Avskaffa den kränkande benämningen "Taiwan, provins i Kina"



Taiwan is not China!

(Madison, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina!

(Tainan, 2018-03-11)


l am Taiwan people not China .

(Taipei , 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is not China.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is Taiwan.

(New Taipei City, 2018-03-11)



(New Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Remove the offensive term "Taiwan, Province in China"

The Swedish Tax Office recently changed its country lists, renaming Taiwan from its official name "Republic of China (Taiwan)" to "Taiwan, Province in China". This is described as a purely administrative measure, to harmonize name standards in Sweden to the international standard ISO 3166.

· What is not mentioned, however, is that this international standard has been forced on Taiwan against its will, although Taiwan has sued to try to get this name altered.

· What is not mentioned either is that this international standard is based on naming practice defined by the United Nations, of which the People's Republic of China is a member, while Taiwan is denied membership, due to pressure from China.

· What is not mentioned is that this offensive naming practice is ONLY directed against Taiwan. It is not part of any consistent or logical ISO naming policy. Hong Kong and Macao are listed in ISO 3166 as "Hong Kong" and "Macao" respectively, despite the fact that they are de facto admininstratively within the current jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China. The same holds for the Åland Islands, Greenland, New Caledonia, Bahamas, the Faroe Islands, Bermuda and many other territories which are listed under their own name despite the fact that they are not independent. It is ONLY Taiwan that is forced to carry the addition "province of China".

· What is not mentioned is that the only reason for this offensive naming practice for Taiwan used by ISO 1366 and the United Nations is China's strategy of marginalizing Taiwan and reducing its international status until no-one notices or cares when it is annexed by the People's Republic of China. China makes no secret of its ambitions of annexing Taiwan.

· What is not mentioned is that the change in naming practice is offensive to a majority of Taiwanese, including Taiwanese citizens resident in Sweden, who will be expected to indicate as their nationality "Taiwan, Province in China", despite the fact that this is a violation of their identity and does not correspond to the nationality stated in their passports.

· What is not mentioned is that the use of the name "Taiwan, Province of China" may cause official mail to Swedish citizens living in Taiwan to be misdirected and lost.

The Swedish authorities take this "administrative measure" without any regard for what the consequences may be for affected individuals, directly or indirectly serving the interests of the People's Republic of China. The same People's Republic which did not hesitate to kidnap a Swedish citizen in Thailand. The same People's Republic which responded to belated Swedish protests by referring to Sweden as a "laughing-stock". Let us not make ourselves any illusions that this contributes to Sweden's moral standing. It is not this kind of appeasement which makes us particularly proud of our country or of our authorities.

Taiwan's cause is our cause. Taiwan is similar to Sweden in many ways, a small country, a progressive and well-functioning democracy. Taiwan is one of the freest societies in Asia, but is constantly under threat from the People's Republic of China across the Taiwan Strait. All Taiwan is asking for is what we take for granted: to be left in peace to preserve their democracy and develop their society according to what is best for the people of the island.

It is high time for Sweden and the West to stand up for this brave little nation which is defiantly defending its democracy and its right of self-determination. It is time for Sweden to make a stance for, not against, democracy, even in East Asia.

We should ask ourselves: who will stand up for us when our turn comes? We should ask ourselves: do we want to be remembered by posterity as those who stood up for Taiwan when it was necessary, or those who willingly collaborated with a superpower for the sake of market shares?

Sweden is perhaps in no position to actively help Taiwan at the moment. But the very least we can do is, once and for all, to refrain from actively taking part in the international bullying of Taiwan and Taiwanese nationals which is conducted, with ever increasing intensity, by China and Chinese interests across the globe.

We therefore appeal to the Swedish authorities to abolish the use in Sweden of the offensive term "Taiwan, province of China".

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is a country, not a province of China.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)



(Taiwan, 2018-03-11)


I’m proud of being the Taiwanese.
This’s my home. Please don’t remove it. Thank you.

(Taipei , 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is not a part from China.

(TAIPEI, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is Taiwan

(Taichung, 2018-03-11)


I am signing because Taiwan is Taiwan, we are not belong to China.

(Taichung, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is Taiwan. Taiwan isn’t one of China. NEVER!!!!

(Taichung , 2018-03-11)


I'm a Taiwanese, not a Chinese! Respect Taiwanese's choice!

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


I am a Taiwanese, and I am very care about Taiwan's Future.

(New Taipei city, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan tillhör inte Kina.
Taiwan tillhör taiwanesiska.

( Kaohsiung, 2018-03-11)


We still don’t want to be a part of China considering its political environment right now.

(Tainan, 2018-03-11)



(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-11)


We DO care about our country.

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


R.O.C. is a colonial government in Taiwan !
I'm Taiwanese, I stand for Taiwan's independence !

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan does not belong to China.

(New Taipei city, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is Taiwan

(新北市, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan does not belong to China

(Kaohsiung, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is Taiwan, not China!!!

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


We are Taiwanese, not Chinese!!!!

(Taipei, 2018-03-11)


Republic of China in Taiwan

(Taoyuan, 2018-03-11)



(Changhua, 2018-03-11)


We are Taiwanese,not Chinese

(Chiayi, 2018-03-11)


We are not a province in China!!! We have different policies and culture from China for a long time. Sweden is a developed country, shouldn’t make a mistake like this.

(Taichung, 2018-03-11)


Jeremy Teng

(Taiwan, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is a nation not a PROVINCE of CHINA.

(Hsinchu, 2018-03-11)


Taiwan is NOT a province of China!!
Taiwan is Taiwan!!

(Taichung city, 2018-03-11)