind cat!! They quickly learn their surroundings and in many cases are often mistaken for being able to see. Their natural abilities like keen balance allow them to overcome the challenge of missing just one of their senses. Please do not take the life of a little one who has so much love to give and receive. All of God’s creatures deserve a chance at life and happiness.

Maria Bohager (Florida , 2021-07-16)


She is beautiful. Don't kill her because you think she won't have a good life, because SHE WILL. animals adapt far easier than humans. Imagine if your life was on the line for the same reason!

Kassie Mahoney (North Adams, 2021-07-16)


To put a cat to sleep that is blind is ultimate animal cruelty. What would you kill someone's baby because they are blind? NO! This cat has a home waiting for her so what is your problem!? Just let her live!!

Sarah Kendall (Bedford, 2021-07-16)


Dags att stoppa länsstyrelsens idioti!

Emma Holmberg (Hofors, 2021-07-16)


Please give her a chance at a loving life. Blindness can be overcome and she can lead a beautiful life!



1) Homer Blind Wondercat---read the book; 2) Oskar the blind cat; 3) Blind Cat Rescue;; Libby, blind cat of a friend who runs a no-kill shelter & Libby gets around just fine. Your decision to euthanize (murder) this kitten is ridiculous. Will you also advocate killing any blind humans because they are "suffering"? Who was it promoted such things in the past? Oh, yes! The Nazis! Stop this insanity NOW!

Brian Hartig (Kew Gardens, 2021-07-16)


Jag tycker att det är fruktansvärt att en liten levnadsglad kattunge skall avlivas för att hon är blind, det är så fel och skamligt att det får gå till så! Skäms på er..

Catharina Svensson (örby , 2021-07-16)


Please don't euthanize this kitten. There are plenty of blind cats that adapt to a loving home. They typically bond very well with their caretaker and learn to navigate very well, particularly in a smaller home.

Phil Metzger (Wentzville, Missouri, 2021-07-16)


I can attest that blind kitties, young and older, once they get used to their home, act and play as if they were sighted. They are truly amazing and I think they could teach humans so much. Please do not consider euthanizing this Kitty, it would be cruel to do so!

Monica M Barnett (Pleasant Valley NY, 2021-07-16)


I am signing this because kittens who are blind adapt wonderfully to life without their eyes! Because sight is not a cat’s greatest sense, cats can live happily and healthily by using their other senses to navigate their world. This kitten is not suffering and should NOT be euthanized because of her blindness! There is already a living home waiting for her, AND a veterinarian who is familiar with this cat and her case. I urge you to allow this kitten to live with the family who has prepared for her and will love her. She will receive love, care, and play! Please let Kelly LIVE!!! Do not kill her! Killing her would be in humane and unnecessary. She can live a full live while being blind. I have worked with and followed many blind cats in real life as well as social media. They are all well adjusted, and live a wonderful, happy life. Please allow Kelly to have that same opportunity!

Cori Robertson (Eastman, GA, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats deserve life, too! They bring joy and love to everyone. They're no different from other cats except for sight, and can and do live healthy, happy lives. Don't end her life just because she cannot see.

Jeanne Nix (Reno, 2021-07-16)


My own 12 year old blind cat, Opal, whom I raised from a kitten, does not seem to find her life unpleasant. She lounges in sunbeams, plays with toys, and cuddles with my other cats. She has no trouble with stairs or jumping on the furniture. If someone wishes to adopt this blind cat, let them!

Amanda Mefford (Kentucky, 2021-07-16)


Please do not euthanize this kitty merely because she is blind. Would you kill a human because they are blind? I had a cat that went blind after a stroke and she ruled the house! If she has an adopter willing to take her and give her a living home, knowing she us blind, why would you deprive this kitty at a chance of a long and happy life? Blind pets can do just fine in a home as long as the owners know how to accommodate them. Don't be so heartless.

Jean Vancura (Illinois, 2021-07-16)


Blind cats live happy lives when adopted by loving people. A friend was sleeping and was awakened by an intruder in her apartment. Her blind cat was in bed with her and scared the intruder away by jumping toward him. My friend could have been killed if her blind cat had not been there to take action. If you end Kelly's life and do not allow her to be adopted, you would prevent her from saving a human in the future.

Amy Reynolds (Marietta, GA, 2021-07-16)


Vi har två blinda katter, Barnabas och Olivia. De är en absolut glädje !! När vi adopterade vår första blinda kattunge, Barney, bestämde vi oss för att han behövde en vän. Så vi kontaktade räddningen där vi adopterade honom och frågade vilken kattunge han hade varit närmast. De berättade för oss att Olivia var hans närmaste vän. Så vi adopterade henne också! De är fantastiska katter! De springer runt i vårt hus och spelar hela tiden. De är oerhört glada och lever väldigt fulla liv. Det tog dem inte alls lång tid att anpassa sig till vårt hem. Det finns tillfällen när jag glömmer att de är blinda. De är glada och njuter av sina liv! Vi är så välsignade att ha dem som en del av vår familj.

Lisa Belk (Holly Springs, 2021-07-16)


Absurt att avsluta ett liv bara för att katten är blind! Det finns hem till henne som är redo att ta hand om henne utifrån de behov hon har. Skärpning!!!

Carina Molin (Lund, 2021-07-16)


För man ska absolut inte avliva hur som helst. Fy

Anna Öhman (Piteå, 2021-07-16)


A blind cat especially in a home just utilizes their other senses more and live VERY happy lives.

allan kenny (Woss, 2021-07-16)


Please give this baby a chance to live it’s life. Blind cats know no different & can live a living normal adjusted life, you have a home waiting for this sweet baby, so please let the babe live!

Laura Reid
Ontario Canada ❤️

Laura Reid (Ontario , 2021-07-16)