BRING HIM TO SWEDEN, here is a deal. We are many fans that live in
Sweden and we would love HIM to come over here
and make a gig. On my HIM fans pag, called H.I.M.
Addicted, there are also many people from Norway,
Danmark & even from other countries, that would
love to see HIM live. My H.I.M. Addicted, fan page,
has today 1435 members. Here is the link to my fan
page and it´s
growing every single day. Beside that, I have account
on Twitter as Gothica Depp Valo (my nickname) and
all my posts are about promoting HIM, that was a
reason for me to oppen that account. Even on my own
wall on FB is
everything about promoting HIM and to spread this
love for their music & lyrics. I am very active even on
Heartagram Sweden - Official Street Team, here is
the link It would be awesome if you guys would check out the
page I dedicated to you H.I.M. Addicted. Our love will never die, neither our support for such a great band as HIM.
Many years without you and your fantastic music & lyrics, are behind us, so I hope that you know how exciting it is
for us to know that new album is on it´s way and I am not the only one who ordered whole packet from Metal Hammer.
I hope that this petition will help us fans to bring HIM to Sweden and I also hope that HIM will realize how much they
mean to us. Heartagram Hugs & Razorblade Kisses with hope to see you this year in Sweden.
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