Vote of no confidence

In recent weeks, the student union has made decisions that are against the bylaws without allowing the members to participate. According to the bylaws, decisions must be made during annual meetings where all members have the opportunity to vote, but the current student union has chosen to ignore that.

We believe that this is not acceptable and therefore want to request an extra general meeting to carry out a vote of no confidence and vote whether the student union should remain or not.


If you sign this invitation, it is important that you enter your student ID (found on your JU card).


By signing this petition, you are helping to influence how the student union governs the school. Should we really let them stay when it is clear that they do not represent the interests of the students?

Skriv på denna namninsamling

Genom att skriva på godkänner jag att Annie Åkerberg kan se all information jag lämnar i detta formulär.

Vi offentliggör inte denna information på nätet.

Vi offentliggör inte denna information på nätet.

Jag godkänner att informationen som jag anger på det här formuläret behandlas i följande syften:

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