Safe Highyard Sleddogs


After years of experience with flatcoat retrievers, in which we have bred, trained and competed, we ended up in Sweden. We went to Sweden every summer for three years and then took the big step and emigrated in 2005. Now 19 years later we still live in the same house, which is truly our home. It is where our heart lies and where we have built everything but also overcome so much. All our memories!

We got our first two huskies in 2008. Zorra and Zelda! Two husky sisters. A big, beautiful new adventure was waiting for us that we didn't know about at the time. The inspiration of this beautiful dogs grew in our hearts! We started Highyard Sleddogs in 2009. We grew to today 28 husky dogs. Our pack now consists of huskies, almost all of whom were born and raised here. Of which 3 dogs are retired and can still enjoy their last years with us. 
We receive hunderds guests every year, both summer and winter. We are fully booked earlier and earlier in the seaons.  

Since 2011, a Danish has had a holiday home in the village. He is there briefly about 3 times a year. In 2023, he filed complaints with the local authority due to noise pollution. The local authority is not transparent in their investigation into this towards us and has decided that we can only keep 5 dogs. Länsstyrelsen carries out the inspections, which is a higher authority than the municipality. We have a permit for 36 dogs. Everything looks neat and meets the requirements. All permanent neighbors are happy that we are here and contribute to life in this valley where there is already so little. They already gived their signature for permission! 
The entire valley/environment knows about this and everyone finds it bizarre and thinks we should continue to exist. If the huskies made noise all day long, we would understand, but it is a very quiet pack that you only hear when an activity starts or when feeding. We contribute to tourism in the area. However, the community does not want to do anything with this. There is now a letter of objection that is send Länstyrelsen. They make the final decision. 

That is why we are launching a signature campaign to take matters into our own hands. It is our life's work. The dogs are our job but above all our best friend! Our life. 
We hope that you will contribute by signing to save our dogs and that we can continue and phase out on a human/animal level. 

The dogs are our life, our greatest friend. They were born and raised here and live outside as a pack. If we are not allowed to continue, this means that they will all have to get an injection, which we would like to prevent with great sadness.

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